《Possession》Chapter Three


Lunar's POV

Hands clasped around my throat, the air getting tight within my lungs. Other hands shoved everything off a desk, my body was forced onto its stomach and replaced those items.

My jeans felt tight but were yanked off, a shiver coursing through my flesh as a gasp escaped my lips and encased the silence of the air. A shaft caressed my back entrance, another came in front of my face as my mouth was forced open.

"You're ours," A voice rang, hands gripping my hips tight and leaving marks.

I tumbled off the bed, yelping and regretting turning over in my sleep even though I didn't even know I was doing such an action. A groan weakly left my throat as my watch went off, "F-Fuck."

Getting up I got dressed for work, praying that my morning wood would go away. Heading into the bathroom I brushed my teeth and combed my hair before getting my shoes on and heading out the door. I tied my sweater around my waist, got in the car, and drove to work.

"Goddess Elysium, I hate mornings," I yawned, "Especially after having a rough night."

Rubbing my face, I parked the car and headed to Mr. Hayes' office, leaning my head against the wall of the elevator.

Last night I had been hanging out at Mathis' house. Her father had started a fight with me, choking me. It took everything in me to not pass out from how tight he gripped my throat.

I'll forever be grateful that Mathis risked her safety by hitting him with her plate.

Fixing my turtleneck, I stepped out of the elevator, walked into the office, and began to wipe down the shelves. Mr. Hayes hadn't arrived just yet, so I was by myself. Once I was finished with the shelves, I wiped down his desk, humming quietly to myself.

"You're early," I jumped as Mr. Lincoln came up from behind me, spinning in a 180 and looking up at him, "Nice turtleneck."

I swallowed hard as he touched it gently, holding back my flinch. It wasn't enough, though.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concern spilling through his voice as he looked at me.

Turning I went back to cleaning, "I-I'm alright, Mr. Lincoln."

The flinch escaped as he grabbed my wrist, "No, you're not."

He turned me back towards him, dropping my turtleneck right as Mr. Hayes entered the room, "Who did this?"

"It-It's nothing," I pulled away, fixing my shirt, "R-Really, I-I'm fine."


This time it was Mr. Hayes that grabbed my wrist, "Who hurt you?"

"It's nothing," I hissed back, yanking away from him, "I'm going to use the bathroom."

Pushing passed them both I ran to the restroom and locked myself in the last stall, hiding next to the toilet while burying my face into my sweater after pulling it into my lap.

Sniffing I held my head in my arms, softly crying.

Just a few minutes. That's all that's needed and then I'll get back to work.

I wiped my cheeks as I heard footsteps enter the restroom, closing my mouth tight to keep my crying quiet.

"Mr. Lunar," Mr. Hayes spoke gently at the other side of the stall door, knocking quietly, "Please, open the door and let me in."

I kept quiet, hiding back into my sweater, hugging my knees tight as I kept silently crying.

"Please," He asked, his voice cooing to try and coax me into opening the stall door.

"G-Go away," I choked out, the room was beginning to spin and my lungs were filling with the intoxication of my sobs, "I-I'm fine."

"Please, open the door, Little One," Mr.Hayes' voice had a little more force but was still delicate.

"Go the fuck away!"

"Watch your mouth," Mr. Lincoln's voice ordered but even he was concerned. I didn't care if my swearing pissed them off, everything around me was too much, and I was afraid. Afraid of being hit. Afraid of my own breath. Afraid of the ticking of the stall and the crawling of the cold creeping up my body.

"Fuck off!" I buried my face back into my sweater, my silent crying breaking into sobs as I threw my arms back over my head and hid in a ball. Arms wrapped around my body, lifting me into somebody's lap as they rocked me. My body trembled weakly as I cried, terrified last night would start all over again.

"You're alright, Little One. I've got you," Mr. Hayes whispered soothingly, his muscles were tense yet calm at the same time, like he couldn't figure out how to feel, "Nobody's going to hurt you. You're safe."

Clinging to him, I felt him pull his jacket over me, carrying me back to his office as somebody else entered the restroom. He sat down in his chair, rubbing my back as I hid in his coat, shaking as I tried to get myself to calm down.

