《Possession》Chapter Five
Lunar's POV
I woke up wrapped tightly between Mr. Hayes and Mr. Lincoln, still naked from the night before. I squirmed, trying to get free. This only caused Mr. Lincoln to mumble drowsily, "If you keep squirming like that, you're going to make something else wake up."
My face burned instantly, his hand sinking between my thighs and pulling me tightly against his body, his face nuzzling into my neck as he nibbled my collarbone, "I-I-I really need to get back h-home."
"You're an adult," He mumbled through my flesh, purring contently, "You don't need to go anywhere."
The vibration of his voice tingled my skin as Mr. Hayes stretched next to us, turning to face us with a sleepy grin on his lips, "Arguing again, are we?"
"I-I'm not arguing," I tried not to pout, "I-I'm being good."
"You're arguing right now, Little One," He teased with a playful roll of his eyes. He was just as relaxed as Mr. Lincoln.
"I-I am n---," I shut up as he chuckled at my catching myself, realizing he was doing this on purpose, "I'm not stupid."
He caught my tongue as soon as I stuck it out at him, "I think somebody's getting an attitude. Can't have that, can we?"
"No, we cannot," Mr. Lincoln bit down on my neck, a weak groan escaping the back of my throat as he sat me up, holding my wrists behind my back, "I guess we'll have to teach him to behave."
Mr. Hayes took control of my mouth by shoving his tongue between my teeth and kissing me, replacing Mr. Lincoln's hands with his own. After a few minutes, silk rope was wrapped around my wrists, then tied around my thighs, keeping my legs open as they pulled from me. The kissing was a trick and test to distract me. How cruel.
"You're getting pretty good at that, Ryker," Mr. Hayes chuckled as I struggled with the rope, failing at freedom. I was very vulnerable in this state, and it was incredibly embarrassing, my cheeks burning as he continued to speak, "I'll cook us some breakfast, do as you wish."
My eyes widened as he exited the room, Mr. Lincoln smirked down at me as he grabbed my jaw, forcing my attention back to him, "My turn to fill that pretty little mouth, Pet."
He opened my mouth, shoving his shaft down my throat and holding the back of my head by my hair. I choked from the force but settled after a moment, my calming down earning his hips to thrust so he fucked himself down my throat. My cheeks burned badly, his grip tightening on my hair as I looked at him. His hips moved harder and faster at our eye contact, I could feel drool swelling up and dripping down my chin, only striving for him to go rougher down my throat as he groaned down at me, "F-Fuck."
I could feel his shaft throbbing in my mouth as he pulled away from my face, grabbing the back of my head tighter, "I'm untying you and you better bend over."
He quickly untied me, throwing the rope onto the floor and out of the way. I froze where I sat, trembling. My throat locked up and I couldn't speak as I slowly turned over, hiding in one of the pillows. My shaking grew worse as his hands yanked my hips closer to his, prepping us both.
...M-Mr. Hayes? Elysium, why can't I say it out loud.
My nails dug into the pillow I gripped tight. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I was petrified as Mr. Lincoln rubbed himself against me. My brain was screaming but everything was on an off-switch. My eyes shut so tight my vision grew spots.
...Please, don't.
I froze further as he kissed my thighs, nibbling them before leaning over me, "I'm not going to do that, Pet."
My trembling continued as I kept hiding my face, my voice sounded so inaudible and broken, "...I-I want to go home."
He fell quiet as he stood up, I could hear him exit the room which caused me to quickly get up and pull my clothes on. This place was nothing be terror, fear, petrification.
Home, home, home.
I could hear both him and Mr. Hayes speaking in the kitchen as I quietly ran down the stairs and out the door. I just kept running, I didn't stop. Tears ran down my face, my legs burning as I just kept running and running and running. I didn't stop for the cars that honked or slammed on their brakes, the people calling for me to slow down or stop, or even the ringtone of my parents calling. I just kept running.
I sank to the ground outside Mathis' house, weakly knocking on the door as I panted hoarsely. I was ready to hurl. Mathis answered moments later, dropping in front of me. She had never seen me cry before, "L-Lunar, what's wrong?"
My sobs broke out as I hugged her so tight she gasped from her lungs being crushed, "I-I can't go back there."
