《roommates》twenty two
"Hey guys," Quinn fiddled with her fingers under the desk, Clay was sitting next to her, his arm wrapped around her waist, trying to calm her, "Uh so, we broke the internet."
The morning after Christmas, Quinn and Clay were trending, and the fandom exploded reposting the pictures they posted, and searching through every ounce of content they ever created together finding times that they looked like a couple. It was overwhelming, with both positive and negative feedback. Those who were positive gushed about their favorite streamers finally getting together, to which Clay laughed with a small "If only they knew."
The negative comments called Quinn out, wondering if Vanessa was right about them being together behind her back. It was harder for Quinn to ignore those comments.
Currently the couple was sitting in front of Quinn's computer in her apartment. Ellie had moved out, and she finally had the place to herself. It was bittersweet.
"Alright," Clay said, ready to get down to business, "We're together. You knew that. You know that. Besides the point, today we're going to be trying to beat Minecraft while only using one hand each."
"Dream, pump the brakes," Quinn laughed out a little, "I feel like you just dumped a lot on them. Let's give it some time to sink in? Maybe? Just a suggestion?"
"Why? They know," Clay motioned to the camera, to the chat, "We know," He motioned between the two of them, "What else is there to talk about?"
Quinn gave him a side smirk. He was right, but still she thought she wanted to talk to her viewers about the stuff that was happening, "I mean, we could talk about what comes next?"
This piqued his interest, "So tell me then, what comes next?" He wanted to hear what Quinn had to say.
"Well for starters, I will be posting two videos next week, because we're gonna be in New York in the middle of January, so don't be surprised if we drop off the internet for a bit," Quinn took Clay's hand under the desk, "Also, content stuff is changing, and you guys should be aware. Sap and Ellie have moved in together, so it'll be harder for me to make content with Ellie, but I can assume Dream and Sapnap content will continue."
"Duh," Clay nodded, "Just less IRL stuff, and George is moving out soon, so I will be in the house all by myself. So my videos are about to be a lot louder..." There was a devious smile on his face.
"As for us..." Quinn looked at him expectantly, "We're still trying to figure everything out. So please just be patient with us," Quinn smiled at the chat, who was as sweet as ever.
"Yes, good point. Minecraft?" Clay looked at her with puppy dog eyes. Quinn just laughed at him, before switching her tabs opening Minecraft.
"You are so impatient," she teased.
"I haven't done a challenge video like this in forever, it's been so...." Clay wanted to choose his words carefully, "busy."
Quinn ignored him, and started to explain the concept of the challenge. Basically, Quinn and Clay were going to try to beat Minecraft together, except Quinn was only going to use her left hand, and Clay was gonna use his right, and they were gonna beat the game. Was it an excuse to just hold hands for an entire Twitch stream? Yes, of course.
It was so easy to fall back into rhythm with each other. It wasn't long before Quinn was laughing too hard to function, and Clay yelled incoherent stress noises at her.
"Quinn... Fucking zombie! Move!" Clay begged, desperately wanting to unclasp his hand from hers and move the character himself. Quinn was practically doubled over in laughter, seeing how stressed he had become.
Dream was slain by a Zombie.
"Ugh," Clay groaned, "of course, of course."
"I am so sorry love," Quinn used her free hand to wipe tears from her eyes, the other squeezing Clay's under the desk.
"Yeah, yeah," Clay contemplated if it was worth starting over, "Should we go again?"
Quinn glanced at the time, she wanted to give herself enough time to get ready for Ellie's New Years Eve party, "What if we just hung out for a bit? I haven't talked to chat in a bit." Clay signed out of his Minecraft account and Quinn moved her desk chair a little closer to his. Tiki jumped on the desk and went straight into Clay's lap.
"I don't know why she loves you so much," Quinn reached out to pet the cat that was awkwardly standing on Clay's legs.
"Well... I am the... Nevermind," Clay held back a laugh.
