


Just as they got to the bone 199, the smile fell from the goddess' face.

Hecate's blood had started to float towards her body, her bones cracking themselves on the right place as everything became quiet, organized, clean.

Kai noticed Ares' body going rigid, her breath quickening as her eyes flashed around in worry and anger.

He could feel the energy in the air, his siphoner side was almost purring at the new presence that had entered the prison world. He wanted that power, no... he needed it.

It was as if something was compelling him to it, but he didn't know what.

His eyes went wide as Ares quickly slammed her spear through Hecate's head and reappeared in front of him, her playful composure taking a turn.

It wasn't difficult to find it, almost as if the person was trying to attract their attention as they watched the white magic swirling around the air.

It was a peaceful power, very different from the woman beside him, he noticed. Hers was destructive, powerful, angry... like she was screaming at the world for too long and no one had come to save her until it turned something dark, wicked.

Just like him.

Maybe that's why he felt connected to the ginger, besides the fact that it was super cool to be friends with the goddess of war, after all.

A growl left Ares' mouth and his head snapped to look at her, all the blood on her clothes had vanished, no wrinkles were left and her hair was perfectly made, it was as if she had just gotten ready.

Looking down at himself, he could see the same happening to him, the smell of the smoke wasn't accompanying them anymore, replaced by a plain smell that he couldn't figure out.

Hell, the prison world looked different as well.

Too tidy, strange.

Kai's dark blue eyes noticed the tremble on the goddess' fingers before he noticed that her whole body was shaking, making his face turn up into a frown as he wondered if she was shaking in fear.


Could it be Zeus? He had read how the father and daughter relationship was as bad as it could be.

But then he thought why she was restraining herself so much as she walked towards their destination, it was as if she wanted to run towards them but run away at the same time.

Who was it that was waiting for the duo?

"Is that Zeus? Because if it is, I gotta say that I'm disappointed" the boy blurted out as soon as they came into his eyesight.

The white tunic covering the man's figure was making him look like Jesus, not the evil Zeus he had in mind, making a disgusted look appear on his face as everyone turned to look at the two of them.

"Oh sorry, you can continue whatever you were talking about" grinning at the four faces that looked at him, the boy couldn't help but wave at them.

"No, he's just leaving" Ares voice was harsh as she stopped slightly in front of her son, glaring at the man in white as her eyes didn't waver towards the rest of her family.

"Ares, dearie, we were just waiting for you!" His polished voice and calm smile clashed against the furious look on the ginger's face.

"I don't know if you remember, but I hate repeating myself, so either you leave now, or I'll send you in pieces back to the place you belong" the vermilion in her eyes shone like a ruby as she clenched her fingers tightly around the handle of her spear.

The man's soft laughter only making her anger rise as flames started to surround her body, the different this time was that the flames were pitch black.

Her brother looked at her in worry, his bright eyes flashing towards the place Persephone and Niklaus were and then back at Malachai, trying to calculate if he would be fast enough to catch the three of them before Ares lost her mind, but he knew as well as Ares that besides the softness of the man's look, he would be able to interfere just as quick as he was.


"Now that's not how you talk to family, dear!" Kai couldn't understand if the man was trying to be like that on purpose just to irritate the goddess, but if it was, it was certainly working as thousands of soldiers appeared with their weapons pointed towards the man.

"She told you to leave, mate, I suggest to do as you were told, we can be quite a bloody couple when people don't do what we want" Nik said from the background, a mischievous smirk was painted on his face and his arms were crossed behind his back.

"That's your real husband? I like this one" Klaus raised an intrigued eyebrow at Kai's words, his smirk widening, showing his dimples as he turned to the boy.

"That I am, I wasn't aware of a fake husband though, my love" his blue eyes turned to look at Ares, but she was still frozen on her place, glaring daggers on the man in the middle who seemed to be all too amused by the hybrid.

"Ah brother, I guess not even the curse has taken away the darkness in your heart, not like I expected, it wasn't such a wonder how you and Ares got along so well after all, the troublesome duo had to stick together always causing problems, right?" His words were directed to Niklaus, making the hybrid's smirk fall as he glared at the unknown man.

"Σκοτάδι" the black fire that was circling Ares suddenly flew towards the stranger, like roots, corroding everything in its path.

In less than a second, the roots had turned into spikes that stabbed the man multiple times, the ichor that flowed from his wounds being enough to tell the hybrid that he was dealing with another God.

The fire never ceased, making him grunt in pain as his smile fell into a glare which was directed towards the female.

She wasn't in a good state as well, leaning her weight against her spear as she panted heavily, one hand pointing towards him as the dark fire followed her commands and continued to burn.

"Tell him! Tell him who he really is, Ares! You know as well as I do that you're not a match for someone like me!" His voice echoed through the air as she kneeled down with angry tears falling from her eyes.

He finally managed to clap his hands together, making the fire disappear as everyone continued frozen on their place, besides the warrior goddess, who stood shakily on her feet.

"You managed to keep him away from me for a thousand years, are you ready for another reincarnation, my dear?" Phanes hissed by her ear, tilting her head up with a finger to force her to look at him.

Only for her to bite his hand, hard.

"You're a monster, it's no wonder why you fell for him" throwing her on the ground, the blood fell heavily from his wounded hand as he glared at her giggling figure.

"Better a Monster than an arrogant God"

His power quickly closed the wound, much to Ares' displeasure, before he felt someone holding him by his neck.

instead of the golden eyes of his hybrid features, Niklaus' obsidian orbs glared at the chocking God, who didn't seem to be strong enough to get away from his harsh grip.

"I could recognize those eyes anywhere, Chaos"

"Are you hurt, my little red queen? This will be quick, I just need to have a talk with my brother"

After shaking her head with wide eyes, Chaos gave her an once over with a wink and turned back to his terrified brother, smiling widely at him.

"Oh who am I kidding... I'm taking my time with you, big brother"

My red queen... he remembered

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