《War》Poisonous Flowers


"So where are we going?" Hermès asked after they stopped laughing at Hades, who was almost sending Hell's fire at their butts by now, making their smiles immediately fall as Ares looked seriously at her brother.

"Prison world, can you get me there?" The siblings stared down at each other before Hermès scoffed loudly while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Of course I can, are you underestimating my abilities?" Ares merely rolled her eyes at her big brother and turned to Eris, the dark skinned beauty immediately straightening up as she waited for the next orders.

"Ace, I need you to gather the Amazons, take Deimos with you, you have permission to kill demigods and gods" a wide smirk played on the goddess of despair's face as she bowed respectfully to her partner.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, Queen" the enormous wolf immediately appeared beside Ares as she kneeled on the ground to pet his head, her eyes connecting with his making them shine a bright red as he disappeared with Eris from Mystic Falls.

"Uncle, can you handle Poseidon?" Ares asked with a grimace, watching as Hades groaned loudly before he looked at the blonde vampire and his eyebrow quirked up.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Hades asked as Ares followed his eyes, both Gods looking intently at Rebekah as she looked uncomfortably towards the Gods.

"What the bloody hell are you looking at?" Rebekah finally snapped, making the duo smirk widely as they looked at each other.

"Of course! Take Rebekah with you, Poseidon likes powerful women with sharp tongues" Ares snickered when she saw the blonde's face turning red in anger.

"So you're just going to give me to him?" Rebekah hissed in disgust as she looked towards the ginger goddess, making Ares laugh loudly as she walked closer to the blonde.

"You didn't quite understand, sweetheart, your beauty is power as well, just look at Aph... I don't want you to give yourself to Poseidon, quite the opposite, that seaweed loves a challenge" Ares explained calmly, making Rebekah ponder for a moment.

"Oh please, sissy, Rebekah couldn't catch Poseidon's attention even if she wanted" Aphrodite said as she leaned on Ares' side, smiling teasingly towards the blonde as Ares tried to hide her smirk.


"Of course I can!" Rebekah snapped at the goddess of beauty, seeing her looking down at her nails in disinterest, before she walked firmly towards Hades.

"I'm going with you" Persephone placed her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggle, Rebekah would have a big surprise, that's for sure.

Meeting his wife's eyes, Hades smiled softly at her "Are you going back to the underworld or will you stay with Ares, my flower?"

"I'm staying with Ares, of course!" Persephone said with a pout, not giving the goddess of war the chance to say otherwise as Hades gave her a warning look.

"Take care of her"

"Tsk... we both know that I always do" Ares muttered quietly while looking back at the brunette before looking down.

Of course she would take care of Persephone, she was her first love after all and you never forget your first love, no matter how much you try.

Persephone had always been so pure, she remembered watching the brunette playing in the gardens of the Olympus, a bright smile was always present on her lips and a white dress.

Her golden eyes seemed to shine more than the sun itself, she was just mesmerizing...

Ares had first saw her when returning from a war, her all black attire covering most of her body while the visible skin was painted by blood.

The goddess had a harsh glare on her face, twirling her bloodied sword around her fingers as she dared anyone to come closer, to say something.

'Oh my! Are you okay, miss?' A soft voice snapped her out of her daze, intensifying her glare as she turned towards the brunette, no words leaving her lips.

'You're covered in blood! Come here, I'll help you' For the first time in a long time, someone that wasn't Hermès or Aphrodite had touched her without fear or anger.

'It's not mine' Ares murmured under her breath, not moving from her spot as she continued to observe the brunette, watching as she sighed deeply as if she was relieved, making the goddess of war frown.

'Do you want to see my flowers?' A timid smile appeared on Persephone's face, pale cheeks turning bright red once she saw that she still held the ginger's fingers on her hands before quickly letting go.

'Who are you?' The goddess of war ignored the brunette's question, her eyes narrowing down at her empty hands before she looked up at the blushing brunette once again.


'Ah! I'm so sorry! Where are my manners? I'm Persephone! Are you Ares? I have heard soooo much about you, can you tell me about the wars? Is it true that you've killed giants? Is it true that you've gone to war alone? Can you teach me how to fight? Can you-" Ares placed her hand on the brunette's lips, shutting her up as Percy's eyes widened.

'You should stay far away from me, Persephone" the goddess of war muttered tiredly, stepping back from the brunette as she started to walk towards her house.

Hearing the quiet footsteps following her, the ginger raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder at the brunette, who was now avoiding her gaze as she smiled widely.


'You said I should, it wasn't an order, so I can do as I want' the brunette finally met those vermilion orbs of the ginger, grinning widely at the goddess when she heard Ares' quiet chuckle.

'... Flowers, huh? Do you have any poisonous?' Persephone had a cute thinking face, making Ares smirk as she leaned against a wall, waiting for the negative answer.

'ACONITUM!' Persephone quickly exclaimed, gaining an interested look from the ginger as the brunette took her hand and started to run towards her garden, only for her to trip on her own feet.

Squealing loudly, Persephone closed her eyes and waited for the impact, barely acknowledging Ares' sigh as she swept Persephone off her feet and started to carry her bridal style.

'Where to?'

'Go right, bunny!'

'Call me that again and I'll drop you'

But then again she was too pure for someone like her, Ares could never be that selfish to take away Persephone's happiness and she knew that the brunette would never be happy with a monster like her.

Her love for the flowery goddess would stay with her, this way her enemies wouldn't target such a beautiful soul like her, even if that meant she would have to hide the pain she felt whenever she saw Persephone and Hades together.

Ares would bare her darkness alone, no matter how bright Persephone would shine near her, the goddess of war was too scared of her own darkness swallowing everything good on the flowery goddess.

"So who is coming with us?" Hermès voice caught Ares' attention, the goddess not even had to think twice as she replied.

"Persephone, Nik and I... Aphrodite, I want you to stay here with Phobos, Harmonia, Damon and the Mikaelson's, take care of everything for me okay?"

Hugging her sister tightly, the goddess of love nodded her head at her and went to stay with the family as they watched the three gods and the hybrid disappearing.

"Okay, slaves, you heard Ares! You're obeying me, where is my wine? Who is massaging my back?" Aphrodite shouted with a mischievous smile, which quickly dropped into a pout as she saw the vampires' unamused faces.

How sad... not even the goddess of love could tell that sister was hurt...

I was always scared, never tried to tell you until it was too late for us both.

Do you think it could happen? If I wasn't so careful, trying to make things alone?

Is it something I've done? Is it something I've said? I don't know what to tell you, I'm just so fucking cold.

I wish you would've let me be a little closer to tell you how I've always felt towards you.

But it's been many years, you've met other people and I'm still hanging on.

So what if I told you you matter? What if I happen to show you everything I've locked up?

What if I promised to change? What if I told you my secrets? What if I a shared my convictions? What if I showed you my soul?

What if I promised to treat you better than anyone else in the world?

Would you tell me you cared? Would you try this all different? Would you give me a chance? Would you still be my home?

Would your feelings have changed? Maybe then something could happened between us?

Why don't you tell me what happened? Is it too much? Or too scary? Are my feelings too much?

But after everything I would tell you, I thought I had scared you so why? Why won't you leave me alone?

Tell me, my , would you follow me into the dark when I need you the most?

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