《War》Sorry, we don't hang out with losers


Sweat dripped from their bodies and smiles painted their faces as the sound of metal clashing and the cheers from their audience echoed around the place.

Eris was expectedly fighting with her original twin knives, their curled style combined with her rapid movements could be confused with chakrams as she attacked her opponents.

Her synchrony with Ares was something that no one had ever seen, but that was what happened after thousands of years engaging wars together.

Eris was Ares' right arm, her companion in battle and life, her best friend and sister, although not biologically.

As they stood in front of Nyx as the first line of combat, the children of Ares couldn't help but watch in awe the difference between the level of abilities of the goddesses and the vampires.

It looked as if two fights were happening at the same time, Eris and Ares against Kol, Damon and Chaos while Nyx handled the newly overpowered siphoner.

Kai had found out that Chaos' magic wasn't that different from Ares', both of them were very volatile whenever he tried to tame them, it wasn't like nature magic, that required control, so he was having a very hard time in handling it, even more considering how strong it was.

Nyx stood back watching the siphoner with interest as she negated the magic sent towards them, the explosive acts of power were clearly impressive for someone new like him, so she stood observing quietly, waiting for the right time to attack while gathering information to give him pointers for future events and keeping and eye on her team.

Someone had thrown a sword towards Kol at some point and he was getting used to the weight of it, it had been a long time since he had used a sword in combat.


Damon was doing better, courtesy of his time training with his mom, changing his ring into a sword instead of the preferred rifle as he stood near the original vampire while fighting the beast girls.

Chaos stood slightly behind the duo, attacking the duo whenever he saw an opening, but it was clear for the goddesses that his main activity was to give pointers on what the guys needed to do, when to do and how to do it.

"Damon, left"

Avoiding once again a precise strike of the goddess of discord, it was safe to say that Eris was getting quite frustrated with her failed attempts of hitting the vampires, thanks to Ares' husband.

"Queen, babe, you know that I love you, right?" Eris questioned loudly as Ares blocked Chaos' sword that was now inches away from her chest.

"Yes, Ace, I love you too" Ares grinned at the brunette while kicking her leg towards Chaos' chest, only for him to have thought the same thing, making their legs collide on the air as the goddess winked at him and jumped back.

"Then please, do something against that husband of yours before I start playing with his mind" Eris snapped with a sweet smile, which was directed towards the primordial god who was currently smirking at her as he predicted, yet again, another of her movements.

"Already on it, Ace" Ares answered with a smirk, making her spear be replaced by a whip as she quickly wrapped it around Chaos' form and threw him towards the other side of the arena.

"Can you handle those two?" Ares shouted as she started to fight against Chaos, keeping her eyes trained on him as his smirk widened.

"Give me 7 minutes and I'll have them eating dirt, queen" the vampires glared at her while the brunette twirled the knives around her fingers, her dark orbs acquiring those red ring around them as she smirked at the boys.


"Little star, why don't you show them the beauty of the night?" Ares questioned while grinning at her husband, making him give her a suspicious look as she changed weapons once again, showing her twin swords.

"I was hoping you would say that, gorgeous" Nyx replied with a grin, clapping her hands together in one motion as everything went dark.

No light could be seen, their eyes were completely useless at the moment and the only one that had the sight was the goddess of the night, whom had silently made her way towards the siphoner, making ropes of shadow appear around his body in a restraining way.

The goddess quickly used Shadow travel to appear beside Ares, placing a hand on the goddess shoulder as her eyes glowed a silver color as Ares' shined the vibrant red.

Dots of light started to form around Chaos and the God braced himself for the attack, quickly conjuring his chaotic magic as he looked at the points of light in curiosity as they flew towards him.

It wasn't until they grew closer that he could see how they were actually swords, making the God curse under his breath as he tried to avoid the attacks with the help of his shadow and his sword, but there were just so many he could avoid.

To his surprise, he could feel his skin being wounded even when the light wasn't seen, leaving the God defeated on the ground as ten thousand swords flew towards him.

The goddesses grinned at each other and Nyx allowed the light to return, showing Eris sitting on top of Damon and Kol, who were barely able to keep their eyes open as one had been thrown on top of the other.

Not far from them, Kai was struggling against the shadows that were wrapped around his body and mouth, stopping him from saying anything.

And last of all, a very bloodied Chaos laying on the ground with multiple swords discarded around his body, some were the shiniest white they had ever seen while the others as dark as the night.

A combined attack invented by Nyx and Ares in which the goddess of the night would disable the target's ability to see and the goddess of war would conjure ten thousand swords towards their enemy, some of which they would be expecting, because of the light and others that they couldn't see. Providing a faux impression that all of the swords were illuminated.

Just like the sky when it's night, you can see the stars and the moon, but was it really the only components of the night?

"Don't worry boys, it's not about winning or losing!" Hermès shouted with a big smile as he entered the field, watching as Nyx cured their wounds and the pouts on the boys' faces.

"You know who says that?" Ares asked the girls with a smirk, making them mirror her expression as Nyx, Eris and the children of war answered.

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