《Brightside》Chilling and To the club?


I woke up with Storm close in my arms. She looked so much at peace, I didn't want to wake her up so I slowly unwrapped my arms from around her. She stirred a little bit but went back to sleep.

I went to my room and checked my phone. It's 6:30 and usually Levi is up by 7:00 so I normally make her breakfast before that. I hopped in my bathroom and started my hygienic routine which included brushing my teeth, bathing and doing something with the birds nest I call hair.

When I finished I dressed in a Nike sport bra and shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun then went downstairs to make some food. I didn't know what Storm would want to I made a little of everything. From fruit salad, pancakes, waffles, eggs and bacon and some cinnamon buns because their my favorite.

I was close to being finished when I saw Levi coming in tryna steal some bacon.

"If you don't get your fast ass hand away from the bacon I'll hit you upside your head with the spatula." I threated pointing the spatula at her.

"Damn sis you don't gotta do all that." She said rolling her eyes.

"Shut up and why you dressed for school?" I asked.

"Because It's a school day." She replied like it's a obvious thing.

"I know that but your not going and neither is Storm."

"And your dusty, bubble headed ass couldn't tell me that with you mop head looking ass, making me get up fucking early and you knew damn well I wasn't going"

"Opps I forgot but damn you ain't have to go off like that with yo crooked teeth ass, no edges having ass girl."

"I'm hurt." She pouted.

"You'll be okay anyway what you wanna do today?" I asked eating a apple.

"We can just stay homme and watch movies." She shrugged.

"Alright bet, I gotta go to the club later you sliding or nah? "

"I'll go but that means Storm gotta come cause we can't leave her alone."

"I have to come where?" I heard Storm's soft voice ask walking in the kitchen.

"To my club, I have to go and sort out some things and Levi is coming so do you want to come?" I asked.

"I mean I never been to one but i'm happy to come." She smiled.

"Alright bet." I said making her and Levi their plates.

"We're not going to school today." Levi said, Storm just nodded and said a thank you when I gave her the plate.

We ate in comfortable silence and when It was time to do the dishes Storm volunteered and I stayed with her.

"How you feeling about your room?" I asked.

"I love it, it's really cozy but big at the same time." She said.

"I'm glad you like it mamas, I'm keeping you home for a week whatever you want us to do during the week is up to you." I explained.

"Really?" She smiled brightly.

"Yea really baby girl." I returned her smile.

She ran up in my arms and hugged me. I was shocked at first but I quickly hugged her back. She felt so soft in my arms. I know I cuddled with her last night but damn I can't get over how she feels, not sexualizing it but like a innocent feeling.


She was the one to pull away but then she looked down.

"What I tell you about looking down mamas?" I asked holding her chin, making her look me in the eyes.

"No to look down." She replied.

"Your too pretty to look down." I winked.

She blushed more and said thank you.

"Now go change into something more comfortable for the movie day, I'll meet you at your room after I set up." She nodded and then ran up to her room.

I was making us some popcorn, getting some snacks, drinks and all of that good stuff. I texted Levi and told her to help me get these up to the movie room and then I texted Rowan asking If she wanted to come over and join us. She said she's busy but she'll meet us at the club later.

After texting her I helped Levi move the stuff and then I went to Strom's room. I knocked on the door. It took less then a minute for her to open the door. She was dressed in a over size shirt and some shorts. She's gorgeous, I don't care that she's not dressed up she still looks beautiful.

"Ready to go?" I smiled. She nodded and I took her hand leading her to the room. As we arrived inside I saw her taking everything in.

"Wow." She said. I laughed and lead her over to the seats.

"Okay so what we watching?" I asked munching on candy.

"Can we watch the Conjuring movie universe movies?" Levi asked with her little puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, no, no, no scary movies equal nightmares." Storm protested. (

"But please please please, Arlo will protect you." Levi pouted even more.

"Leviii." She whined.

"Come on Storm if you get scared just cling on to Arlo, she'll like it." Levi winked. I mean she's not wrong. Having her on my lap clinging to me isn't a bad idea at all.

"Okay fine, you owe me one." Storm pouted. I just wanted to kiss that pout away but no too soon.

Levi said thank you and started the movie. We were literally half way through the first one when Storm jumped on my lap and buried her face in my neck.

"It's okay lil baby, I got you." I whispered to her. I told her when the scary parts were over and then she turned back to the screen.

We were maybe in the second or third installment when she kept moving around on my lap trying to get comfortable. Baby girl playing a dangerous game, she gon wake up mini me.

See I feel it and I know she feels it too cause she stopped moving. I laughed in my head when she asked,

"Is that a strap?" She sounded so innocent when she asked, looking at me with those big brown eyes.

"I would tell you but it's better for you to find out for yourself." I whispered slowly, she shivered, I bet she thought I didn't hear her mumble.

"Damn papi." Baby girl be too bold when she thinks I can't hear, I like it though I want her to be bold all the time. *wink* *wink*

Let me stop and pay attention to the movie. I could feel somebody looking at me and It didn't take a genius to guess who It was.

"Yes baby girl?" I asked turning to her.


She didn't say anything she just blushed and placed her face in my neck. She's just so adorable, I can't even. At some point I saw Levi's flash on and I knew she was taking a picture.