"No no no! What were you going to say?" It was like Quinn had read his mind, and was making it her goal to embarrass him.
"Nothing! I wasn't gonna say anything!" This time it was Clay who doubled over in laughter.
"Clay, were you about to call yourself the Pussy whisperer?" As soon as it left her lips, Quinn couldn't help but to laugh herself, Clay was now wheezing, trying to regain his composure and failing miserably. Chat was spamming DREAM THE PUSSY WHISPERER.
"Oh God. Ow," Quinn was taking deep breaths, "That hurts, jeez," When she noticed the chat she almost lost it again, "That's gonna be trending on twitter! Can that even trend on twitter? Is the word pussy trendable?"
"Oh gosh, I have no idea, but God I haven't laughed like that in a while," Clay had managed to calm himself down, and Quinn smiled at him. A part of her was glad that Vanessa couldn't make him laugh like this. It was special.
"Okay, okay, we should probably go," Quinn looked again at the time, and then Clay, and then the chat. She said goodbye and ended her stream, and then second Clay was sure the camera was off, he attacked Quinn with kisses.
At first, she laughed, she was a little surprised, but she could feel something in his demeanor that made her realise this was more than him being goofy. It also didn't help that everytime his lips touched her skin, Quinn wanted to melt into her gaming chair.
"Clay.... Are you being sentimental again?" Quinn was skeptical, Clay liked meaningful kisses.
"You. Are. So. Special..." He looked up, kissing the tip of Quinn's nose and then her forehead, "Y'know that?"
"I do," Quinn nodded rather sheepishly, "But what made you come to terms with it?"
"I haven't had that much fun streaming with someone since..." Clay looked like he was trying to remember.
"Since I moved out?" Quinn offered, and Clay nodded, kissing her forehead again.
"Yeah, since then," Clay stood and stretched, Quinn following his lead, only to get caught in his embrace. And it wasn't before long that Quinn realised that she was being lifted off the ground.
"Put me down!" She demanded, holding back the giggle that rose in her throat, "Clay, I'm serious! Put me down."
"As you wish," He smirked, dropping Quinn onto her bed, her back landing against the mattress.
"Ohhh... I see," Quinn felt the heat rise in her chest, he had a look in his eye that was unmistakably dark, "C'mere then."
It took maybe .1 of a second for Clay to get on top of her. Quinn grabbed both sides of his face, feeling his arms resting against her sides, keeping himself lifted slightly. For a moment, Quinn just admired the man who was quite literally in the palm of her hands.
His skin was always so warm, he looked slightly pink from laughing so hard, and he had an almost dazed look in his eyes. Clay was so pretty. He looked so much brighter now.
Quinn remembered seeing him on Mother's Day, and even though it felt like a lifetime ago, she still could remember how out of color he looked. As if he was in black and white. But now, he was beautiful shades of tan and green and pink, being with Quinn made him brighter.
"You are so hot," Quinn put simply, before pulling him into her, and kissing him deeply. Clay sank into her, their bodies colliding with each other, only increasing the tension.
As if on instinct, Quinn's hips rolled against Clay's and she moaned into his mouth in response. It was an accident, but it was enough to make Clay pause and smirk.
"Oh?" He taunted Quinn and she could see the evil look in his eyes. This wasn't gonna end well for her.
"Don't," Quinn was a little embarrassed, and knew that he was going to exploit that. She turned her head away and shut her eyes tightly. Any ounce of confidence she had, slipped away.
"No way," Clay used his hand to tilt her face toward him again and he watched as her cheeks turned pink, "I don't want you to feel embarrassed if I turn you on baby," his voice was still dark and taunting.
Quinn could only nod.
"I just don't know whether I should praise you for it, or tell you how pathetic it is that you melted into my hands so fast," his question, although it seemed like a tease, was genuine.
Quinn considered it for a moment, swallowing thickly. She thought about what it would be like to hear him say things like good girl, but she also thought about what it would be like for him to degrade her, knowing how naturally caring he is. Quinn was torn.
