《War》May the Gods save us all


Second day of the curse

The armies were formed, the tension was growing, everyone seemed on the edge as they saw the soldiers strategically positioned in platoons, dispersed around the terrain, giving them a reality check of the real situation.

Ares was somewhere far from the castle, her legs hanging from a cliff as she appreciated the final moments of peace she could have.

"I think it's a little too late to get a tan"

The ginger didn't bother to open her eyes at the sound of Poseidon's voice, but she could hear by the footsteps that the goddess was alone, leaving her to believe that Hades had left to see Persephone and taken Rebekah with him.

The goddess of the seas sat down beside her niece as her sea green orbs followed around the beautiful sight in front of her eyes, one that would soon be destroyed by the war.

"I take your presence as a positive answer to the deal" ever so straight forward, Ares didn't bother with the greetings, their relationship was strictly professional after all.

"If what Hades told me is true, then yes"

"You get to reign on the Olympus after Zeus dies, that's what he told you, right?" Her eyes snapped open and the goddess tilted her head to look at the brunette.

Vermilion eyes meeting sapphire ones as they glared in confirmation.

"Hades continues reigning on the underworld and he will have the same power as you, the law prohibiting gods from seeing their sons will have to go down as well, that's the deal" Ares finished, looking straight to Poseidon's eyes.

"What's in for you?" The goddess was still skeptical, her eyes narrowed as she observed her niece, who was now smirking at her.

"Besides killing father dearest and a few other gods as bonus?" Ares questioned with a teasing smirk, her eyes moving back towards the end of the cliff as she shrugged.


"I don't need to be queen, being able to be with my family without someone trying to hunt me down every single time is good enough for me"

Standing up from the ground, Ares missed the soft look her aunt was giving her, almost as if she had finally seen through the barriers that she had always put up to not be hurt.

"I'm in"

"Thought so, you'll be staying with Annabeth, she has a plan... oh, and good luck with Athena"

Ares laughed as she was suddenly drenched by a medium sized wave, raising her hands in mock surrender as she started to walk away from the place and towards the front lines.

Hades was already there, waiting for her with Persephone, who had a very visible pout on her lips once she had been informed that she'd go to the underworld with Malachai and Aphrodite.

By their sides stood Hermès, Nyx, Eris, Chaos and Mania, the ginger daughter leaning against her dad as he hugged her side.

"Everyone ready?" Ares questioned while crossing her arms in front of her chest, any sign of emotions completely vanished from her features as she looked at each one of them.

"To potentially destroy all of those masterpieces of strip clubs?"

"To torture the whole fucking Olympus?"

Hermes and Eris exclaimed at the same time, sharing a smirk as Ares raised an amused eyebrow at them.

"What were you doing on strip clubs?" Nyx questioned with a dark smile on her face, making her husband force a laughter as he took a few steps closer to his little sister.

"Research, you can ask Hades!" Pointing at the god of the underworld, who was giving him a literal death stare, they could feel the ground shaking as Persephone glared at him.


"You went with him? What's next? Did you go with those two?" Percy questioned before directing her question to a very amused Chaos, who simply smirked at her.

"Eris was quite of our personal stripper whenever Ares was in the mood for something different, not on this life though, we shall change this soon, love" Chaos answered while wrapping an arm around his wife before he winked at the goddess of strife, making Ares smirk at her.

"Yes! In my defense, I did try to offer, but you're quite possessive as Niklaus" the dark haired beauty pouted in annoyance, but their conversation was soon cut short by the 'Ewww's coming from Kai and Mania.

"I so didn't need to hear this" Mania grumbled with a scowl on her face, turning her lips in disgust as the siphoner nodded.

"Oh my dearest, you really need to get some tips from us, I mean come on, Apollo? Really?" Eris exclaimed making Ares glare at the ginger, having momentarily forgotten about the sun god.

"That's true, awful choice, sweetheart"

"Apollo, huh? I already know with whom I'll start today"

Mania's face turned pink from embarrassment, but she quickly regained her composure and glared at everyone.

"Everyone makes mistakes, okay?"

"Not one that bright though"

After a series of laughters, the family looked around with sad smiles, it was time to go, that night, the darkness would reign and the world as they knew would never be the same.

"Be safe, little warriors, I hope to see you again sometime" and with a command from Hades, Persephone, Aphrodite and Kai were gone, far from the battlefield that would soon takeover, much to their annoyed screams which were soon cut off.

"I thought she'd let them stay" Mania whispered to her dad as everyone stood back, watching as Eris and Ares cut their right hands and wrapped them tightly together, their foreheads leaning on one another.

"Ares hopes they will never get used to killing, their natures are different from ours, they are the ones that will keep us sane when everyone is dead"

And a wide force of energy expanded from the goddesses, the war had just started...

"Till death do us a party, Ace"

"A damn hell of a party, Queen"

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