《War》Σε αγαπώ


Niklaus, or rather Chaos, let go of his brother's neck as a shadow stood on his place, the body made of darkness restraining the other primordial God as he tried to disappear from the place.

In truth, he only wanted the memories to return so the curse would kick in, not to turn Chaos' doll which would soon be thrown from one side to the other.

The shadow firstly had an humanoid form, however it started to flicker into something much worse as Chaos' anger started to grow, a disfigured beast which was entirely black with its eyes a pure white had covered them both, opening a portal to another dimension as they disappeared from the prison world.

"I-uh... what just happened?" Kai exclaimed with wide eyes, waving his hands around the place where they just had been, only for nothing to happen.

"Chaos has come" Hermès answered rather dramatically, flickering his fingers to give emphasis to his words as he deepened his voice.

Which was suddenly transformed into a loud squeal as Persephone pinched his arm.

"Stop it!" The goddess hissed under her breath while discreetly pointing at the red haired female who was still sitting on the ground, with a dazed look on her eyes.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch! Sorry!" Hermès whispered while rubbing his arm, making the siphoner snort at the God's antics.

After a long silence, Kai was starting to feel quite awkward as the gods continued whispering on the sidelines, eyes occasionally wondering towards the goddess who had yet to make a move or say something after her husband's discover.

"Are you okay?" His question snapped her out of her frozen state as the ginger quickly stood from the ground, nodding at him.

"Yes, Hermès let's go" her brother gave her an worried look, but clapped one hand on Persephone's shoulder as Ares quickly enveloped her arms around Kai and they appeared beside the duo, leaving the prison world.

"Oh my God! Oh my god! That was so cool! Oh wait, can I say 'Oh my God or is it like..." Kai rambled in excitement as they reappeared back on earth, making Ares flick his forehead, stopping his words.

"I'll answer everything soon, sweetheart, but it's not safe right now, so stay close to me" her words were soft yet commanding and he knew that she was being truthful and only wanted to make sure that everyone was fine.


The siphoner nodded his head quickly and followed by her side, his eyes widening once he noticed all the differences of this new world as his mouth dropped in amazement.

"Aphrodite!" Ares' voice shouted loudly as she entered the mansion, the goddess of love quickly appearing beside her sister as she hugged her waist tightly, hiding her face on Ares' chest.

"Hey, sissy! Is everything good?" Aphrodite smiled softly at her big sister as the Mikaelson's appeared in the main room, having heard the screams.

"Eris and Hades aren't back yet?" Ares questioned while looking around, seeing the negative response from her sister as she nodded to herself.

"Time to go, where is Damon?"

"I sent him and Katherine to your place, are we going there as well? Zeus seems to be making his moves" Aphrodite rambled while counting down the siblings, making sure that she hadn't lost anyone.


"Where's Nik?"

A pained look appeared on Ares' features and she looked down at her feet, clenching her jaw tightly.

"He's waiting for us there" the lie came off easy, but left a bitter feeling down her tongue before she bite down her lip, giving her companions a look to go along with it.

"Is he...?" Aphrodite questioned with a big smile on her face as she gave Kai a hug, making his body go rigid for a few moments before he slowly relaxed in her hold, but she could still feel him alert.

"Yep, you must be Malachai" Her honeyed voice sounded out with a giggle as she let go of him, respecting his space.

"Just Kai" the boy replied a little confused with her words, but decided to let go as Ares placed her hand on his shoulder and soon enough they were in a battlefield.

"Welcome to my kingdom" much to their surprise, just as Ares spoke those words, a flash of red tackled her on the ground.

"Mom! It happened didn't it? Dad remembers"

"Mania, let mother breath, will you?" Penthesilea, the leader of the Amazon's reprimanded her sister, behind her stood Eris and the rest of the warriors, all of them bowing down when Ares stood up.

"Hello mother, we are here to fight with you" a real smile appeared on the goddess' lips as she looked at all of her children in front of her.


Behind them, all of the dead soldiers that were bound to her kneeled on the ground with their heads bowed down in respect for their leader, even a certain familiar face, which was soon recognized by the youngest Mikaelson son.

"No way, is that my dad?" Kol asked in disbelief as he saw Mikael kneeling down in front of his new queen, before a wicked laughter broke from his lips.

"Hey Ares, since I'm clearly your favorite Mikaelson, do you mind if I have a moment with my dad?" The goddess of war looked over her shoulder to the brunette, watching as he smiled widely at her with hopeful eyes, making her wink at him.

"Sure, have fun"

"So... now that we are here, can you explain what is going on?" Aphrodite asked with her head tilted to the side, making the ginger sigh heavily.

"Everything started thousands of years ago, when two kings, Zeus and Phanes, cursed their child and sibling. I had met Chaos and gradually fell in love with him, since he was a primordial god and I was the heir of Zeus, it was supposed to make us reign" Ares started her history as she walked inside the castle.

"We would be king and queen of the gods, but the current kings didn't like the change, so they killed us" her voice cracked as she remembered how it all started.

"Or at least we thought so, I woke up, but Chaos' body laid beside me. Without knowing what was happening to us, I could only hug his lifeless body and cry... I could feel the coldness of his skin and his power had already been drained"

"I couldn't handle watching the Gods faces and going back to the Olympus, so I continued to wonder on Earth, without purpose, causing senseless wars and destruction everywhere I went"

"But then... we met again... while fighting another tribe I came face to face with Chaos once again, the one who had died in my arms" tears flowed from her eyes, but she made sure her back was turned to them so no one could see.

"He didn't have his black wings, but there was no doubt it was him... I run to him with a smile, I couldn't be more grateful, I was almost believing the fates had given me another chance, but as his sword entered my body and a look of confusion crossed on his face, I knew that he had no idea of who I was"

"I grew confused after this and decided to tag along, but years later, I saw his eyes that were hazel turn pitch black and the darkness that surrounded his body and had no doubts... Chaos was reincarnated"

"I was so happy, that I told him everything, I told him of our past, who he truly was and who I was to him, shortly after, all his memories returned"

"Three days after that, he died once again in my arms"

The ginger bit her lip as she started to feel it trembling, her vision was already blurred by the tears and her entire body was shaking.

"My father and his brother had cursed us, eternal life for me and reincarnation for him, that's the only reason why Zeus has never killed me... it was because of his own mistake"

"Even if I die, I'll rise and Chaos will continue to repeat his limited life as human and will forget the memories of his previous lives... if he regains his memories, after three days he will die, it doesn't matter what I try to stop it, it never works"

"Not only that, every time he was reborn, he would always meet me, fall in love with me and die in front of my eyes"

"H-how many times have you-" Elijah started, to which Ares quickly interrupted.

"I've met Chaos 367 times, you were a little far from the right number, Hermès" The goddess muttered with a dry laughter, making her brother give her a sympathetic look.

"Before he became Niklaus Mikaelson, he was just a kid... For some reason, he remembered me as soon as he saw me and died when he was still 6 years old... it was..."




... and I couldn't kill myself to stop this pain

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