"Both," She said, making up her mind. It must've been a good enough answer for Clay, because he moved off of her for a moment, before his hands were at the hem of her shirt tugging upwards.
"Well then here's how this is gonna go," after getting her shirt off, Clay motioned to the sweatpants that Quinn had on, silently asking if it was okay for him to take them off, when she nodded quickly, he didn't hesitate, "You're gonna lay there, and you're not gonna do a damn thing. Okay?"
The thought made Quinn squeeze her thighs together, but Clay put his hand on her thigh, moving it open so he could sit between her on the bed.
"I want to know how you're feeling," Clay's voice was thick and it gave Quinn butterflies, "I want you to use your words, understand?"
Quinn nodded again, she didn't trust her voice right now. However, Clay wasn't gonna take that as an answer.
"What did I just say?" He teased her, using his finger to draw patterns right above her waistband.
"Yes sir," It slipped out, she thought about using it before, but didn't expect the word 'sir' to fall right out so fast. It seemed to take Clay by surprise, but he recovered quickly.
"Atta girl."
The words went straight in between Quinn's legs and she swallowed hard.
And then, Clay was kissing her again, leaning between her legs, catching her lips in an overpowering kiss. He was completely in control. There was a method to his madness, because his lips were the only part of his body that touched her right now. Between how bare she was, and how little of him was on her, Quinn needed something.
Quinn lifted her hips again, hoping to come in contact with him, but she wasn't even off the bed before one of his hands was on her, holding her still.
"Are you that desperate?" Clay paused, sitting back, just looking at Quinn.
The look in his eyes as he looked at her, and the way he called her desperate made Quinn want to whine.
"Clay, this isn't fair," she pouted, and gasped as she felt him teasing her, drawing light circles on her underwear.
"Fair?" He lifted his hand completely, and Quinn audibly whined, "I can show you what isn't fair, darling."
Quinn regretted saying anything at all.
"Wait, no," Quinn fidgeted, she wanted him on her again.
"Sit up," he helped Quinn sit, and then pulled her onto his lap, so that she was straddling him, "Now you're gonna have to carry your own weight," he placed his hands on the inside of Quinn's thighs, his thumbs dangerously close to her waistband.
"Oh my god, please baby," Quinn didn't want to be teased right now, she couldn't handle it.
"Begging already?" Clay dropped his mouth next to Quinn's ear, "I've barely even touched you."
Quinn dropped her head into his shoulder, a lot was happening right now and she really wished that he would just get on with it, his words alone were making her fall to pieces.
"Listen, this is all fun and games, but we have a party to get ready for," Clay rolled Quinn into him, and she moaned against his skin, that felt much better than he wanted to admit.
"Please don't stop yet," Quinn said weakly, Clay moved his hands to her hips so she could help her move in a more steady rhythm.
"I won't baby, your noises are too pretty for me to stop," Clay could feel himself getting turned on, seeing the love of your life melt into your arms kinda did that to you, but this wasn't about him, "But listen."
"Yes?" Quinn's voice was a little ragged, she was finally getting the friction she wanted.
"You're mine. I know that, you know that, but I don't know who's at this party tonight, and I don't know if they know that," Clay didn't elaborate on what he was saying but instead attached his lips to Quinn's neck, sucking hard.
"Fucking hell," Quinn sighed, this couldn't be real, it felt too good.
Clay took his tongue and ran it along the already pink spot on her neck, listening to the way she writhed against him, "I want to be the only guy who can make you feel this good, without fucking you."
"You are," Quinn whined, "It's only ever been you." She needed something more.
"Whose are you?" Clay wanted to hear it out of her mouth. She looked so perfect in this moment, slightly flushed, back arched, eyes closed, bottom lip caught between her teeth, Clay took a mental image in his head.
"Yours. I'm yours, Clay," She slumped against him, "I want you, please." She was tired.
