《War》The End of Peace


Chaos was reigning on earth, multiple conflicts starting with no reason whatsoever, countries alerting their people of an incoming war that had suddenly started.

Gunshots, fire, missiles... hell had suddenly a new position.

The sudden power that exploded from the goddesses put the warriors on edge, they were used to the bloodlust coming from Ares and Eris and the induced fear provoked by the twins whenever they went to war, but this was otherworldly.

The intensity of the wrath flowing from the duo was overpowering, their eyes turning as red as the ones as Ares', showing the link of power between them.

The Mikaelson siblings seemed the most affected, their vampire features already on display, feeling a hunger long forgotten, one they had only felt the day they had been changed.

"I think we should get married again if we survive" Hermès suddenly muttered to his wife, the duo standing on Ares' right side as Chaos and Hades stood on the left, snorting at the God's comment.

"We could have a triple wedding!" The God suggested once he saw the look of disbelief on his wife's face, to their displeasure, the explanation would have to wait.

Hundreds of gods appeared in front of the castle, leading the army there was Zeus, not far behind, Athena.

Their faces showed just how much pissed they truly were, it was clear that they had other plans for the war to start, they wanted to be the ones in control, to wait for the curse to finish once again so Chaos would be out of the picture before their ultimate attack.

"We need to determine the time and place, make them come towards us"

"If we suffer a surprise attack it's over"

The room was formed by ten generals and the Gods, by the head of the table stood Ares with a contemplative face as she continued quiet.

"They won't come to enemy territory unless we show them something they want"

A smirk played on her lips, meeting the eyes of the commander of her army as she shared a knowing look.

"Let's take away what they have tried to keep for so long" Ares replied while raising an eyebrow for her right hand to finish.


"Earth shall no longer know what is peace"

"Ares, stop this nonsense at this moment!" The voice, surprisingly come from Zeus, but nonetheless, a smirk was placed on her lips as she parted ways with Eris, both goddesses still standing side by side as Eris stood slightly behind.

"Mother, I have to say... I wasn't expecting you to come, but the more the merrier!" The excitement was oozing out of the goddess of war, a wide grin playing on her red tinted lips as her eyes rapidly looked around.

They were, perhaps, bigger than Ares' army by 100x

"She came to see your fall" Athena spoke up, making the ginger groan in annoyance as she twirled the large spear around her fingers.

"Enough. Ares, I came to give you a second chance to ask for forgiveness and turn over my lightning" Zeus' voice was calm, but the power was enough to shut down the roars around the battlefield, his eyes meeting Ares' as they had a stare down.

"Nice one, but I don't have the lightning" the corner of her lips tilted up once she saw his eyebrow raising in irritation.

"I do! Get it, bitch!" And a shot of lightning went directly towards Athena, making the goddess scream in pain as Eris giggled at her new weapon.

"Hey, queen, can you add lightning to my weapons after this? I think I like it!" And all hell broke loose.

Obviously, with their little icebreaker and surprise attack, Zeus' failed to notice how half of his army had diverged from their plan and started to act on their own, affected by the power of the goddesses which were still indulging their emotions.

Those who were on their own, were now, being wiped out by the Mikaelson's and the soldiers, everything was going exactly how they wanted, even with the odd numbers.

It did help that they had not only one, but two primordial gods by their sides.

Hades' monsters were directed towards the demigods as the God of the underworld stood back observing, making sure that the path towards Zeus was free as his niece slaughtered anyone that crossed her path.


The destination was clear, Zeus was hers.

The god of the sky stood there, waiting for her, watching carefully for the lightning which was still dangerously on Eris hands as he knew that there was no point in going over when she was being guarded by Chaos and Nyx.

Not even he was that stupid.

With a loud whistle, Phobos and Deimos were quick to jump by her side, their fur grazing against the goddess' legs before they jumped on Hera, leaving her screams echoing through the air.

Athena tried to interfere on Ares' murderous plan, but was surprised by the giant wave that separated her from the battleground, taking out many minor gods with it as Poseidon's eyes shined a bright blue.

"Now now, sweetheart, I think it's time we discuss your obsession with me"

With Athena out of the way, Ares was few meters away from her target, but the twins soon jumped in front of her.

Her spear blocking the incoming arrow that was just sent to her head as she cursed loudly, turning to see their smug faces.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance"

Multiple arrows started to fly towards the goddess, her eyes burning a bright red as she started to make a circular movement with her spear, reflecting the ones that were coming towards her, only to have Apollo appearing beside her.

His hand was about to make contact with her when his body froze, making his twin give him a worried look, only to receive no response.

"What do you think about my new trick? I don't even have to kill them to turn them into my puppets, just a kiss and..." Mania explained with a giggle, making Apollo focus his sunlight towards his twin, whom screamed loudly when the light blinded her eyes.

"He's my new toy! Go on, mommy! I'll deal with these idiots"

Ares didn't waste another second, throwing herself at the waiting God as the lightning unsheathed his pure white sword, watching as she made her spear disappear, leaving a pure black sword on its place.

"It's time"

His voice was as cold as ever, no hesitation whatsoever for having to kill his heir, it was as if he was expecting, wishing for it.

Her anger grew, her rage burning with the fire that had started to form around her, what a fucking father he was, he had broken her heart way before any 'boy' could.

"I begged for your affection! For one single proud look, why did you hate me so fucking much?" Her voice was shaky as she hissed at him, thrusting her sword on a quick and strong move that made him take a step back, blocking with his own.

"I grew, I was everything you couldn't be! I was a true queen without the need of a crown!" Their movements grew harsher, but she overpower him in close combat.

Lightnings started to struck around them as the fight continued, ichor painting his light colors as well as her dark ones, the ground, once earthy, was a pull of gold, a mix of their bloods that would forever be stamped as a symbol of their fight.

"I did everything without you!"

"I know"

His words made her freeze for a second, his sword impaling her stomach, screams calling out her name echoed by her ear, but seemed to distant as she used her strength to look up at him.

For the first time since she was born, she could see the proudness on his bright blue eyes...

The hint of a smile played on his lips and she found his eyes turning lighter and lighter, until they acquired the rich gold that she had grown to hate so much.

His lips came in contact with her forehead and she heard the soft whisper.

"You're, by far, the most similar to me and I think I could love you some day, but there's only place for one of us to reign"

His hands started to sparkle and her eyes closed, a tear rolling down her cheek as she waited for the pain, her left hand covering the handle of the sword as she stopped it from moving and making the pain even worse.

"When will this stop hurting?"

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