《Renae Dreams (Currently Editing)》11.) Baby Steps
The next day
"So you like this girl?" Karen, King's mom asked.
"I do... it's just, I'm not sure if we can even get through dis friend stage because she's been through some shit mama... like some tough shit." He told her as he placed his face in his hands and sighed.
"So she stayed tha' night with you correct?"
King nodded, "But when I got up dis morning she was gone... I haven't called or texted her yet because I want to give her some space."
"Even if she tells you she doesn't want you to check in on her she doesn't mean it King, you should know dat firsthand." She told him. "So you've known about her for how long?"
"We bumped into each other in January... so about four months. Tha' crazy thing is we both were confused on which date we met." He replied and she smiled seeing the soft smile that danced on his lips.
"But... she went away?" Karen was a bit confused.
"When we finally started to kick it she disappeared for two months," he explained.
"And came back like dis?"
"Yeah." He mumbled.
Karen stared at him for a moment then took a deep breath. "Do you think she's crazy or has like split personality?"
He looked at her like she had three heads. "I spoke with her before she was sent away ma, shorty is sane, she wasn't like dis until AFTER she came back from dat damn place."
"So maybe whatever happened to her turned her a little... crazy." She stated.
King shook his head. "If you knew what happened to her you wouldn't keep labeling her as crazy, ma."
Confused, Karen leaned forward, "Ok so help me understand."
"Don't worry 'bout it, I'll call you later," he stood.
"If I offended you in any way let me know." She said after they hugged.
"I'm cool, I'm finna call her." He grabbed his keys and headed out.
"Ok, well I hope things get better for you two."
Nodding, King clicked on Renae's contact and hit the FaceTime option. Getting situated in his car, she answered after a few moments with watery eyes.
"What happened?" Was the first thing that left his mouth.
"I'm soooo sick of myself," she grumbled as she wiped her face.
"What happened babygirl?"
"I had a damn anxiety attack at the gas station."
"Was somebody bothering you?" He questioned.
"No... the guy just called me pretty." Pausing, she shook her head and blew out a frustrated breath. "I don't know... I just freaked out. Hot ass mess." Covering her face she shook her head as she tapped her right foot against the floor.
Examining her background, King started his car up. "You at the studio?" He asked.
"Yeah, I don't even have the energy to dance."
"I'm on my way." He told her pulling out of his mom's driveway. "Where'd you go dis morning?" He decided to change the subject.
"To see my little brother off to school... I've been slacking lately," she sighed.
"Because of me?" He asked.
"No, I've just hadn't forced myself up like I used to... but we're supposed to be moving into a new apartment in a few days."
"Word? Where at?" He asked.
"Off of Holland."
"Not dat far from my shit." He said.
Smiling, Renae wiped under her eyes then picked up her phone. She didn't reply, she just stared at his side profile. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, he was extremely handsome and there was nothing she could do about it.
"I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow are you free?" He glanced down at his phone, catching her staring at him.
Smirking, he winked at her and she blushed looking away.
"Where?" She asked.
"I'm not gonna tell you." He chuckled.
"Ok fine, yes I'm ok with that." She smiled.
"Did you eat today?"
"I haven't had much of an appetite today, I'm just really tired." She admitted.
"You just wanna sleep?" His brows creased in wonderment.
"Yeah... only if you don't have any plans today." She shrugged.
"Nah I don't, I've been up since eight dis morning trying to clear my head and stuff. I could use a nap." He admitted.
"What's bothering you?" She asked and he glanced down at her, "Oh." She mumbled looking away.
"It's not like dat Nae, I'm just worried about you das' all." He assured.
"That's what I was afraid of." She said.
Stopping at the light, he looked down at his phone. "Of what? Me caring about your wellbeing?"
"It just means for me... I have another person who's taking on baggage they shouldn't." She told him.
"I don't mind it ma, believe me if I did, I would have ran for tha' hills a longgg time ago." He admitted and she laughed softly.
"Hang up the phone, I don't want you talking to me and driving."
"I'm good Nae, I got it." He assured as he eased onto the interstate.
"King," She called.
Hearing the worry in her voice he nodded. "Aight ma, I'll be there in like fifteen minutes."
Nodding, they ended the FaceTime call and she gathered her things deciding to wait for him outside. All she wanted was to get some sleep.
"What were you doing at da gas station?" King asked laying next to Renae on the bed.
"I went in to buy a black and some gummies." She answered.
