《War》The End of War



They say that pain is good, because it tells you you're alive, but what if pain is the only thing you have ever felt for a very long time?

Was I actually supposed to be grateful for feeling it? For being alive? Instead of growing an abnormal hatred that would only kill my soul?

As my body stumbled over the sword, with my right hand loosely wrapped around my father's wrist as my left hand laid over his shoulder, I couldn't help but remember all of those previous moments of pain he had caused me already.

Fuck my damned mind for thinking of my moments of pain when I was already living hell.

The lightning didn't wait for my authorization as it stroke against my chest, an explosion of power directly placed on my body as a blood murder scream ripped out of my mouth.

With my forehead resting against Zeus' chest, I was relieved to have my vision blocked of the victorious smile his lips would surely sport.

The screams around us seemed to fall deaf on my ears, my vision had been blinded by the white light that exploded around us, everything seemed to be happening in slow motion and I could feel even the pain slowly spreading through every fiber of my body.

My body was frozen and at that moment I just thought... I wish it was the first time this had happened.

The pain was difficult to get used to, even after being afflicted by the same thing multiple times, my body felt as if it was burning, as if it was set on fire by inside.

The piercing sensations of the electrocution had placed me in a seemingly infinite process of convulsion as I could feel the blade cutting deeper and deeper as my limbs shook viciously.


Until it finally went numb.

Everything was dark.

3 seconds

My fingers twitched, not at all noticed by the wide crowd that seemed to stand frozen around us, it seemed like the training with Hades had served for something after all, I could see by Zeus' relaxed position that he was still under the impression that I was being affected by his powers.

My marriage ring, an onyx color, very different from the usual ones, involved my left hand in a dark mist of power while my right hand clenched around father's wrist in a very strong hold.

My head carelessly fell back, a mocking smile painted on my lips despite the awful situation of my body, which now had the dark veins covering my whole body and face.

"Pardon me, I didn't choose this path, it chose me"

His face turned into a shocked one, disbelief was clearly stamped in his sharp features, which was soon replaced by pure terror as he noticed how he couldn't pull his hand out of my firm grip.

As the dark sword started to form in between my shaky fingers with the last bit of my power, mixed with Chaos' magic, I couldn't help but laugh at the panic that seemed clear now to me.

The oh so powerful king of the Gods stood shaking, knowing that it was his end, it wasn't a secret that I AM the strongest God when it came to physical combat, he had no way to leave my hold.

"You've made your bed, have a nice nap, dad"

And the sword impaled his heart.

The silence that followed after this wasn't because of the effects of the lightning anymore, the war had stopped as Zeus' body fell forward, watching as I gave a single step to the side and watched as it collided against the ground.


Black fire igniting on it as well as the acid like magic that came from my husband, best marriage ring ever right? It was such a shame it could only be used once.

The gasps from his army were soon muted by the loud cheers of my own and I could see everyone turning to me with proud smiles as they started to kneel down as a symbol of respect.

Chaos' eyes met mine and I saw his lips tilt up in that usual smirk before he too bowed down with the others, making a small smile play on my lips.

I took a step forward, ready to make my way towards them, but a sudden dizziness was inflicted upon my body and what was supposed to be a simple movement forward had me falling head on to the ground.


Once again, the darkness was my only companion, but for the first time in centuries, my mind wasn't plagued with the nightmares that would follow me every single day, wondering what would happen if Zeus did something against my family.

But is this the end of all the endings?

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