《Renae Dreams (Currently Editing)》3.) Librarian Girl


2 days later

"You can take your break boo," Maya told Renae seeing that she was becoming antsy.

"You sure?"

Maya nodded, "We're not busy, so go ahead."

Thanking her, Renae grabbed her phone and keycard before she walked from behind the desk.

"Take your time," She added and Renae smiled softly as she headed towards the stairs.

Seeing that the only messages she had were from her mom and Dajon, she sighed sliding her phone in her back pocket.

I need friends.

Reaching the second floor, she decided to go hang around the Urban section since there was only 2 people there at the moment. Grabbing a Denim Diaries series, she sat at a far off table and read the back summary first. Before she even made it to read the book, she laid her head down feeling an unknown wave of tiredness. She really did need to get in a regular bed; maybe taking her aunt up on her offer wouldn't be so bad.

Hearing the chair scoot back, Renae lifted her head and squinted. "Are you stalking me?" she glared at Kingston.

Chuckling softly he held up the books. "I like ta read ma, I seen you over here and wanted ta speak."

Squinting at him suspiciously, Renae nodded slowly before replying, "Uh... kay."

"So..." he smirked, "how long are you working tonight Renae?" He queried, glancing at her name tag.

"How'd yo—" Pursing her lips, she looked down at her name tag and cursed, "weirdo" she mumbled, taking her name tag off and placed it in her pocket.

"Why can't I know your name?" He was genuinely curious.

"You seem like a weirdo."

King quirked a brow, "I'm far from dat," his eyes lingered on her briefly before he opened the Malcolm X book.

Staring at him for a moment, she shook her head then laid back down.

"Sleeping on tha' job? Automatic termination," he chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm on break, so mind your business."

"You a lil feisty ain't ya?" He smirked and she slammed her hands down on the table as she lifted her head up.

"I'm tired... What. Do. You. Want?" Irritation was laced heavily in her voice as she eyed him.

"Damn," he softly chuckled, "I was just fucking wit ya."

Renae rolled her eyes, "Play with yourself, don't play with me? I 'ont know you," grabbing the book, she stood.

King stared at her for a moment as she began walking away, "Yo, hold up," he hopped up and followed after her.

"I will scream stranger danger so fast you gon wish you left me the hell alone." She gritted, looking at him.

Holding his hands up in mock surrender, he backed up, "A'ight, I'll leave you be."

"Just wanted to take a damn nap." She muttered, walking away.

Amused, King smirked to himself as he watched her. He wouldn't mind chasing after her for a while.


Later that evening.

"How was school?" Aunt Tamia asked checking on the pork chops.

"School is school," I shrugged, looking at my Algebra homework.

"I heard lil Zuri has a job... how do you feel about that?"

"I don't see anything wrong with it, maybe the bills will remain paid." I replied and she stared at me.

"You think your mom will make her?"

Shrugging, I focused back on my homework. "Where's Keenan?" I decided to change the subject.

"Out and about like always, you know he never stays in for long." She reminded.

"That's 'cause you don't say anything."

"He's grown now, nothing I can do or say." She stated.

I decided not to say anything. That wasn't my business.

"I know you can't wait until y'all get a place to stay."

"Mm-hmm, "I simply replied.

She was about to say something until someone knocked on the door.

"I got it," placing my pencil down, I stood and headed towards the door.

"Check the peephole first."

Duh, is what I wanted to say but I just nodded.

Looking out the peephole, I went ahead and opened the door seeing that it was Renae.

"You got off early." I said after hugging her.

"I was supposed to be here by four." frowned and I looked over at the time.

"Why you so late then?" I furrowed my brows as I followed her into the living room.

"Had to catch the freaking bus." She mumbled, unzipping her boots.

"You know I would've picked you up," Aunt Tamia said and Renae stared at the tv.

"I called... somehow your phone kept sending me to voicemail."

"It did?" Her brows creased as she made her way into the living room to check the house phone.

"It was on silent." She laughed to herself.

I glanced at Renae just to see that we had the same expression. "Of course."



"What time does mom get off?" I asked, sitting next to Bryson, we were in footlocker waiting on Dajon to pick out some new sneakers.

"She should be finishing up soon, you know housekeepers never have an actual set time." He said.

That was true. Some days she made it home by 1:30 other days she made it home by 5 or 9.

"I've been thinking about asking Aunt Tamia if I could stay with her," I admitted.

He gave me this weird look before laughing it off, "I... I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Frowning, I stared at him, "Why not?"

"Your mom asked her if you guys could stay with her and she told her yeah, then she called an hour later and said she didn't want to get in trouble..." he revealed.

"But she said if I wanted to I could," I was so confused.