King turned his head her way and quirked a brow, "You smoke?" he did not expect that from her.
"Nope... but since I'm not familiar with weed... I figured the black would do just fine." She stated.
King chuckled, "Did you smoke it?"
"Nope... I wasted a dollar and twenty five cents, could've saved it," she giggled.
"Dat means it wasn't meant for you in tha' first place." He told her and she nodded in agreement.
"I have it in my bag if you smoke them."
"I don't fuck wit tobacco ma, just Mary Jane." He informed.
"I would ask if we could get high one day but with all the shit I'm dealing with, I might actually kill myself," she chuckled.
King didn't find her comment amusing. "I gotta get you out of dat mindset." He turned onto his back and placed his left hand behind his head.
"What mindset?" She glanced at him.
"You talking about death so carelessly ma, I don't like it."
"I was joking this time though," she mumbled.
"I know but still Nae, I read your diary last night and all of your poems are hidden suicide notes."
She didn't say anything for a moment.
"Did you want me to read it to intentionally figure dat out?" He queried, looking at her and she nodded.
"I don't know how to express myself to you fully without feeling embarrassed for the things I've been going through." She admitted.
"You don't have to be embarrassed when you're around me Nae, have I given you a reason to feel like I would judge you?"
"No," she shook her head.
"Anything you feel you can't talk to me about, you can. I'm not here to judge, I wasn't put on dis earth to judge. I was put here to fulfill a purpose, love and help and that's what I'm trying to do with you but you gotta meet me half way." He told her.
"Can I tell you a secret I've been scared to tell you?" She spoke softly as she fought to keep her eyes open.
"I'm all ears ma."
She was quiet for a moment and he thought she might've fallen asleep.
"The reason why I was so mean to you when we first met was because I didn't want to get close to you only for you to find out that I was homeless." Opening her eyes, she stared at him looking for a sign of judgement.
"You thought I would've avoided speaking to you if I knew?"
"Yeah... especially if you found out we went from the car to staying in hotels," she took a deep breath then closed her eyes. "It's embarrassing," she said as she moved closer into him, and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
"Is that why you used to rush out to catch tha' bus or never wanted to tell me where you stayed?" He asked and she nodded.
"My aunt wouldn't let us stay with her...." yawning, she rubbed at her eye. "My stepdad slept in his car with us even though he had a place to stay."
"Why didn't y'all stay with him?" He asked.
"His girlfriend... well ex now, didn't like us."
"So you really been going through it?" He questioned and she nodded.
"I should have told you sooner, I'm sorry." She apologized.
"Don't apologize for wanting to keep your business to yourself ma. I would've never guessed you were going through dat. You kept a brave face and worked yo ass off at tha' library. I just thought you acted dat way 'cause you ain't like my ass." He told her and they laughed.
"It was a defense mechanism... I didn't mean to be rude."
"It's cool ma, I just want you to feel comfortable with talking to me aight?" He placed his arm around her.
"Know dat I got you alright?" His voice softened.
Nodding, she laid her head on his chest and placed her right leg on over him as she tried to get comfortable.
"I can move if dis too much?" He told her.
"I'm ok."
Getting comfortable, King pulled the covers over their body and wrapped his arm around her.
"Did I snore last night?" She randomly and he busted out laughing.
"Nah ma, not at all."
Scooting into him, she tried to get comfortable but was failing miserably. She wasn't used to being close to a guy but was trying to get adjusted to this new journey.
Picking up on nervous behavior, King tapped her leg. "Turn around."
Hesitant, Renae did as told. Getting in the spooning position, King pulled her into him and buried his face against the crook of her neck.
"Better?" He asked and she nodded placing her hand on top of his.
Ten minutes after she fell asleep, King dozed off.
The next day
Waking up at the sound of his alarm, King ran his hand down his face and sighed. What he thought would be a catnap turned into a deep slumber and he and Renae slept the day away.
Picking up his phone, he stopped the alarm. "Damn." He mumbled.
Attempting to sit up he stopped realizing Renae was laying with her head on his chest fast asleep. Easing from under her, he got up and headed into the bathroom. The carnival was opening today and he wanted to take her there before all the high schoolers got a chance to mess things up. After sending up a quick prayer, he got into the shower and did some deep thinking and soul searching.
He ended up doing other things that released the tension in his body from what's been going on. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he went ahead and took care the rest of hygiene routine.
Emerging back into the bedroom, he made his way toward the bed. Placing his hands on either side of Renae, he leaned down and placed on kiss on her forehead.