Lunar's POV
Two weeks had passed, and Mathis wouldn't leave my side whenever we left our homes. I was thankful, I didn't want to leave the house alone. I refused to go back to the Company, and I couldn't tell my parents so she'd help me sneak out of the house and we'd just hang out at the park while I'd call in and say I was sick.
The feeling of being watched never left every time we left the house. It grew worse every day and was the reason I grew afraid of leaving the house on my own. I wish I knew where the feeling was coming from, or, even better, that it'd fuck off.
"I-I have questions," Mathis finally breathed out, looking at me with worry after taking her eyes from her shoes. Her tone was a plea, filled with fear at not knowing things.
I swallowed tensely, knowing what she meant by that, and turning from her...I couldn't look her in the eyes answering these questions as I whispered, "Y-You may ask them, Mat."
"Why don't you eat in front of me?" She hesitated, making my throat tighten, "I've always noticed, Lune...I've known you since we were kids, and not once have I seen you eat."
"I-I don't like food. It's gross. It's fattening. I-I don't like the taste, the smell, the texture, the look, any of it. Every time I see any of it my stomach locks up and I get sick until I hurl..." I mumbled after moments of silence, tightening my hands into fists as I nibbled my bottom lip. I wiped my cheeks with my wrist, taking weak breaths as I tried to not panic at just this topic alone, "E-Even now I just want to throw up and it's just because of talking about food. It feels like the very thought of f-food will make me gain weight and get me fat and I'm terrified."
She hugged me tight from behind, releasing me as I turned around to look at her, "I-I-I wanted to tell you b-but... I didn't want to lose my best friend. I-I didn't want to be alone. You love food, I was afraid if I told you you'd leave me for food."
"Y-You idiot," She laughed, wiping her cheeks as amusement filled her voice, "I'm not going to leave you just because you have an eating disorder. I'm not that big of a dick. You're stuck with me."
I flinched at the term "eating disorder," I hated those words together...even though I knew they were true. She went to her next question, "Why did you come to me and not your parents that day?"
I looked down at my shoes, "...I-I don't want to disappoint them. You know what happened... I can't tell them I'm gay... Dad would be pissed. Ma would be forced to shun me... I can't do that to her..."
My fists tightened, my nails digging into my skin and drawing blood, "The shame is private, I-I can't make it public."
"Lune, your parents love you. They're not going to be that way with you," She rested her hands on my shoulders, lifting my chin so I was looking at her, "Besides, I'm your mother, too! Even if they ditch you I'll adopt you. Yep, I can picture it now. We'll even photoshop your baby pictures so I'm holding you!"
I laughed at her weirdness, wiping my cheeks with a shake of my head towards her antics, "What you are is my bitch."
"I am not a female dog," She punched my shoulder as she laughed, "You're such an asshole! Let me have this moment!"
"I have one, thank you," I retorted, running backward as she reached to smack my ass, "Ah, ah, ah! It is mine!"
"Come here, You Little Shit!" She screeched, drawing a few eyes on us. Some of those people just laughed and moved on, we were known for our stupidity, it was nothing new.
"Never!" I hollered, not letting her near me. I wasn't going to let her beat me up.
She chased me around until she got tired, leaning on her knees and holding up her finger, "I-I need a minute...I-I'm tired...Y-Your death will come momentarily..."
I laughed as I stepped a bit closer to her, watching her carefully. She took that opportunity to tackle me, wrestling me as we tumbled down a hill, our bodies rolling towards a pond.
"You idiot, this is your fault!" I cackled, splashing her as she splashed back. We panted, looking at each other. All our chaos had successfully drained us from "killing each other."
"How come we never tried kissing?" She finally asked her third question, so much honesty, and bluntness in her voice as I just stared at her, "I know you're gay but how do you know for sure?"
I shrugged, laughing, and pointing at her awkwardly, "I-I don't know. I-I just don't have an attraction to...ya know."
She splashed more water at me, her mouth gaping, "You don't have to like titties to like girls!"
"Fine, you want me to kiss you? I'll kiss you!" I facepalmed, clenching my jaw, and taking a deep breath. I smashed my lips against hers, grabbing her face before pulling my face from hers. We stood frozen and wide-eyed, "U-Um... D-Didn't think I-I'd do it. Are you wearing Mango chapstick?"
She smacked me as hard as she could, a very late reaction as I fell back under the water, coming up holding my cheek, "I WAS KIDDING ABOUT KISSING, YOU ASSHOLE!!"
