

"Y-you can't kill me! If you do, the curse will never be broken" The primordial God whimpered as Chaos rolled his eyes in boredom.

"You will wish I'd kill you" Chaos mumbled under his breath, throwing his brother on the ground as they appeared in a different dimension.

It was dark and full of destruction, as if a war had happened there and left the place in ruins, the buildings were falling apart, the vegetation was dead, no animals around and an irking silence following them around.

The town seemed to have frozen on a past time, the cars were old and broken as well, there were dolls scattered around, burnt and a rusted playground.

Like a ghost story.

Just by being there, the God of order could feel himself weakened, the destruction was too overwhelming.

"What are you going to do with me?" He tried once he saw he couldn't leave the dimension and go back to his world, his eyes widening as Chaos looked intently at him, smiling even.

"Now I would tell you my evil schemes, but then I'd just be plain dumb and I'm not you, brother" Chaos answered as his smile widened, his shadows transforming into a sword as he held it pointed towards the fearful god.

It was quite pathetic.

The God quickly stood on his feet and started to run away from his little brother, who had a murderous look on his face as he kept on the same place, just to appear in front of him while impaling the sword on Phanes' stomach.

The God bowled in pain, kneeling down as the sword seemed corrosive to his skin, only for the God of Chaos to take it out and watch with satisfaction as the wound closed and the action would repeat.

"I could make your entire history disappear with you, brother, but that would be too easy of a punishment for taking me away from my blood queen" Chaos whispered as he reappeared behind him, impaling the older God once again.


The powers of Chaos were beyond anyone's knowledge, it couldn't be measured and the ones who had suffered it had been long dead to actually share the experience with others.

So Phanes wasn't aware of the fact that his brother had power over time and that while his torture would go on for thousands of years, it would only be minutes on the real world.

Phanes was truly damned to an eternity of suffering and Chaos would let his shadow handling him, after all, now that the curse was once again activated, he would only have 2 days and a few hours with Ares until he was killed once again.

It killed him mentally to watch her suffer.

He never told her but his soul would stay for a few more minutes on his dead body before the reincarnation would start, he had watched her dispare every single time.

The way her eyes would grow watery, lips trembling, the burning water that would soon leave as tears and fall on his chest as she sobbed on his cold body.

The way her screams would haunt villages and her rage and bloodlust would raise immeasurably, in a way that it would wipe out entire countries just by the pain she was feeling.

He knew what would happen if he told her the truth, she would lock up all her feelings and it would destroy her and Chaos would never want something like this for her.

So he opted to keep quiet, crying silently as his arms couldn't comfort the woman he loved, knowing that in a few minutes or maybe seconds he wouldn't be able to remember of their memories together.

It broke him.

And although his brother's screams caused him great pleasure, he didn't want to waste even another second away from his family, so that's how he caught himself appearing in Ares' world.


Their home.

He certainly wasn't expecting the loud cheers and sound of a fighting broking out, though, making an amused smile appear on his face as he walked closer to the arena where Ares and Hermès fought against a very interesting trio.

It was safe to say that the gods weren't even breaking a sweat as they fought against the brunette's.

"Now that's sad, my eyes are actually bleeding from this tragic scene" Chaos said bluntly from the sidelines, making everyone turn to look at him as he waved slowly.

"Mind if I join?" Jumping over the barrier, Chaos jogged over to the losers while placing his hands out in front of Malachai, before looking at Ares with a smirk.

"Come on team, let's gather up and think of a strategy, you morons didn't think Ares chose you three randomly, right?" Kai didn't wait for a second offering, quickly siphoning from the God as the vampires shared a look.

"Come on, mom! We would never be able to work together, the only thing we have in common is our daddy issues!" Damon groaned as he gave the others a look, he didn't mind the hybrid, but Kai and Kol?

"What should I call you now? Niklaus? Klaus? Chaos? Nichaos?" Damon finished as his gaze went to the blonde, making the others snort as Chaos gave him a smile.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with, now stop annoying your mom, she knows what she's doing" ruffling the younger vampire's hair, he started to push them towards the corner so they could discuss their plan, but not before winking at the delight on Ares' face.

"If I were you, I'd choose someone else to enter your team, my red queen, now things will get interesting" Ares raised an eyebrow at his words, a smirk playing on her red lips as she watched his movements.

"I don't wanna fight Chaos" Hermès mumbled with a pout, giving his puppy eyes to his sister as he said "It's not fair, tell him he can't fight with them"

"Come on, big brother, it will be fun!" Ares exclaimed with a grin, turning around to look at Eris as she nodded for the goddess to enter the field, making the brunette grin widely at her.

"Fun? No way, I'll be over there, where I won't break a bone or all of them for the matter" Hermès told the warriors as they gave him a look.

"Four men against three goddesses, I like the odds of that" Nyx said with a smirk as she replaced her husband's place and leaned against Ares.

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