"Babygirl?" He called.
Renae turned on her side.
"Nae?" He shook her gently.
Getting no response, he moved down to her neck and placed gentle peck down to her shoulder.
Stirring, Renae's eyes fluttered opened.
Smirking, King looked at her and tapped her nose. "Get up ma, I wanna get some food on your stomach before we head out." He stood.
She was still shocked at what he just did.
"Nae?" He called.
"Hmm? I'm up, I'm up," she shook off her nerves.
Chuckling, he headed towards his closet.
Renae forced herself up and leaned against the headboard. Rubbing at her eyes, she took a moment to let that neck kiss sink in. Shaking off the inappropriate thoughts, she tossed the covers off of her then got out the bed. Picking up her bag, she walked into his bathroom to shower and to figure out what just happened.
Golden Corral
"You wanna eat here or take it to go?" Kingston asked Renae once they made it to the cashier.
"I don't mind eating here, this is actually my Stepdad's favorite place." She spoke as she looked around at the semi empty restaurant.
She had to remember it was only 9:30 in the morning and rush hours usually hit about 11.
After he paid, they got their drinks and Kingston took ahold of Nae's hand.
"You feeling better today?" He asked searching for an area for them to sit in.
"Wanna eat in da back?" He asked. "That's fine." She answered, her mind was completely somewhere else.
"You heard me?" He asked once they sat down in the booth.
"No... what'd you ask?"
"If you were feeling good today." He repeated.
"Oh... yes I am thank you." She spoke stirring her ice around.
"What's on yo mind?" He questioned.
"Nothing, just hungry." She lied and he chuckled. "I was just waiting on you to make da first move." He spoke as he slid out the booth and she followed suit.
He often forgot that this was a self serve restaurant.
"What's the plans for today?" She asked handing him a plate.
"Can't tell you dat ma." He reminded and she smiled innocently. "It was worth a try." She said and he chuckled looking at the food bar.
"You want anything from here?" He asked putting some eggs and sausages on his plate.
"I actually wanted some French toast and a steak." She replied nodding over towards the other side.
"You don't want any eggs?"
"I don't really like the way they make their eggs." She whispered and he chuckled.
"I don't blame you." He replied as they walked around to the other side.
"What's wrong?" He asked when she made a disgusted face.
"The steaks aren't cooked all the way."
"I don't know why they don't cook da shits well done, not everybody eats dat shit half raw." He stressed putting his plate down.
She went to say something until she saw him walking over towards one of the cooks.
"Un done steak?" An older black woman asked as she placed some grits on her plate. "Yeah, that's not really my thing." Renae answered.
"Mine either, every morning I come here I have to put in a personal request, you would think they'd get the hint by now." She replied and Renae nodded in agreement.
"I guess not that many people are putting in complaints."
"They are, they just don't care." The lady replied before walking away.
Kingston came back over and picked up his plate.
"Fresh French toast, steak and double cheesy eggs are cooking." He announced so casually and she rose a brow.
"They're actually gonna cook it?" She asked shocked and he chuckled.
"Yup, no problem with it." He told her as he went and placed some strawberries and pineapples on her plate.
"In da mean time, you can snack off my plate." He said and she smiled walking alongside him back for their area.
"You didn't have to do that King." She told him once they sat down but he waved it off.
"I wanted to ma, I wasn't about to watch you force yourself to eat something you ain't like." He replied as he putting the cream cheese on his bagels.
"The reason why I was scared to go to college was because I was afraid of leaving my family in the situation we were in while I had a roof over my head." She revealed as she picked up a strawberry and bit into it.
"You felt guilty about leaving dem?" He asked and she nodded.
"I've been thinking about looking into Real Estate though... they teach you how to invest in a lot of business while running your own And how to flip house." She announced.
"Do you think you'll be happy with dat type of career?" He asked and she nodded picking up another strawberry.
"That way, I won't have to worry about my family struggling anymore ya know?"
Understanding, he pulled her plate from her and slid his her way.
"You don't gotta be scared to eat off my plate ma, I know yo shit gon take a hot minute to cook." He told her as he cut his bagel in half and offered it to her.
She was about to take it but he shook his head.
"Open." He said, staring at him funny, he chuckled.
"I can't feed you?" He asked smirking, looking away, she smiled softly before she went ahead and let him feed her.
"We got a lot to work on."
Uh oh
How we feel?
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