"How could I say no to you when you've been such a good girl?" Of course Clay had to comply.
"I'm gonna kill you." Quinn was staring at herself in the mirror. She had finished getting ready for Ellie's party, and Clay was standing behind her, with a smug look on his face.
Quinn tried her hardest to ignore the hickey that bloomed over the left side of her neck.
"Don't look so smug, you idiot," She turned to him and swatted at his chest, "People are gonna be taking pictures and I'm gonna look like a horny teenager in them."
"I mean, I think you look hot," Clay felt no remorse.
"Of course you do, this is your fault," Quinn tried to ignore the part of her that liked the fact that he wanted people to know she was his, "It's only fair that you share the embarrassment."
"What're you suggesting?" Clay tucked his hands into his pockets, his smirk only growing.
"Come here, pretty boy," Quinn connected her lips to Clay's neck. It was only fair that they had matching hickeys.
Clay laughed, admiring the mark on his neck, "that's fair."
The couple could feel themselves growing together. It was easy to say that they were becoming more comfortable with each other, but it seemed like so much more than that. They were becoming a single unit, falling completely in sync with each other.
When they got to Ellie and Nick's apartment, Quinn knew there was gonna be a noise complaint. There was music blasting from inside, and she could hear it all the way down the hallway.
Ellie's mouth fell open when she answered the door, "Oh my god, you guys are funny," She said, admiring their matching marks.
The inside of the apartment was now furbished, not like how Quinn remembered it when she helped them move in. There were some picture frames on the walls, a picture of Ellie, Nick,
Bruno and Dixi, the cat they picked out, on the first day they moved in. There was a picture of Quinn and Ellie dressed up for the Streamys, and there were some pictures of Nick and Ellie. It was very homey.
"Do you want something to drink?" Ellie offered to Quinn, Clay had wandered off, most likely to find Nick and George.
"Yes please," Quinn nodded, "Do you know all of these people?" The apartment wasn't packed, but it wasn't just Quinn and Ellie and the boys, like she had hoped.
"Of course, I do," Ellie nodded, "You look so different." Ellie pointed out.
"What do you mean?" Quinn took the red solo cup that Ellie offered her, and took a sip.
"You just look happier," Ellie shrugged, "Your whole essence is brighter, I love it."
Quinn smiled into her cup, "Yeah, I get that."
Just then the boys came up behind them, and Quinn greeted Nick and George.
"What's in the cup?" Clay asked and Quinn handed it to him to try.
"Freaking vampires both of you," George muttered in fake disgust, "Doesn't that hurt?" He motioned to Quinn's hickey.
"Only when he bites," She said before laughing.
"You bite?" George's mouth was agape, "Isn't that like not at all what you're supposed to do?"
Clay just shrugged in response.
It was nice to have the five of them hang out. With everything changing so quickly, it was hard for them to all be together. So this was nice. The time seemed to pass so quickly, and it was probably the fact that they had a little bit more to drink than they should've, but no one complained.
So many pictures were taken, and Quinn couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun. She was on the couch, cuddled next to Clay as they looked through the pictures together.
"I love this one," Quinn showed it to her boyfriend. It was a picture of the two of them, Clay was holding Quinn's waist and she had his face, and they were just looking at each other. Quinn could still feel the warmth in her chest from the way he looked at her. They looked so in love with each other, Ellie couldn't not take a picture.
"Ooh, send me that, please," Clay smiled, kissing her temple.
They swiped through a few more, laughing and sharing the photos between the two.
"Guys come on!" Ellie grabbed them from the couch, handing them each a small glass of champagne to drink at midnight.
"What time is it?" Clay asked Quinn, who showed her phone, 11:55, they had five minutes.
Ellie, Quinn, and Clay joined the rest of the group who were somewhere in the small crowd of people. The energy was so alive, and vibrant, the whole room seemed to be buzzing.
Soon, everyone was counting.
