《War》I'm Kai


"Dear dairy, it's day 6278 in this FUCKING WORLD in which I'm the only creature alive, sigh, I was so stupid" Kai ranted as he ate another package Pork Rinds, furiously glaring at the comet that was passing through the darkened sky.

"I should have killed them quickly, then no one would be alive to put me in this hell, it's not like they would rest in peace or something like that anyways" The brunette finished with an eye roll, kicking a rock on the ground as he walked towards the coven's house.

His dark blue eyes were unfocused, blinking multiple times whenever he saw a shadow that looked like an human, poor child, had been living in the prison world for so long that he had started to develop psychosis and paranoia.

The nights were the worst, the trees were suddenly witches encircling him, the sound of the wind would turn into chanting and he would find himself curled in a ball in the middle of the woods on the next day.

Fuck Joshua.

Fuck the Coven.

Fuck his Family.

The lack of human contact, and the sensory deprivation that came with being the only human around can have a severe negative impact on a prisoner's mental state.

Because that's what he was, a prisoner.

This could lead to certain mental illnesses such as depression, permanent or semi-permanent changes to brain physiology, an existential crisis and death.

But Kai couldn't die.

Joshua had made sure to have him suffering eternally, so whenever he would try to kill himself, which happened quite often, he would wake up again.


This is how he got in his current predicament, gallons of gasoline being dispersed around his childhood's prison as he continuously dropped it around, casually whistling and throwing the furniture around as he laughed maniacally.

"I'm so fucked up" his laughter soon turned into sobs as he rocked back and forth on the wooden floor, hugging his knees tightly as tears streamed down his face.


It was always the same.

The shadows would appear.

The voices would come.

He would go psycho mode.

Then he would remember how he was put in a prison world by his own family and the depression would take a go.

Next step would be the last of the day.

A new method of suicide.

The repetition was starting to bother him, in the back of his mind he knew that those actions shouldn't be turning into something routine, but the voices would come back and he would remember just how much of an abomination he was.

Maybe one day his attempts of suicide would finally be a success, never give up on your dreams, right?

His only dream was to die.

'Take the lighter' there it was again, the tears had dried and he was up on his feet, face as emotionless as the day of the massacre, okay maybe not like that day since back then he was smiling.

Taking the lighter on his shaky hands, the siphoner took a shaky breath as he saw the flame, so pretty...

Kai had always loved to watch the fire, it was as if he was compelled by it, following it with his dark blue eyes as a moth would.

His fascination didn't look good for his dad whom had tried to get him killed when he first discovered of his son's condition.

Yes, Joshua had left kid Kai in a burning house when he accidentally siphoned from Josette when the twins were playing.

Kai thought it was an act of love.

He was a child, he loved fire, his father left him in a house on fire.

Cool, right?

When the flames started to get heavier and the smoke started to intoxicate his body, when the heat became too much and the beautiful orange started burn, he didn't love it anymore.

As the lighter fell from his hand and met the ground, the flames instantly started to expand, the familiar feeling of that day repeating itself as he started to feel the panic overcoming his senses.


Malachai completely collapsed onto the floor, curled up into a ball, and thoughts flitted through his head faster than he could even comprehend.

You're a monster!

You're such an abomination!

No one loves you!

You're a waste of a human life!

Everyone would be better off without you!




His chest hurt, the pain spreading as if someone was repeatedly stabbing it over and over again, he could feel the burning and digging into his flesh as his hand clutched his t-shirt tightly.

His heart felt like pounding out of his chest, so hard that his rib cage started to vibrate, he could only wonder if they would be strong enough to not crush under the tension.

The thumping of his heartbeat and a loud ringing kept playing on his ears, so loud that it hurt his eardrums.

He could hear distant sobs and heavy breathing, but couldn't understand where it was coming from, was there someone else with him or was it his own sobs? His own breathing?

A massive migraine was forming on his head, his temples throbbing and his scalp seemed to be exploding with pain. There was so much pain.

His blurry vision finally acknowledged his shaking hands, only to notice that his whole body was shaking and sweating as the fire started to get near.

He knew he had to leave, but his body wouldn't obey, everything was hurting so bad.

"Are you okay?" A raspy voice sounded out as if it was from another world, his head spinning around as he tried to find its owner, he was sure it wasn't his own voice this time.

"Hey kid, breath, the fire won't hurt you anymore" warm firm hands were placed around his body in an unfamiliar gesture that somehow brought him comfort.

His sobs started to die and his shaking fingers wrapped themselves around his savior as he felt the pain finally going away as a numb feeling occupied its place.

His blurry vision started to clear and he could finally see the parted fire around them, making his eyes widen as he watched it in awe as it consumed the rest of the house.

That damn house.

Looking at the person that was holding him so carefully, he could now see the bright red locks of hair flying widely with the fire, it was as if she was the impersonation of fire.

"So pretty" his whispers caught her attention, blood red irises meeting dark blue ones as a small gasp was heard, before she felt his cold hand shakily stroking her face.

"Are you real?" His broken voice almost broke her as well, head tilting to the side as she observed the lost child with pure curiosity and love.

"Depends who's asking" a smirk broke out on her features, receiving a wide grin from the boy as he clenched her hand tightly on his, scared that she would disappear, still sitting on the ground.

"I'm Kai, well, Malachai Parker... it's like my parents expected me to be evil" the boy joked weakly as he gave her a small smile, his eyes traveling around the room they were as he continued to analyze the fire.

"That's not true, Malachai is an Hebrew name that means 'My Angel'" his eyes widened at her words, making the ginger smile softly at him before she said "I'm Ares"

"Like the Goddess of war?"

"Would you like to check?" Ares offered while showing her arm to him, making him look confusedly at her "Go on, take some of my power"

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