《Renae Dreams (Currently Editing)》2.) Second time's a charm?


2 weeks later

"How you like it out here nigga?" Keenan asked Kingston as they sat at the basketball court watching the younger kids shoot ball.

"It ain't tha' Easy, but shit is a'ight. I've been here for a couple of years, so I can't really complain." He shrugged as one of the locals walked over towards them.

Slapping hands with him, King slickly passed him the bag of weed and got the money.

Sliding his hand in his pocket, Keenan shook his head. "Yo ass still into the side job?"

"If they need it, I always got it." King shrugged. "Why you on my head tho? You be right wit me running these luh ass streets."

"Ain't shit lil bout these Virginia streets, niggas sleep on us,"

Keenan and King were introduced by Malik, and Keenan introduced King to some of the older men, who could provide quick money for illegal activities, and further insight on the game that he's been privy to for year.

"Hey King, Hey Keenan." Shana greeted as she twirled her hair around her finger flirtatiously. She was extremely friendly towards those who gave off Dope boy vibes.

"Sup." They spoke dryly, barely glancing at her.

"I called you the other night." She said sitting on the bench next to Keenan and he scooted over some.

"Word? I ain't get it." He grumbled, tearing open his bag of sunflower seeds and Kingston chuckled to himself.

King wasn't even supposed to be down that area, he lived in Suffolk but his homies and business were down in the Beach.

"Good thing I ran into you out here then huh?" Shana asked, touching Keenan's chain and he politely moved her hand.

"I guess so," he eyed her before popping a few sunflowers seeds into his mouth.

She was talking his head off but her voice fell on deaf ears as he focused on the little kids playing ball, but was sure to throw in an "Damn for real?" Whenever he felt it was right.

King and Malik were eating the whole thing up, it was something they have gotten used to, especially with Keenan's goofy ass. Kingston was just happy Autumn wasn't as thirsty as most the girls they came in contact with. He was still debating on cutting things off with her, she was becoming a headache day by day.

"A few?" Keenan called, tapping King on his arm as if he weren't already looking at him.

"I'm right here dawg," King said and Malik chuckled getting up and jogged towards the court to play with the kids.

"Why your ass ain't did shit with your business degree?" He asked and King shrugged.


"I'll get ta dat when tha' time comes, long as I got something ta fall back on I'm straight."

Shana leaned forward some and looked at him. "You went to college?" She was stunned.

King stared at her blankly.

"You should probably do that," Keenan told her and she looked at him then rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna be an R-N." She popped her gum.

Keenan and King both laughed.

For some reason, every girl that tried to get in with them always said that.

"No comment," King said shaking his head. Glancing towards his right he did a quick double-take seeing the mystery girl from the library.

Seeing that Keenan was talking with Shana and another one of her friends, he got up and headed towards mystery girl.

Renae was looking down at the new iPhone that Bryson gifted her the other night as a reward for getting a job working in the library.

She was so busy trying to create her Instagram profile she didn't notice King walking her way.

Purposely, he pulled out his phone and bumped right into her, dropping his phone.

"My bad, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she quickly apologized as she bent down to pick his phone up but stopped when she recognized the hand tattoo.

Pursing her lips together, she looked up slowly and King stared at her through his shades and smirked.

"We gotta stop meeting like dis sweetheart." He cracked, picking his phone up and she blinked a few times as she took a step back before eyeing him.

She never really got the time to actually study him when they first met. He was tall as hell with a nice athletic build. Her guess was he had to be at least 6 feet. His face held no blemishes, and jawline was chiseled to perfection. He wore his hair in a temple fade with sponge twist, and rocked a trimmed goatee and mustache. His attire consisted of gray sweat pants, a red Chris Brown Black Pyramid hoodie with converse on his feet.

"Checkin' a nigga out?" King's voice pulled her from her daze.

"Observing," she corrected, zipping her coat up and stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"Do you ever smile?" He questioned. He was used to girls being geeked over him, but she really seemed like she wanted to throw up every time she saw him. He was a little offended.

"Trust me, I am smiling." She cocked her head slightly and looked him up and down.

