《Must Be Mine | COMPLETED #WATTYS2022》01.18


Playing We Belong Together By Mariah Carey

"Hey, da say anything?" Von asks Dakota's mother.

"She's back in surgery, we haven't heard anything else since then, I just hope my baby is okay," Sharon stated.

"She'll be fine ma," Brandon stated.

"Where folks?" Von asked looking around for Noah.

"H-" Brandon started to say until a familiar person interrupted him.

Von looked in the direction of the voice seeing Dakari walking in with Noah in his arms.

"I came as soon as I heard, how's she doing?" He asked staring at her mother.

"In surgery, matter fact we ain't even call you so how'd you know my sister was in the hospital?" Brandon said.

Von felt like something was off about this because first why was he holding a son he ain't even claim and secondly how did he find out about Dakota's condition.

"Xaria called me and that's how I found out." He says.

"Mhmm give me my nephew he doesn't need to be around you." Nicole stated.

He watched as Nicole took Noah out of his arms and held him, while he slept.

Even before Dakari could respond the doctor came walking over to them all. He hoped it was some good news at least.

"The Family of Dakota Hunters?" The man said.

"Yes, we're her family how is my baby is she and my grandchildren okay?" Sharon asked standing up.

"Hi, I am Dr. Johnson, I was the one performing surgery, Dakota is fine it was a bit of touch and go at first but the surgery was successful and, the babies are fine." He said.

"Well can we see her?" Brandon asked.

"Yes we have her stable. Right this way!" He said.

Von decided to hold back as he wanted her family to be in the room with her so he stayed in the waiting room chilling with Noah in his arms.


"Wassup folks u have a good nap?" Von says staring at Noah.

Noah looked up at him and smiled showing his teeth grabbing his OBlock chain. Dakota's mom thought it would be a good idea for Noah to stay in the waiting room with someone since she didn't want him to see his mother in this situation.

"U miss me foenem?" Von asked while Noah continued to play with his chain.

"My son ain't miss u!" Dakari said.

Von side eyed Dakari then went back to playing with his son, that's right his son.

"Folks nem missed me when was the last time u bought some diapers or formula?" Von asked while staring dead at him.

Dakari ain't say a thing he just sat there ab scoffed, causing Von to grab his phone and facetime his sister Kayla.

"Busy cooking where u at?" She asked.

"Why u at the hospital, what's wrong?" Kayla asked

Kayla furrowed her eyebrows making a surprising face while opening her mouth to speak.

"She good?" Kayla said.

"Grandbabii in his room sleep." Kayla says.

Von continued to talk to his sister until he decided to end the call and wait for Dakota's family to come out.

makeup by me, hair by @zeezee

Dakota opened her eyes looking to her right in the direction of a familiar voice, there she saw most of her immediate family sitting down in chairs or standing up.

"Koko how you feeling?" Her mother asked saying her old nickname.

"In pain, where's Noah?" Dakota asked looking around.

"He's in the waiting room with Von." Nate said.

"Dayvon's here!" Dakota said as she tried to sit up.

Her mother nodded her head and she took a deep breath, she could only wonder what is going through his mind right now.


"Yo weird ass baby daddy here too!" Brandon stated.

Dakota rolled her eyes she wanted to know why Dakari even showed his face knowing good and well her brother's still wanted to beat his ass again.

"What's he doing here?" She asked.

"Somehow homeboy ended up with Noah in his care, u know somethin about that." Brandon said.

Dakota furrowed her eyebrows and made this intense pissed off facial expression.

"No, I didn't say he could have my child in his care." Dakota said.

She wanted as her older brother ran his hand across his mouth while her half brother made the Arthur fist.

"Why u doing the Arthur fist, sir u ain't DW." Paris said.

Paris was her half-sister along with Zion being her older half-brother, Dakota's mother legally adopted them both since she was married to their father whom sadly passed away.

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