《War》No way


Rebekah scowled when she felt the humidity of the sea crashing against her skin with the wind, a shiver running down her spine as she pulled on her jacket tighter, trying to get more warmth from the seemingly useless material.

"So what now? We enter the water and start shouting?" The original vampire snapped at the stoic God, who was too busy looking at the sky for some reason.

His expression was cold, very different from the playful one he usually sported whenever he was near his family.

Maybe he only didn't like her?

"Poseidon already knows we are here, in fact, Zeus knows too" just as he muttered those words, a lightning struck by them, to which Hades nearly avoided.

"Bloody hell, he will kill us, won't he?" The blonde woman hissed while glaring at the darkening sky, a thunderstorm was forming.

"Actually, that's good news" Hades exclaimed with a sheepish grin, receiving a confused look from the female as he continued to explain.

"Ares must have found her son, could you imagine what a siphoner would be able to do if he put his hands on a God's powers? My brother is getting scared" Hades explained to the original vampire, making her eyes widen in understanding.

"I didn't think a siphoner would be able to steal a God's powers, only weaker creatures" Rebekah muttered quietly, walking closer to the brunette as they went to the seaside.

"Normally not, but the child is a demigod and the children of Ares usually have the gift that pisses Zeus off the most" Hades told her with a shrug, a smirk raising on his lips as he saw the figure appearing from the sea.

"I thought it was always the same powers for everyone"

"Not really, they are all very good with weapons, but only the strongest can develop some of the others abilities... mind manipulation, fire... actually, Ares is the only one that has total control of fire, but you should see Mania, her power is scary" Hades answered with a wince, he had experienced the powers of the ginger and it wasn't a fun thing.


"Oh my gods! Is that a mermaid?" Rebekah squealed when her sapphire orbs spotted the female figure getting near them, its magnificent silvery tail shining a deep blue as it swam towards them.

"Well, let's see, it's half human and half fish, no way, it's a Minotaur!" Hades sassed at the female, watching as her eyes flashed towards him in a silent threat, making him smirk at her.

"It's beautiful" Rebekah mumbled in awe, the woman's long dark hair followed with the waves, her milky skin, shiny tail, she was truly mesmerizing.

"And dangerous" Hades finished with narrowed eyes, the female was soon walking out the the sea, her tail having turned into slim legs as she met the duo with a serious gaze.

"Is she the one that will take us to him, Hades?" Rebekah asked as she watched the raven haired beauty, her hair reacher just below her chest, her eyes seemed to be made of the sea, a compelling blue that was much more intense than hers or Nik's would ever be.

"To whom?" The authority in her voice almost had Rebekah swooning, but she forced herself to look down at the brunette who was giving her a disinterested look.

"Are you Hades now, love? I don't think so" the vampire snapped with an eye roll, turning to her companion as he seemed to be quite amused with the situation.

"No, I'm Poseidon and you're in my territory, leave"

Rebekah didn't mean to snort that loud, but the absurd she was hearing was just too much, the woman? Poseidon? The God of the Sea? One of the Three Big ones?

"Yeah right and I'm Medusa, come on Hades, let's find Poseidon by ourselves, we don't need her help, whoever the hell she is" Rebekah taunted with her infamous Mikaelson smirk, before she turned on her heels and started to walk on the other direction.


Only for a wall of water to be made out of no where.

"Ouch, right on the wound, talking about it, have you seen Medusa, sister? I think she'll be happy to help Ares" Hades said while laughing, Medusa had always gotten along with Ares, but it was more of that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' kind of bond between them.

They both had a sorta hateful relationship towards Athena after all.

"Don't remind me, last time I saw her she almost added me to her collection of stones" Poseidon answered with a wince, shaking her head as if to get free of the memory of her ex.

"No way, Poseidon is a SHE?" Rebekah shouted as she turned to look at the siblings, the brunette woman giving her a mischievous smirk as she looked the vampire up and down.

"Would you like to check?" The goddess suggested while pulling on her shirt, making the original vampire turn bright red as she glared at the siblings.

"What's wrong with mythology getting yours and Ares' genders wrong?" Choosing to divert attention from the indecent suggestion, Rebekah asked the obvious problem.

"We never tried to hide our gender, humans just judged that we were males based on Ares' violent behavior and because I'm one of the big three" Poseidon explained to the blonde, an annoyed expression painted on her exquisite features.

"Besides, Ares and Poseidon have led many wars, it'd be an affront to their masculinity if the goddess of war and one of the strongest of the Olympus were women" Hades completed, making his sister nod her head shortly.

"What about Athena?" The siblings rolled their eyes in synchrony before Poseidon answered "Ares made Athena, she wouldn't be that popular if she didn't put her head in Ares' business every time. Athena is not the goddess of strategy in battle or anything, she's just a copy of Ares"

"Now you're just being cruel to Ares, sister" Hades teased, making his sister give him a glare before she continued "Athena wasn't born with a special power like us, Ares was the one to train her in weaponry and combat"

Rolling her eyes, the goddess made a giant wave cover them as another lightning struck on their place, the wave protecting the trio from Zeus' attack as the goddess continued with the unknown story.

"Since Athena didn't have Ares' bloodlust, she could think more rationally in battle, this added to Zeus' hatred towards Ares made him give her the title, in hopes of one day Athena assuming Ares position"

"So what you're saying is-" Rebekah started with wide eyes, only to be cut off by Hades "yep, Athena is overrated"

"I don't think that's what she was about to say, brother"

"But that's what we were all thinking, wasn't it? Anyways, let's talk business... Ares has a proposition for you and I personally think you'll be interested"

"Let's go somewhere more private then, shall we?" And the sea parted for them.

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