《War》Remember all the words I said


A blinding light and the sound of a monitor beeping were enough to make her anger spiral out of control.

Eyes slowly blinking open in an attempt to injure whoever was pointing a goddamn flashing right against her irises and the heavy migraine that seemed to be exploding against her scalp.

Much to her despair, the heavy pound against her head only seemed to worsen as her eyes met the white walls and few furnitures that decorated the wide space.

For an unknown reason, her body seemed to be frozen and her eyesight was limited by the space just in front to her, which was basically her legs, now covered by a thin white material that made nothing to stop the chilly wind from colliding against her skin, and the very basic white wall with a single cabinet by it.

Wherever she was or whatever was happening she didn't know, but looking down at the unfamiliar hand that was now holding hers, she only wished for one thing...

To get the hell out of that place.


The person seemed to notice her disability as her eyes started to flash quickly from one side to the other, trying to make sense of the situation she had been placed upon.

A very beautiful woman with emerald green eyes and long brunette hair quickly threw herself at the female.

As Aphrodite hugged her sister tightly against her warmer body, she missed the slightly change on the woman's face.

What once would be filled with joy and love, now seemed like an empty shell, eyes full of distrust and rage and all the things bad, but as the brunette let her go, a mask was placed upon her face.

"Oh my Gods! I can't believe you're actually up! We have all been so scared!"

While her ears actually listened to the brunette's words, her mind was elsewhere, focusing hard on making her legs, arms, fingers... hell anything move or at least twitch.

She finally could feel her middle finger, at least of everything went wrong she would be able to use it.


Ares mentally gave herself a pat on the back.

"Do you know how long it's been? Two bloody months, sissy! We all were going crazy thinking you wouldn't wake up!"

Aphrodite was loud, tears leaving from her eyes as she tried to blur out her words while sobbing, which only made Ares raise an intrigued eyebrow at her.

"Persephone has been giving you all these herbs, but nothing seemed strong enough, Eris is going on killing sprees without you, I can't... we can't live without you!"


The goddess cried out once again, giving her sister another hug as she tried to fit on beside Ares, cuddling her stiff body as if it was something common for them to do.

"Your kids are all moody and going either depressed or psychos, we haven't seen Hermès and Nyx since he caught your body after the war and I can't forget that broken look on his face"

Ares finally could feel her legs, closing her eyes when a harsh cramp started to form because of her insistence.

It hurt so fucking much.

But she wouldn't utter a sound.

Aphrodite's one sided conversation was cut off by the sound of a door being opened, their eyes soon met some very shocked people who didn't waste any time in running towards the duo.

A raven haired beauty with onyx eyes threw herself at them, squealing loudly while laughing with tears of happiness.

Persephone finally had her little Devil back and she wouldn't let anyone take her away once again.

Hades followed after his wife, giving the ginger a kiss on the forehead, before they made space for another body to get closer.

"Good morning, love"

He was ravishing with that dirty blonde hair falling softly in curls against his forehead, some black pants and black T-shirt with the only ligh spot coming from the silver necklaces around his neck and a teasing smirk against his plump lips.

Her eyes met his stormy blue ones and she found herself drowning on his emotions, which seemed to be pouring out of those orbs.

The intensity behind them made a frown appear on her face, the once welcoming silence started to stretch out and become awkward, with the pair simply staring at each other.

Chaos too had a frown on his own as soon as he caught the meaning behind her expression, but Aphrodite didn't seem to understand and quickly started to explain the missing information to her sister.

"Oh shit! I forgot to tell you! The curse was broken with Zeus and Phane's deaths!"

The wide smile playing on her lips clearly implied that it was something good, but the group only received a very angry stare from the ginger, who used all her strength to move from the bed.


"What the fuck, am I in a nut house?" The goddess whispered to herself, using the walls to try and walk without falling down before she felt movements behind her.

"Get away from me!"


Getting the first thing that came in contact with her hand, which was a cloth hanger and using it as a weapon, she was surprised to see that they were actually hesitant in coming closer.

"Sister, please calm down!"

"I don't know who you're! In fact, I don't know any of you! So stop calling me that!" The goddess didn't know, but her eyes had unconsciously changed into those dangerous red orbs and Chaos made a sign for them to take steps back as he moved his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"Why don't you take a deep breath, love? We can explain everything to you once you're calmer"

Those words only served to make her angrier, the cloth hanger that was previously on her hand was now impaled against his chest, making everyone gasp while Chaos chuckled lowly.

Seeing her confused expression, the primordial God couldn't help but tease her.

"Would you like this back or can I stay with it? You know, since it's clearly sticking inside of me"

Her breathing picked up and the room suddenly felt small, before they could do or say anything, Ares had run out and disappeared from the place.

They had lost her.


"Nik?" Aphrodite asked quietly once she caught the look on his face, making the others turn towards him.


"Can't you track her or something?" Niklaus, or Chaos, clicked his tongue before he started to walk towards the door.

"Let her be, she needs some time to think" his voice was cold, very different from the usual playful one he used with them.

Persephone and Aphrodite gave him a look of disbelief, not understanding his lack of interest in finding his wife, while Hades gave him a clap on the shoulder with a short nod.

Wrapping his fingers around Persephone's, the goddess, although surprised, followed him outside. They needed to tell the others about Ares' change of state after all.

"What do you mean let her alone? She must be scared and fragile and she doesn't remember any of us, how are you so okay with that?!" Aphrodite hissed out in frustration, her eyes still puffy and red because of the previous events as she run out after him.

She could see the slightly clenched jaw and the way his hands would open and close into fists and how his eyes had turned into a turmoil of feelings.

"Oh please, Aphrodite, the last thing I'd use to describe your sister is 'fragile' unless you were thinking about a bomb, then I can agree with you" A roll of his eyes that were matched by hers and they went on walking, with the goddess of love more like running after him due to their height difference.

"What if there's something wrong with her? What if her powers get out of control? Do you not care about her?"

The glare she received was enough to shut her up, his shadow forming around his body in a threatening manner that made the goddess cower down as she avoided his murderous look.

"Forgive me if I'm pissed that after thousands of years my own wife doesn't seem to remember about me"

His voice was low, keeping his head up as he looked down at his sister in law.

"Yes I do care about her, I love her and don't you dare ever question these feelings, but I know your sister well enough to be able to tell when she needs space and that's one of those times"

Chaos closed his eyes and took a deep breath in order to calm himself down before he finished his sentence.

"I won't run after her even though it's killing me inside, because I don't want her to feel like she's caged and because I know that when she's ready she will come back to me, so you can go after her and make her temper spiral out of control or you can come with me to New Orleans and wait for her to come back on her own terms"

And with that, Chaos started to walk away again, his eyes softening when he heard the quick steps following after him.

But with the curse that tied them together being broken, the God couldn't help but second guess himself.

Now that she wasn't fated to find her way back to him, would she actually ever come back home?

They could only hope so.

The tide would rise, the leaves would fall, the moon would die and the sun would shine, but despite the lack of her memories... everyone knew not to leave their houses, for they could feel the pressure of her rage and the scent of the blood in the air.

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