《War》God's Tea


Hermès looked around the room for a while before his eyes narrowed at the blonde alpha, making Niklaus raise an eyebrow towards him with a questioning look.

"I know you" the God said, rather bluntly, making Hades cough down a laughter as Ares glared at her elder brother, who didn't seem to catch her murderous gaze.

"I don't think so, mate... I'm Niklaus, Ares' husband" Nik said with a confused expression, standing his hand out for Hermès to shake as the God laughed loudly.

"Again? Tell me, what's your secret? How many times has he gained your heart, sister? 200? I think it's a little bit more right? But you had black hair, what happened to you! Ares, why didn't you tell me? His sister would have liked to-" Ares and Hermès were rolling on the ground like two little kids as she pulled on his long hair, making the God whine in pain.

"My sister?" Klaus mumbled in confusion, his eyes meeting Rebekah's, but knowing that it wasn't her that was being mentioned, before he turned back to the duo.

"Ow! What are you- Ouch- Doing!" Hermès hissed while teleporting towards Persephone, who had crouched down just in time to avoid a knife that Ares had sent towards her brother.

"Shut up, big brother, or the next gift I send to your wife will be your fucking tongue!" Ares growled at him, sending a couch on his direction, to which the confused God kept dodging.

"Why are you so aggressive!" Hermès shouted from her back, jumping on her back, only to have her elbowing his stomach.


"Fuck! You should be the goddess of anger issues, what the hell did I do? Everyone knows that- oh" Hermès started before his eyes widened in realization, looking at the Mikaelsons, who were quite flabbergasted at their behavior.


"He doesn't remember, that's why he is alive" Hermès thought out loud, his cheeks turning a bright pink, only for him to receive a tap on his forehand from his dearest sister.

A tap that sent him flying miles away as Ares turned purple in anger.



A loud laughter made the siblings huff as they looked away from their uncle, faces red in embarrassment from being caught in such a childish situation like that as the God of the Underworld didn't hide his amusement.

"Tch idiot" Ares growled under her breath, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she looked away from the population near her.

"I said I was sorry already, it's your turn to apologize" Hermès said while walking closer to her, making her husband look at the siblings wide eyed, wondering what happened after a God died, because now would certainly be his death.

"Like hell I'm apologizing!" Ares hissed at him, glaring daggers at the taller man who only rolled his light eyes at her.

"Why are you hissing, wannabe Medusa" Hermès taunted while fixing his clothes, only to return to the ground as Ares flew towards his neck, choking him.

"I'm gonna kick your ass, Hermès!" Ares shouted as she glared down at him, only to see him giving her a lazy smile as he answered "You're confusing me with your dear husband, little sister, I'm not into those kinks of yours"


"And here I was thinking our family was dysfunctional" Elijah whispered as they observed the scene in front of them, making Hades chuckle coldly at him.

"If you consider this dysfunctional, you should see Zeus with Ares... that is truly fucked up... even for someone like me" the God of the Underworld spoke stoically, his eyes seeming lost in memories as Persephone squeezed his arm in comfort.


"What do you mean?" Niklaus asked while looking seriously at them, he already knew a few things, but maybe they could tell him a little more...

Hell, sometimes he wondered if he truly knew his wife, but he didn't know that she was like that with everyone.

Ares didn't like sharing her pain, it was something only hers to bare and she didn't want anyone's pity.

If it wasn't necessary, she wouldn't tell them a thing she had passed, but unfortunately, some of her torments were made in public, making it quite difficult for the ginger to stay with her mask on.

"Those two... I don't even have to use my powers to feel the hatred, actually... I've never felt more hate than the one Ares feels for Zeus and he for her" Hades explained, his eyes meeting Klaus' blue orbs as the hybrid frowned.

"Have you seen her scars?" Persephone asked softly, looking back at the fighting siblings with a small smile on her lips.

"Yes, she has shown them to me not long ago" Niklaus confirmed while meeting her gaze, his eyes turning pitch black at her next words.

"Zeus is responsible for at least 90% of them"

And Persephone's dark mood was replaced by a wide smile as she run towards the duo.

"Bunny, let go of your brother's hair, please" Persephone's soft voice could be heard as Ares grumbled while letting go of Hermès hair, making the God laugh, only to immediately shut up as Persephone glared at him.

"She's scary" Kol whispered with a shiver as he looked at the brunette goddess, making Hades give him a look of understanding as he nodded with a heavy sigh.

"It's Ares fault, my little flower was such a pure soul... nowadays even I get scared of her"

Hades turned white when he heard Ares and Hermès snickering, turning to look at the trio who had returned while Persephone gave him a sweet smile, too sweet.

"Were you saying something, my love?" Her honeyed voice didn't stop the shiver that run on the male, his hands turning sweaty as he glared at his niece who was grinning devilishly at him.

"N-no, nothing" Hades stuttered while giving Persephone a weak smile.

"Are you sure, uncle? I heard you saying Angel's name, didn't you hear, Hermès?" Ares suddenly asked while smirking at her brother, who shared her amused expression, quickly nodding his head as Hades glared at them.

"My little flower was such a pure soul" Hermès mimicked his uncle, making Ares grin as she completed "nowadays even I get scared of her"

"I will send Cerberus on your ass!" Hades hissed while glaring at the siblings, jumping when he felt his wife's hands on his shoulder.

"As far as I know, Cerberus only obeys to me, my love... I shall send him on your ass though"

"HAHHAHAHAH SOMEONE WILL SLEEP WITH CERBERUS TONIGHT!" Ares and Hermès shouted, laughing loudly at Hades' colorless face.

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