《War》Hey Mama



"Let's see if you still know how to fight, mom" Penthesilea said with a smirk, seeing her mother's broken expression wasn't something her daughters wanted and they knew just what would help her.

Mania immediately quirked up at this, walking over the brunette that was commonly known as the queen of the Amazon's as she mirrored her smirk, making Ares raise an eyebrow at the duo.

"Pen and I against you, only combat, no magic allowed" Mania completed "Unless you're afraid of course"

The rest of the Amazon warriors quickly started cheering with teasing grins on their faces, it was impossible for the goddess of war to back down now, not that she minded.

"You're on" Ares answered with a grin, her spear materializing in her hand as Penthesilea did the same with her labrys and Mania with her pure black sword.

The Apemius family following to the battlefield as everyone cheered loudly for their siblings, whom although being the strongest children of Ares had not once won against their mother.

"You can still give up if you want, kids, wouldn't want to have your asses kicked in front of everyone, right?" Ares taunted the duo as she twirled the spear around her hands with immense speed, making it only show a red circle from its movements.

"Are you sure you're not saying this for yourself, mom? You've become quite old, wouldn't want to give you a herniated disc" Mania snapped back with her usual smirk, making Penthesilea and the others laugh loudly as Ares suddenly disappeared and attacked them from behind.

Only for Pen to block the attack against her sister.

"We can do this, Red" Penthesilea told her sister as the ginger smiled widely at her and answered "Yeah! I believe in us!"

Aphrodite snorted from the sidelines and shouted at the sisters "For the record, I don't believe in any of you! Get them, Sissy!"


"Aunt Dite!"

"Come on, kids! Bets with me!" Eris shouted from the other side of the field, getting the money from the children as they started to make the bets.

"Go Ares! I'm the only one betting on you, I'm gonna be rich!" The brunette suddenly shouted at her best friend, making the others snort as Ares rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Isn't it a little unfair? One against two?" Kai asked as he continued on Persephone's side, receiving a gentle smile from the raven haired beauty as she shook her head.

"The children of war don't really play by rules, in the beginning Ares could fight against every single one of them and she would still win, now those two give her a hard time, but bunny can still win against them" Persephone spoke softly, making the boy turn to watch the fight in interest.

"Why is it not allowed magic?"

"Mania is a beast when she can use magic" The goddess answered with a giggle "She's Chaos's daughter after all"

"Can you lend me some money?" Kai suddenly asked with a cute smile, making the goddess grin at him as she gave some golden coins "Hey Eris! I'm betting on Ares!"

"Hermes you better bet on me or I'll whip your ass after I finish this!" The god looked up from his phone, giving his sister an offended look as he started to make his way towards the goddess of discord.

"I didn't do anything this time! Why is she always so rude with me? WHY ARE YOU SO RUDE WITH ME? I WILL TELL EVERYTHING TO NYX!" The god complained but placed the bet on his little sister, his eyes widening as a dagger suddenly went flying towards him as she continued fighting against the duo.


"WE BOTH KNOW THAT SHE IS ONLY WITH YOU BECAUSE SHE CAN'T BE WITH ME!" Ares exclaimed with her smirk widening, quickly looking at her brother from the corner of her eyes as she saw him pouting.

"That's not true! Right, babe?" Turning around, the goddess of the night was giving the duo amused looks as she looked in confusion between them, just having arrived.

"What is not true?" Nyx asked before she blinded the siblings and appeared beside Ares, placing a kiss on her cheek, before she made the darkness disappear from their eyes and the fight continued.

"Why did you kiss her first? I'm your husband! I should get the first kiss!" Hermès suddenly exclaimed rather offended, making his wife roll her eyes at his drama before she placed a kiss on his lips.

"There there, you drama queen, happy?" Nyx asked with a smirk, which was quickly replaced by a squeal as Hermès pulled her back, his hands holding her waist steadily as he pulled her in an intense kiss.

"Now I am" The brunette shivered under his gaze, his long fingers grazing her skin with softness yet a dangerous smirk on his lips.

"What were you talking about?" Nyx questioned as she tried to hide her flushing cheeks, looking back at the battle that was happening in front of her eyes with a smile as she saw how Ares had knocked down Mania and was fighting against the Amazon queen.

"How you love me more than you love him!" Ares answered finally knocking the weapon out of Penthesilea's hands, her spear pointed towards the brunette head as she grinned at Nyx.

"Oh that's true, I'd have married Ares, but Chaos got her first" Nyx teased her husband, keeping her face serious as he looked between the duo with an expression of disbelief.

"Percy! They are bullying me!"

"You're such a kid! Come on, you're fighting with me, Damon, Kol and Kai, I want you three against us" the goddess of war mumbled under her breath before pointing out at the exquisite trio.

"Wait what?"

"Oh this is gonna hurt, good luck boys! You're gonna need it!" Eris cackled loudly at them, receiving matching glares from the three.

"Oh who am I kidding, you wouldn't win against those two even if you were reborn or something"

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