Quinn always thought New Years Eve was so surreal, the idea of starting another year and being consciously aware of passing time made her head spin.
She was thankful for the fact that she was here with the people she loved, but more thankful that Clay's arm was around her, helping keep her balance.
She reflected on how wild the year was. How much shit she went through, and how it all ended well.
She thought about what was going to happen in the next year, how there was no way of truly knowing what the next 365 days would hold. She hoped that it would look a lot like this.
She thought about herself. How proud she was of what she accomplished and who she became.
She thought about George. One of her best friends, who meant the world to her.
She thought about Nick. The man who was more like family to her, than her actual parents.
She thought about Ellie. Her saving grace, her best friend, someone that she would kill for.
She thought about Clay. She thought about how much he meant to her, and how there is no one in this whole Earth that she would rather be kissing at midnight. She loved him. And she knew it.
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They should have fought back. They felt his disdain, but no one wanted to believed - believe that they were never loved. That they can just appease him again. Sacrifice their lives again. Conquered their enemies again. Built wonders for his majesty again. And when they finally accepted the truth, it brought them to their knees as his machines burned down their wonders and reduced them back into animals. But there was still hope. The Stellars told of our survival. Our downfall was just the beginning. Our regression into animals was merely a delay. At the time, our people were split into different tribes. Before the doors to the infinite sea are open. There will be a child born to stand against his machines, born to challenge his majesty. And with a sword in one hand and a scepter on the other, that child - that hero, will lead his kingdom. The kingdom of goblins. Sun, the goblin child born to save all of goblin kind. A former human from an unknown world died and reborn with little memory of his past. Join him as he takes on the world, make new friends, uncover the secret of his past, and lead the goblin kind out from the darkness.
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Journey of Infinite Steps
Science Fiction/ Low fantasy Iliad. Oliver just wanted a job that could keep his family fed, and himself sane. Was that so much to ask for? Apparently. As he instead ends up facing monsters and dodging his way to another world instead. Competent as he views himself figuring out how to reopen a portal back home by himself is defiantly above his knowledge base. Of coarse it would be vastly simpler if he could keep 'getting back home' as his primary goal. 'Staying alive' is unfortunately a far more immediate and relevant goal. I will post any content warnings on a Per Chapter basis. Divisive content will be as skip-able as I can reasonably manage Discord Link will be available for those interested in assisting editing/ coauthoring. Especially character writers/those willing to work out the math/ economies and world building even if only as a wall to bounce ideas off of.-----Full Synapsis contains serious spoilers----- Looking to take care of his family, Oliver finds himself flung into a faraway place. Try as he might, his Iliad will not be simple or peaceful as he'd like. Alas the slow and unending war of Chaos and Order has long memories and longer reach. If Oliver is to make his way back home it looks like He'll have to solve the universe one fight and mystery at a time. Especially as the Laws of Physics shift, often on a per world basis. Hopefully there is still a home to come back to.
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The Hunters: Gaea
Gaea. A harsh world where Monsters, Magic, Demons exist. Humanity as a whole live in this world of mystical terror, surviving against Demons and Monsters alike with technology more advanced and combined with the magic of this world. This story will be in the perspective of Alexander Ares. A young Hunter who will join the world's demon slaying police force known as the Hunters Guild. There he will exterminate Demons and reach the top of the guild to be the best Hunter. Filter here! This'll be the first story I have written. The person who both wrote it alongside it is a dear friend of mine named Artemis. He helps out on fleshing out the messes I think of and see if the world I have written is good enough. In short it's a work done where he has 60% of contributing where I do 40% Please enjoy this world I have written with subpar writing! I also post every Mondays and Fridays except on the last week of the month!
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[One Shots] : s.sj + y.sh
Yeh Shuhua x Seo Soojin"I'm single.. just thought you should know""When did you learn how to flirt?" : Different short stories per chapter : Just my thoughts: Fluff & Smut
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