《War》The True Face of Love


As the goddess and the hybrid disappeared, Aphrodite looked at the baby vamp with a mischievous smirk on her face, making the boy blush deeply, clearing his throat as he tried to avoid her intense look.

In a matter of seconds, her clothes had changed into a beautiful blue dress that showed her tanned legs perfectly. Stefan could only swear under his breath, cursing the gods for making someone so desirable as her.

The vampire wouldn't have believed that they were real goddesses if he hadn't felt the effect that Aphrodite had on him and anyone that passed by her. The brunette's shining smile, the way her emerald green eyes reflected differently in the sun, everything was perfect about her.

Stefan was actually glad that Klaus had left the wolves with them, it was the only reminder of the danger that Aphrodite actually was. Every time he would be caught in her charm, the twins would make sure to let out an scary growl, making him snap out of his daydream and focus on the task on his hands.

Aphrodite grinned as she felt his lust, biting her lip slightly as she looked around, before a wide smile appeared on her pink lips.

"I have an idea!" She exclaimed, taking his hand on hers as they disappeared. Stefan held on her hand as if he would die if she suddenly let go of his. Maybe he would, who knows? Not even his vampire speed could explain the feeling he had when she had teleported them to an unfamiliar place.

"You don't believe we knew you, I'll prove... you took me and Nik here when we were all friends" the goddess spoke softly as she walked towards the door of an apartment, making the vampire frown.

"I don't remember anything" he said in confusion, looking around as he tried to remember something, anything.


"I know, silly! We took your memories before we left" she spoke, giggling as she saw his dumbfounded slash angry face.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that... it's not my fault that Ares never liked you, it was her order that if we were to stay with you for a while, we would have to make sure you forgot about it later" she spoke, raising her hands in the air as if to prove her innocence.

The Salvatore grew curious with this new information and tried to use it to his benefit, later he would find out that Aphrodite wasn't so different from Ares as he had thought previously.

"So it's always like this?" Stefan asked the goddess, looking intently at her as she looked around the apartment, a look of disgust on her face as she examined the old place.

"Always like what, handsome?" Aphrodite spoke with little interest, using her powers to make the place more glamorous as she pointed towards the furnitures.

"You and Klaus following her orders, not having a word about what happens, scared to go against her, always living on her shadow" Aphrodite stopped dead on her tracks, her expression was cold now, not that the vampire could see it since she was looking out of the window.

"I don't follow her orders because I'm scared of her, I follow her because I've accepted her as my leader, as my sister and as my best friend. She's my family and I'm hers, she's my other half and that's why I follow her" she turned around with a cold smirk, making the Salvatore tense up, taking a step back.

"I'm not on her shadows, I'm by her side. You know, Stefan... the last person that said something about Ares to me was our sister Athenas. Do you know what I did with her?"


The goddess took confident steps towards the frozen vampire, who had suddenly caught the familiar smirk she was giving him, too similar to her sister's.

"I took away her youthfulness, as gods and goddesses we're immortals. We can change our looks as we want, from a small baby to an old woman, you may not understand it, but it can come in hand sometimes... Athenas is stuck on her old version because she said bad things about my sister and that's because I have some connection with her, what do you expect me to do with you? An insignificant child?" As she came closer to the frozen vampire, her voice grew darker, as well as her once bright green eyes.

Stefan could only stare at her in fear, trying to figure out what he would do now that his plan had miserably failed.

"Do not try to fool me and do not try to put me against my sister! I may not be as hard as Ares, but I'm no child. I've been living longer than this world has existed and I won't be manipulated by you. I'm Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, but I can take it all away if I want to. Do not underestimate me, Stefan... it wouldn't be the first time someone had died because of it" her smirk widened as she looked at him, looking towards a certain corner of the room as she pointed towards it with her manicured nails, gesturing for him to open the door.

The young vampire hesitantly opened it, a look of pure horror appearing on his face as he saw his lover there.

"Oh yes, I know that Elena Gilbert is alive, my sister knows about it too and by this time I'm pretty sure she told Nik about our little discovery. I'm sure he will love this surprise..." the goddess giggled, sitting down on an armchair she had created as the three wolves sat around her, eager for her to pet them.

"Now, child, I'll only say this once... Ares is my family, try something against her and I'll make sure that you'll suffer for the loss of your lover, always and forever, believe me, I can do it just as easy as I change my clothes. Do something against me, well... I'm pretty sure my Sissy has some pretty good methods to handle you" the goddess smiled at him, her entire demeanor changing back to her soft nature.

"Now get me that bottle of whiskey, would you, handsome?"

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