"Levi Why you always have to sneak picture people." I rolled my eyes.

"One I don't sneak picture people just you and two because the best pictures are the off guard pictures duh." She turned back to the screen.

I went on my phone a little bit just checking my social media and I saw that Levi posted me and Storm's picture on her story. I replied and said,

"Chile did I tell you, that you can post me?"

"No but I didn't ask now watch the movie." She gave me the look so I just did what she said so she doesn't pester me.

We stayed watching movies for the rest of the day until it was time to get ready for the club.

"Okay y'all have a hour to get dressed and meet me downstairs." I said getting up stretching.

"I gotchu." Levi replied taking some of the bowls and bottles back to the kitchen. While Storm just looked at me and stretched her arms up like she wanted me to carry her.

"You want me to carry you baby girl?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes da- I mean Arlo." She said shyly. She really tryna get rip tonight. I bit my lip and took her in my arms. She rested her head in the crock of my neck and relaxed as I carried her to her room.

I opened her room door, walked in and sat her on the bed.

"Thank you." She said kissing my check.

"Your welcome , now get ready ma." I said walking out the door closing it behind me.

I went back to the movie room and got the rest of the bowls and took them to the kitchen washing them and then went up to my room. I proceeded to get ready. I did my hygienic routine, my hair then getting dressed.

For my hair I just left it wild and free and added some moisturizer and it made my hair curlier. I put on my outfit and then topped it off with some black shades. I took a couple pics and went downstairs to wait for them.

Maybe 10 minutes later Storm and Levi came down. My eyes were instantly glued to Storm, Damn mami your so beautiful, I thought in my head. I couldn't move, I felt stuck. I saw that she started looking a little conscious under my gaze so I got up and whispered in her ears how beautiful she looked and I took her hand and walked her out with Levi already in front of her.

After Arlo left I sat on the bed for maybe 5 minutes just thinking about what happened in the movie room. I never felt so safe with anybody like that since my dad died, she makes me feel like she would protect me everything in her and that made me feel a type of way.

But when I was in her lap and I asked If she was wearing a strap and she replied how she did I felt tingles all over. I don't understand that feeling because I only get it around her but I guess i'lll find out soon.

I got up and went to start my hygienic routine. I showered then did my hair. I left it in it's natural curly state because I wouldn't have had time to straighten it. Now I had to find what to wear and that's where my troubles started. I never been to a club before hell I'm 17 not even old enough to get into one.

I texted Levi and asked her for some help. She said she would be in my room so just hang tight. I already had on my underwear and I covered myself with a robe. I laid on the bed for a good 5 minutes and then Levi came busting through my door.

"Ma'am you ever heard of knocking?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Nope now on the more important things to help you find something to wear." She said going straight to my closet.

"Ouu girl you ain't tell me you a stem." She said rummaging through my clothes.

"Well now you know." I said looking at the ceiling.

"What type of mood you in tonight?" She asked trying to get a feel of how I wanted to look.

"Surprise me" With that being said she was on a mission. It took her about 20 minutes to be done.

"Change into this, call me in when your done." She said grinning.

I just got up and changed, I couldn't wear a bra with it so I took it off. I looked at the final product and If i'm honest I don't remember buying the top. I didn't know If I wanted to wear it because of the scars on my stomach, It wasn't too visible because the pants was kind of high waisted.

"Levi get in here." I yelled. She walked in and stopped in her tracks.

"Aw Storm you look so cute, your gonna have to stay with my sis tonight before she kills anybody looking at you." She laughed..

" I don't like it." I said flatly.

"It's not the outfit that I don't like it's the way It looks on me." I quickly added.

"Why what's wrong?" She asked sitting next to me.

"My scars show." I said looking down.

"Storm you look absolutely beautiful, If anybody got shit to say they can find me or Arlo Period't."

"Now let's go downstairs so you can give Arlo a heart attack." She got up and pulled me up with her. I grabbed my jacket and walked out with Levi.

We walked downstairs and I was getting nervous. This always happens when I'm going around Arlo like please nervousness be gone. We were at the bottom at the stairs and Arlo looked at me. My stomach was filled with butterflies already so now it's a heard of them.

She just sat their looking at me. I started to fill self conscious and I was covering myself with my hands. She came up tp me and told me I looked beautiful. Then she took me by my hand and walked me to the car, Levi was already in front of us so she got their first. She called shotgun so I sat at the back.

Arlo opened the door for me, I blushed and told her thank you. We started driving and we we're jamming out to music. We pilled up to the back entrance of the club. She turned off the engine and said she had to talk to us first.

"Levi you already know what I'm gonna say but still stay."

"First Storm your going to stay with either me and Levi just because the club can get a little crazy at times."

"I'm not going to tell you not to drink but If you choose to come to me first so I know these people ain't slipping nothing in your drink."

"Levi if you leaving with a female text me first and I need the address just incase and if you need me to pick you up call me and Storm your not leaving with anybody but ,me so that doesn't apply to you." I looked at her and blushed yes daddy.*wink* *wink*

"Now I want y'all to have fun and look out for each other, now we can go." She said getting out of the car and opening my door for me.

We walked to the back entrance and there was a security guard. She took of her glasses so he had confirmation on who she was. He let us in and we went up to the VIP section.

This is going to be a long night I said in my head.

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