《War》Killer Couple... literally


"Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan" Nik said, smirking at the younger vampire, while the three girls tried to not laugh at his face.

"Sweetheart, you really don't have acting skills, you should see your face, wait" Aphrodite giggled, making a mirror appear in front of him as Ares snorted.

"Nighty, night sleeping beauty" Ares taunted him, before she broke his neck, again.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" Rebekah asked the ginger, making her shrug while looking down at the vampire's body.

"I don't dislike it, but enjoy? I'd have to get some screams, blood and a lot more begging to actually enjoy" Ares answered with a smirk, making Rebekah shiver in discomfort, even though she had killed a lot of people before, Ares' killings were just pure sadism to her.

The couple strutted inside the school, looking for a certain doppelgänger, with their hands interviewed.

"There's my girl!" Klaus exclaimed when they finally found Elena, letting go of Ares' hand to pull her closer by her waist when the ginger gave him a look.

"Klaus!" Elena gasped, turning around to run, only to see them there again, her eyes shifting to the red haired beauty who seemed to be bored, looking around as if she was trying to find someone.

"You're supposed to be dead. What are we gonna do about that?" Klaus asked, putting his chin on top of Ares' head as she grinned at Elena.

"I have some great ideas about her death, student stabs her neck with a pen till death, talk about dramatic" Ares told the fearful woman, making her take another step back, her eyes widening.

"What's wrong with you?" Elena whispered, looking at the woman before she looked at the hybrid "Did you compel her to be with you?"

Ares laughed at that, rolling her emerald eyes as she turned around and pulled on his necklace, placing an intense kiss on Niklaus' lips, his hands immediately tightening on her waist, which would probably leave bruises if she wasn't who she was.


"You have no idea who I am... let's just say that I have an unquenchable bloodlust for darkness and depravity" Ares told the doppelgänger after she ended the kiss, Niklaus' eyes had darkened after their little kiss, as well as his face, wanting to finish everything fast so he could take Ares home.

"If you're gonna kill me, just do it!" The Gilbert said "heroically", but Ares just found her even more stupid, she was seriously trying to find out why her son had fallen for the little girl, but she was pretty common, hell, Ares understood why Katherine, but Elena? The girl was just an annoying brat.

"Not until I know I'm right, but I do have ways of making you suffer" Klaus replied, dragging her along rather painfully, while his hold on Ares was way more gentle.

"Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home" Klaus shouted as they entered the common room, making the teenagers groan, leaving the school.

"You two. I remember you" Klaus suddenly stopped, looking at the two teens before placing a soft kiss on Ares' head, making her smirk, knowing that she could play with them.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" The woman asked, before she looked at her boyfriend and began to scream, seeing his eyes as dark as the night, not only his irises, but the white part too, he looked... he looked like a demon.

"Oh don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met. Is something wrong with you, Dana?" Klaus asked with fake concern.

"H-he, he's gonna kill me! Oh god, he will kill me!" Dana shouted, backing away from her boyfriend as he looked confused at her, trying to step closer.

It only made her scream even louder, tears running down her face as she saw him running at her with an evil smirk on his lips.

"He'll kill you, Dana. You have to do something" Ares said softly, making the girl nod quickly, looking around in panic as she tried to find a weapon to defend herself.


"I have to do something, I have to kill him before he kills me! He's a monster!" Dana mumbled, spotting a knife near her as she made a run to it, while Elena had her mouth wide open in shock.

"No, Dana! Don't do this, you don't wanna do this!" Elena shouted, trying to pull herself away from the hybrid.

"Dana, it's me! I would never hurt you! What are you talking about?" Her boyfriend asked her in disbelief, putting his hands up to show that he wouldn't do anything against her, only for the woman to stab his stomach.

"Go on, Dana, if you leave him alive, he'll come back for you" Ares told the woman calmly, a smirk rising on her lips as the woman nodded fearfully.

"He'll kill me! He'll torture me and kill me! I have to kill him first" Dana told Elena, taking the knife out of her boyfriend's stomach as she trusted it over and over again.

2... 7... 14 times, blood everywhere, the man had died long ago, but the woman didn't stop, not until she was sure that he wouldn't get up.

The worst part? She didn't look guilty, she seemed to... enjoy it.

"You like it, don't you? The blood on your hands, the feeling of power, life and death in your hands" Ares said, kneeling down beside the woman who was staring at her boyfriend's body.

"No! You did this to her!" Elena shouted, crying at the scene in front of her, while Klaus smirked.

"Elena wanted you to die, she didn't want you to protect yourself, what are you gonna do about it?" Ares continued, making the woman look with empty eyes at Elena.

"I'll kill her too" Dana said emotionlessly, standing up with the bloody knife tightly in her hand as she walked towards the Doppleganger, only to have her body slammed against a wall, making everyone turn to look at their new company.

"Bonnie! Get out of here!" Elena shouted, but Klaus was already in front of the witch.

"Oh I was wondering when you would get here. Now we can get started. I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" Klaus asked, his eyes traveling to his wife, who was now leaning against his shoulder.

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me" Bonnie retorted, making Ares laugh.

"This is not a court, darling. No reason to blame anyone, we just need your little magic to fix the problem you created" Ares explained.

"Get off of me!" The werewolf shouted, fighting off the original vampire who was dragging him along.

"Hush now"

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah and my wife Ares, word of warning... they can be quite mean" Klaus introduced the unknown women to the others, making them gasp when they heard about his wife, while Ares bowed playfully at them.

"Leave him alone!" Elena pleaded, making Rebekah and Ares share an annoyed look.

"She's the worst I've met till now" Ares muttered, standing beside the blonde while Nik went to take the wolf.

"The last one was way prettier" Rebekah agreed, looking at the brunette up and down, with a disgusted expression.

"I'm going to make this very simple... Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during transition" Klaus told them, getting their attention off of the ginger.

"Quite painfully may I add" Ares continued, making Klaus grin at her, showing his dimples, while the ginger winked at him.

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake... You better hurry"


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