Huffing out of the water, she kicked sand at me. This only made me laugh because I knew she was trying to be mad, "You're kind of cute when you're mad."
I could see the smile fighting to escape her lips as she folded her arms at me, refusing to turn her face towards me as she glanced at me.
"I mean, I can definitely say I'm gay, now," I chuckled with a shrug, stepping out of the pond and tearing off my shirt, draining it before whipping her with it, "You've got soft lips by the way."
I dodged as she tried to smack me again, tackling her and pinning her wrists above her head, "Nice try!"
"Jokes on you, pinning is my kink!" She stuck her tongue out, giggling as I let go of her, watching as I took a seat next to her
"Too much information," I laughed before standing back up and mumbling very quietly, "B-But same, though."
"What was that?" She stood up quickly, running in front of me before I could blink, "Repeat what you just said!"
"'Too much information?'" I cocked a grin at her, an innocent tilt of my head, "Repeat that?"
"After that!"
I smirked at her, "Whatever do you mean?"
"You vanilla ass! You did not!" She huffed. This was it, the beginning of her millions of questions. I dug my grave.
I picked up my shirt, smiling as I began to walk away, "I didn't what? I have no idea what you mean, Matty. I'm sweet and innocent."
"INNOCENT MY ASS! WHO PINNED YOU?" She practically shrieked, knowing damnwell yelling would draw all eyes on me and humiliate me.
I covered her mouth so fast, laughing, "Don't yell it for the world!"
"Tell me!!" She whispered in a hissing manner, practically jumping up and down like a child over candy, "Did they pop your cherry? Was it good? Was it bad? Were they big or small? Tall? Short? Muscular? Thin? Chubby? Blonde? Brunette? Blue-eyed? Green-eyed? Hazel eyed? Brown-eyed? Come on! You've got to tell me! I'm your best friendddd!"
I facepalmed, cackling as I went back to walking, "You're ridiculous! I'm not telling you shit! Especially while you're acting like a child!"
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!" She exclaimed, making me freeze up and turn, my eyes narrowed as she danced, "Yeah, that's right! I have secrets, too!"
"Fuck, fine! You first, though." I gave in, causing her to jump up and down while clapping her hands in glee.
"Come, come! I'll get us a milkshake," With a sigh, I followed her to get a milkshake. She only got milkshakes when things were important, so I hated to ruin these moments. I sat at the table outside, my leg bouncing with nerves as I realized how strong the feeling of being watched was. Mathis popped into the seat in front of me, slamming a strawberry milkshake between us with two straws and getting excited as she breathed, "It was with Kyle Louis."
"YOU DIDN'T!" I yelled, wide-eyed and in disbelief, "He was an asshole to you!"
"I know, but he was hot in bed," She squealed, stomping her feet on the ground like a kid, "Ya know how we always joked about his size? Well, we were so wrong!"
I scrunched my face at that detail, pretending to gag, "Des-gust-ang! Tell me more!"
Giggling, she kept talking, "We did it in his dad's Man-Cave, it was so weird! Like, we went in there just to steal condoms, but we couldn't wait. If you turn on a blacklight you can see our cum stains on his football carpet!!"
"Gross!" I laughed while cringing at the imagery, "How did that shit even happen?"
"It was that homecoming dance. The one you couldn't go to because you were sick."
She fell to the ground laughing from knocking her chair back, hugging her stomach as she pointed at my face, "Your face!!"
"Spill it! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I huffed, it took a lot of willpower to not stand over her and get ready to pummel her. This bitch really kept this from me? How dare!
"Because I knew if I told you in high school, you'd kick his ass!" She teased, getting back into her seat as she took a sip from the milkshake, "I couldn't let you kill him! Then after we graduated, we both had to focus on jobs so our parents wouldn't kill us, so I forgot about it. Alright, your turn! Spill the beans! Give me the tea, sis!"
I buried my face in my hands, my voice muffled and humiliated, "Madam Elysium, I'm embarrassed. Can I type it? I can't say it out loud, I'm not as confident as you are!"
She shoved a napkin and pen at me, "You can write it! Quickly! I can make out the shitty handwriting just write, damnit!"
I rubbed my face, taking the napkin and laughing at her as she bounced up and down.
