《War》I'm so fucking sorry


"Hey mom, Anna has been in her room the entire day" Mania whispered softly as soon as her mother left the arena, watching as the goddess pursed her lips before she nodded.

"Don't worry, honey, I'll talk to her. Now go see your dad, I'm sure you have been dying to give him a hug and tell everything that happened on those past centuries" Ares smiled softly at her child while caressing her long bright red hair.

Mania's cheeks turned a light pink and her eyes shined at the mention of her father, quickly looking back to watch him talking to Nyx as she fixed him up before Ares kissed her forehead and she run towards them.

Ares and Chaos weren't the only ones affected by the curse, their daughter had to watch her father dying every time things were going well, it had certainly got the mother and child duo closer than ever and Mania was totally a mommy's child, but it didn't make her love her father any less.

The goddess of war watched with an apprehensive face as Mania neared Chaos, she could feel the waves of hesitation and anxiety brimming from the girl as she got closer and Chaos could certainly feel it as well, because his eyes snapped towards his child in a quick motion and from her place on the shadows she could still see the tears running down their faces.

"Hey momma, I'm going to my room, you'll come over before I sleep, right?" The calm voice of Damon snapped her out of her dazed state and the goddess shot him a smile.

"Of course, little soldier, good job on the field today, your movements are getting quicker and stronger, I'm proud of you" ruffling his hair, the goddess smirked at her son as she watched his face burning up before he left with the vampire doppelgänger, who waved quickly at Ares.

"Aph, can you show the Mikaelson siblings to their chambers? I'd do this myself, but I have a situation to resolve first" Aphrodite quickly nodded at her sister, giving the warrior a hug and smiling as Ares kissed her head before she started to walk towards the palace.

"Come on, dearies" The goddess of love exclaimed with a blinding smile, making Kol and Elijah share a look as they started to follow her, only for Eris to appear beside Ares with a mischievous smile on her lips.


"I'll mind the youngest" causing Kol to smirk at the brunette beauty as his older brother gave him an annoyed look, which was quickly replaced by an embarrassed one as Kol finished "Don't do anything I wouldn't, brother"

Just as the pairs were entering the building, Eris looked back with a grin on her lips and a suggestive wink as she shouted "Join us when Chaos is asleep!"

"I'll have Nyx to put a spell on him, see you soon babe!" Ares shouted back in a teasing way, smiling widely at the loud laughters coming from her best friend as she pulled Kol along.

Speaking of said raven haired beauty, Hermès didn't waste time into getting his wife to the room that had been specially made for the couple as soon as she finished healing Chaos, claiming that she hadn't given him the attention he deserved and now she would only be his.

The Amazons continued sparring with the soldiers of Ares, Penthesilea fighting against their Wolf sibling that had returned with Eris as they continued on and on.

The other children of Ares that weren't sparring were watching the others or had already returned to their respectful rooms, leaving the ginger free to walk towards a lost Malachai as he watched the battles taking place.

"What do you think?" The boy jumped when the goddess suddenly appeared beside him, before giving her a cheeky grin as his dark blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"It's amazing! Different from anything I've ever seen, is this how it should be?" Ares's furrowed her eyebrows as her eyes watched the queen of the Amazon's, her eldest daughter, fighting against the giant wolf, before her blood red orbs traveled towards him.

"A battlefield?"

"A family" his voice was so soft she could barely hear, but she did, making her features soften as she watched the curious boy.

"Every family is different, I didn't have this when I was growing up and I know you didn't have this too... I didn't want my children to have a childhood like mine, yes, they are still the children of war and they had to be trained, but I made sure to always try and show them they weren't only weapons to me" Ares explained with a serious expression, her eyes going back to the fight as she saw him watching her.


"I know you want revenge and I won't stop you from reaching it, I'd even say that I will help you, but I don't like making promises when I'm not certain I can keep it" sighing heavily, the ginger nodded towards another direction and they started to walk towards the castle.

"I have declared war against my father and while I can't be killed, my physical body is deteriorating. I will send you with Persephone to the underworld until the war is over, you will be safe there" Kai gave her a look of disbelief at her words, but the ginger didn't acknowledge it and entered the weapons room.

"Why did you get me out of the prison world? Because I was fine with thinking that you only cared for taking me out of that hell so I would help, but now I'm feeling conflicted and I don't know what to feel!" Malachai exclaimed while passing his fingers through his hair in frustration.

After so long not feeling, it was strange to feel something that wasn't pain or rage.

Ares gave him a close eyed smile and showed the ring that she had taken from a particular compartment on the room, a ring very similar to Damon's.

"I told you, it was never my intention to make my children feel as if they were weapons, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before, but I would like to be your mother if you would have me" at her words, the siphoner leaned against a wall and started to sit down on the ground.

His knees close to his chest and his face hidden in between his arms as he tried to stop the tears from falling from his eyes as well as keeping at bay everything he was feeling at the moment.


"This ring has my power, never take it off, you will always have magic this way, okay?" Ares explained softly as she sat down beside the boy and opened her palm to show him the ring.

"Why are you doing this? I-I'm not your son, I'm a sociopath, a serial killer, I tried to kill my siblings and I want to finish the job so bad!" His voice echoed around the room as he let himself cry, making the goddess sigh softly as she wrapped her arms around him and let him lay his head on her lap.

"You are my son, Zeus and Athena got Hecate to erase my memories of you, but I swear I looked for you as soon as I remembered! I'm sorry for everything you have passed, this is all my fault, this anger comes from me, the inability to perform magic on your own is because of me and your killing tendencies are because of me" Ares confessed quietly, trying her best to keep her face blank of emotions as she talked.

"I'm sorry you have been isolated and couldn't see the beauty of the world or have a family of your own, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when I promised I would always stay by your side the moment you were born, I'm sorry you were punished because of the hatred the Gods bare towards me and I'm so fucking sorry that I wasn't the mother you needed me to be" a single tear fell from her vermilion eyes as she spoke, her voice wavering slightly as she took a deep breath and continued to rock the broken man on her lap.

"I know nothing I say will erase your pain or the traumas from your past and I know I can't ask anything from you, but I would love to be your mother and for this to be your family if this is what you want... you don't have to answer me now or anything, we only have eternity after all"

"...I'm so sorry, my little angel... I wish I was the reason behind your smiles, not your tears"

Ares whispered softly, her voice cracking as a few other tears slipped from her eyes and for the first time, her son looked up at her with the same broken look on his face.

"Me too..."

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