"Your aunt says a lot of stuff, Zuri... but she never means it. Trust me, I've known her for years, just wait it out a little longer ok?" He replied and I sighed.


"So she'd rather us sleep in the cold?" This family was a piece of work, I tell you. "The temperature drops every single night, we haven't had a warm day since early November pops... it's January now. I'm tired of sleeping in the deggone truck," I stressed.

If I couldn't count on family, who could was I supposed to count on?

"I've been talking with some friends of mine... I haven't told your mom yet, but there's a chance I could get you guys a place to stay. Can you hold on a little longer?"

Sighing, I glanced over at Dajon. "I have no choice."


"Are you working tomorrow?" Mom asked once we got settled in the truck.

"No, they said they would call me if they need me," I exhaled.

Bryson glanced back at me, "If they're gonna do that you're better off looking for a new job Zuri."

Lord, I know he means well, but dude really?

"It's just slow right now, I'm new. They'll give me more hours soon." I told him.

"If they don't after two weeks, I'll talk with my boss about giving you a job with me." Mom cut in and I scrunched my face up.

Me being a housekeeper? No thanks, those guests were trifling.

"No thank you, you come home upset about the stuff they do to y'all I'm good." I said and Dajon chuckled.

"I can't see Zuri as a housekeeper, it doesn't fit her," he laughed.

"Boy, it's money." Mom argued.

"All money isn't good money E, you know that," Bryson told her.

"If she wants a job then she won't mind doing the shit."

"I don't want that job, I'm fine," I dismissed the conversation.

What the hell did she think this was?

Dajon looked over at me giving me his famous look, don't say anything else look.

Laughing to myself, I went to my Martin Luther King speech and put my earphones in. "Another cold night."

The next afternoon

"Run that shit back boy." Malik yelled to Kingston. We were shooting ball since the younger kids were in school.

"For what? I won," he laughed and Malik glanced at me.

"Cheese, run it back."

Kingston looked at me confused and I chuckled dribbling the ball.

"What tha' hell is cheese?" His brows creased in wonderment.

"Wack, deadball, shit like that," I said, shooting a 3.

"Why you jus ain't say dat then nigga?" He asked and Malik sucked his teeth.

"Nigga, 'round here out the beach we got our own mix on shit, you should know that by now."

"I ain't never heard a nigga out here say cheese unless he was referring to damn food."

I busted out laughing.

"Yo ears must not be working, 'cause we say that shit a lot," Malik said.

"Yeah, we do bro." I spoke up shooting another 3.

"I must've been in my zone or some shit, I ain't ever hear it." Kingston replied pulling his phone out his pocket.

"Got damn." He mumbled shaking his head.

"It's yo girl?" We both asked.

Sucking his teeth, he nodded answering the phone.

"She annoying as hell dawg," Malik shook his head as we took turns shooting the ball.

"She seems like she wanna fuck the squad," I said, dribbling the ball between my legs.

"I'm sure if King ain't get with her she would've, she gives off hoe vibes," He laughed and I chuckled agreeing.

"But since that's his main thing for now, we just gotta let the bitch be annoying." I said tossing him the ball.

"He barely want her, I don't know why he won't leave. Nigga moved up here and fell hard into some pussy. Nigga was supposed to move up here and focus on this bread, shorty knew what she was doing."

"Hell yeah, you know how that shit goes." I replied sitting down on the bench.

"What's up with yo cousin though? I don't see much of them anymore." He asked.

I eyed him momentarily, "Keep yo eyes and thoughts off of Zuri, I'll really shoot the ones with you over her." I warned and he chuckled walking over towards me.

"No fugazy shit, but she pretty as hell bro." He smirked.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I tilted my head, "Watch yourself Malik."

"Don't yo ass got a girlfriend anyway?" I asked and he laughed.

"So? I'm just complimenting."

"Don't, that'll get yo ass beat." I told him.

I been fighting niggas behind my lil cousin since she turned 15, I had no problem with fighting my homeboy.

"Who gon' get their ass beat?" Kingston asked walking our way.

"Yo homie." I tossed the ball into the grass next to the wired gate.

"For what?"

"Because I said Zuri was pretty," Malik smiled goofily.

"Who's Zuri?" Kingston asked.

"His cousin, that's her middle name, I call her it 'cause the shit reminds me of some Black Egyptian shit."

"What she look like?"

"She look like she's unavailable." I mugged the both of them.

"Damn, you really feeling a way about dat huh?" King chuckled.

"That's my lil cousin, damn near my lil sister. Like I told that nigga," I glanced at Malik, "I don't mind adding a few more bodies to these hands. Keep them thoughts to yourself." I told him.

King smirked, "I can't even be mad at yo ass, I'll respect dat." He said and I chuckled looking at my phone.

"You ain't have a choice."



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