Chuckling, King pulled at his chin hair and absentmindedly licked over his lips. "What's your name?"

Raising a brow, she put her hood on and gave him one last glance before she walked away.


"Really?" He followed up behind her, this time he didn't grab her arm. "Why do you always run away when I ask for your name?" He questioned getting in front of her and walked backward.

"I'm not running away, I don't know you."

"Get ta know me, I'm probably one of tha' nicest dudes you'll ever meet." He said.

Staring at him amused, she had to stop herself from laughing before replying, "I forgot you aren't from here."

"Can I get your name?" He asked.

"If you keep harassing me like this, you gon' get it a'ight," she squinted at him before walking around him.

He stopped and watched her until she was out of sight, shaking his head he chuckled.

"Why yo ass all the way down here?" Malik asked startling him.

"I ran into dat shortie from tha' library again, she must live close by." He turned toward him.

"You know Autumn would have your ass." Malik reminded.

King sucked his teeth, "I've been thinking about cutting shit off with her anyways."

"About damn time."


(Autumn's place)

"Why won't you just move in?" Autumn asked after I got dressed.

"I like my own space, I told you dat." I replied, checking my messages.

"You like your own space or you just wanna be able to bring different bitches over whenever?" She quipped.

I wasn't even going to respond.

"Do you even love me?" She began following me out of her bedroom and down the stairs.

"What's up wit all tha' questions?" I queried, jogging down the stairs, I was hungry as hell.

"I didn't know asking my man if he loved me was an issue."

"Never said it was, you assumed dat. I told you about doing dat." I replied as I walked into her kitchen.

"Every time I tell you I love you, you never say it back or you switch topics." She fussed.

Shrugging, I rummaged through her cabinet, "Das a strong word, we ain't been exclusive for dat long." I reminded.

"Exactly," she scoffed, "you could've at least given me something but it's cool, I know how dudes like you work." She walled out the kitchen and I shook my head.

Didn't see why her ass was so mad about that.

Placing the cup noodles inside her microwave, King leaned against the counter, scrolling on his phone. There were some little dudes that wanted to be down with the game, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to let them in. They were trying to be down for the so called cool look and that wasn't what things were about.

King got into the streets because he needed fast money and wanted to help his mom with bills, he couldn't get a job because he had an aggravated assault charge on his record from back in New Orleans. He wouldn't have gotten in trouble if it were at their home but he beat the dude in front of the grocery store.

That was another reason why he was hesitant on trying to do anything with his business degree, because he knew the moment he applied for a job they would throw his application out. He heard about how they treat people in Virginia, so he would rather start his own business before he had to go through all of that.

"Lock the door when you leave." Autumn spat, picking up her purse and he stood up and looked her over.

"Where your ass going?" He asked just as the microwave beeped.

"Out, lock my door." She replied, checking herself out before she picked up her house keys and left out.

"Damn I was in'a mood for anotha round." He mumbled grabbing a fork out the drawer.

"Damn." He said shaking his head as he looked down at his semi hard dick. "Seriously gotta do better."


Later that night

"Back at it again." Renae mumbled as she tried to get comfortable in the back seat of the truck.

Bryson rented it for them until he could help Egypt find a condo or apartment. Now that Renae was working and Egypt was on her way of getting another job.

"It won't be like this for long." Egypt said as she reclined the seat back some.

"Said the same thing about the water being cut off." Renae mumbled and Dajon looked at her.

"What?" Egypt queried.

"Nothing," she sighed, struggling to get comfortable.

"I need some new outfits... the kids are starting to joke me." Dajon huffed.

Bryson turned in the seat and looked at him. "I can take you after school if you want?"

"I really wish Amara liked us... I'm gonna wake up with a cramp again." Dajon complained and Renae snickered.

"Now you know how I feel." She grinned and he pushed her feet out of his lap.

"Girl bye, go to sleep." He said and she laughed.

"Whatever, Goodnight lil boy." She replied trying to get as comfortable as possible.

"Goodnight." Bryson said cutting the heat up.





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