Wiping my cheeks, I finally settled down, still clinging to him as I took deep breaths. My body continued to tremble and ache, flinching when his hand approached my face, "It's alright, I'm not going to hit you. Open your mouth."


I hid in his shoulder, shaking more as he kept rocking me, "I-I want to go h-home."

He pulled me tighter to him, caressing the back of my head, "We'll take you back to our place for the day. I don't want you driving home in your headspace."

Staying quiet I didn't bother to argue as he picked me up and carried me to the elevator. Once inside Mr. Lincoln pressed the button for the bottom floor and stood next to us both. The door opened moments later causing them both to exit and bring me outside, taking me to a 1968 black Cadillac DeVille convertible.

Mr. Hayes sat in the passenger seat pulling the seat belt over us both as Mr. Lincoln sat in the driver's side, starting the car, and pulling away from the building. After about twenty minutes the Cadillac parked in the driveway of a mansion causing me to struggle with keeping my mouth shut as I stared up at the house.

It looked like a palace of a castle. The outside was built with silver and white bricks with silver roofing. Stairs were on either end leading to a few balconies. The yard was freshly cut with a few bushes and trees. The bushes were trimmed into the shapes of animals making the garden around them look like a little zoo. Where the driveway was had a giant bush around it that had flowers wrapped around it. The flowers were in rainbow-colored order while each end had white roses, this made the bushes look like clouds holding a rainbow.

Going inside the flooring was silver marble while the walls were white with silver cloud patterns. A giant dandelion chandelier hovered above us while on the walls there were little lights that looked like the seeds of the dandelion. In the middle of the room sat a big silver table, the legs of it looked like leaves while the chairs were leather seated.

I was brought out of my distractions by Mr. Hayes and Mr. Lincoln chuckling at me, making me blush and hide back into Mr. Hayes' shoulder.

"You're alright, Mr. Lunar," Mr. Hayes chuckled, his laugh echoing through the home, "You're allowed to gawk. You're allowed to explore if you'd like."

He gently sat me onto the ground, keeping his coat around my shoulders, "Mr. Lincoln and I will be over in the kitchen."

I followed his finger as he pointed to another room, flustering up as he and Mr. Lincoln left me alone where I stood. Watching their departure, I shyly went up the spiral staircase, hugging my sweater tight as I slowly looked around. All the rooms had silver iron doors, each room being a different shade of color. After a moment I realized the rooms were in a dark rainbow pattern.

The dark red room was a game room, dark orange was the bar, dark yellow had little house plants, dark green was crafting, dark blue was a guest room, darker blue was a restroom and dark purple was another guest room.

Across from those rooms was another rainbow pattern of rooms. The other dark red room was a library, the orange was a third guest room, the yellow was another restroom, the green was a fourth guest room, both blues were offices, and the purple one was a pet room.

At the end of the area were some silver French doors with the glass fuzzy so I couldn't see inside. The frame around the doors was a dark red, almost black. Tilting my head, I went to open the doors, but they were locked. I tugged at the doors, but they wouldn't budge.

"That's off-limits, Little One," I jumped, turning to see a smirking Mr. Hayes leaning against the wall a few feet from me, "Maybe soon you'll be going in there but not currently."

He winked at me as he rolled up his sleeves, "Come with me."

Slowly, I followed him to another part of the house. On the other side, the rooms were the same with the rainbow pattern. He brought me into one of the purple rooms, it was a medical room. He lifted me onto the counter, motioning to my turtleneck, "May I?"

Hesitantly, I nodded, allowing him to slip my turtleneck off from my body, hugging my stomach. He looked at the bruises on my throat, dabbing a washcloth at the little cuts he was finding. Once he was finished, he put little band-aids on the cuts and kissed my forehead, a blush fighting to escape my cheeks, "All better, Little One."

"Wh-Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked very quietly as he turned to throw the wrappers away.

"Because you like being called that," He side-eyed me with a grin, "It's cute."

My cheeks burned as he headed for the door, "Besides, there are far worse pet names we could give you."

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