I didn't get laid. I sucked their shafts and one of them tied me up. They kept biting and choking me. Both fucked my throat really hard. One of them even came down my throat while the other made me cum on the sheets. It was so embarrassing but exhilarating!
Shoving the napkin at her, I covered my face, my face was burning. She stood up within moments, "TWO?!"
"Shut up!" I panicked, chortling, and pleading with her to sit down as I glanced at a few people that raised brows, "Sit the fuck down, Mat! It's not a big deal!"
"Big?," She winked at me, making me cover my face all over again as I nodded, her body leaning forward with anticipation, "You've got to tell me who!"
I shook my head quickly, muffling out with a whine, "No, I can't!"
"I told you who I did it with!" She pleaded, "Pleassssseeeee?!"
"FUCK! Fine, but you can't yell or jump out of your chair! You have to stay still and keep your mouth shut" I laughed in defeat, putting my head against the table and groaning loudly. She did a scout's honor, pretending to zip her lips shut while pinkie promising me. With a sigh, I looked at her and quickly whispered, "Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Hayes."
Her eyes went wide, covering her mouth to contain her squealing, uncovering for a moment to whisper, "!"
I took a drink of the milkshake, holding back the gag in the back of my throat and forcing the liquid down my throat as I pointed at her sternly, "I am not a slut!"
"Then why are you so blushy, hm?" She smirked, poking my cheeks. Her eyebrows wiggled as she poked them and giggled at the fire in my face growing hotter.
"I'm not!" I laughed, trying to make the burning sensation on my face go away, my arms folding over my chest.
"You so are!" She giggled teasingly before getting serious, "How come you didn't get any?"
My laughing stopped, my body growing quiet and fidgety. My teeth nibbled on my tongue and gums as I fumbled with the milkshake.
"Were they bad at it? Were they too big? Was the room ugly? I hear that can be a real mood killer," She scrunched her face as she spoke, but then got silent, her voice almost a whisper, "...Did you panic...?"
I looked at my hands, staying quiet. She stood up, took my hand, and dragged me into an alley, taking us both away from bystanders. Taking us where if we could be in private because she could tell I was about to cry.
"I-I-I ran so fast, Mat. I-I couldn't stop...I-I just kept running and running until I-I reached your place. I-I'm damaged, M. Th-They're rich and powerful. Y-You should've seen their house! The place is a fucking Castle!" I whimpered, my knees buckling under my weight as my hands trembled and shook against my face. I curled into a tight ball, sobbing as she hugged me, "I-I'm a Rat. A-A broken little rat. You heard what that Bitch called us and she's right! You saw how they dressed compared to us. My mother freaked when she found out where the interview was held, we're embarrassments."
She hugged me tighter, rocking me. She didn't speak, I could tell she didn't know what to say but I didn't care. I was just grateful to finely speak my mind, I was so tired of hiding what was in my head. She finally whispered, backing up and sitting in front of me, "Pl-Please, tell me who did it. You've never given me a name. Please, give me a name."
"I-I can't," My voice shattered, knowing she wanted an answer to things I'd told her years ago, "I-I can't. Please, don't make me say, Mathis. I-I know you'll go after him if I tell."
A swallow released from her throat, as she investigated her lap. I could see the answer form in her eyes before the courage to say it danced to her lips, "...I-It was my brother, wasn't it?"
My silence told her my truths, making her punch the trash can next to where she sat, "I-I knew I should have protected you...I-I shouldn't have let Mom take him to babysit you..."
I hugged her so tight, afraid she'd hurt herself, "D-Don't do that, Mathis. D-Don't blame yourself! It's nobody's fault."
Her arms tightened as she embraced me back, silence filling the air for a few minutes. Dabbing her cheeks, she sat back, smiling weakly, "Fuck being sad, let's get back to being idiots."
"Did we ever stop?" My retort made us both chortle as we stood up. I pulled her into a tight hug, "Thank you, Matty...for being my best friend."
She punched my shoulder, wiping my face, "Slutty Putty."
She ran before I could grab her and give her a noogie, making me grab the milkshake, "Yeah, you better run! This milkshake is going down your shirt for that comment!"
"YOU BETTER NOT!" She ordered, wide-eyed as I started coming towards her. She squealed as I started chasing her, "Lunar Moon, put that fucking milkshake down! I will kick your ass! I will give you a wedgy! I will sacrifice you to the Gods! I will eat your soul! Fear me, You Buffoon!"
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