《War》She wears the smell of blood and death like a perfume


"Where's the she devil?" Asked the depressed vampire while he looked around, making sure that she wasn't near to kill him, making the goddess of love roll her eyes as she looked at the werewolves laying dead on the ground.

"Careful, mate, or the next thing you'll be looking for is your tongue" threatened Niklaus as he glared at Stefan with a smirk on his face, making the brooding vampire scoff and look down.

"So this is your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asked as he leaned against some tree.

"No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades" Klaus answered as he looked right at the vampire "for what war, might I ask?" Stefan continued, making Aphrodite snicker as she looked up at him with a smirk that seemed really similar to Ares'.

"If there's something I've learned with my sister, it's that you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, handsome. You build an army so big that no one ever dares pick the fight" The goddess whispered on the vampire's ear, making him tense up, shivering slightly as Klaus smirked.

"What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?" Stefan asked after he composed himself, distancing himself from the beauty that was distracting him.

"It's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. Something you'll learn once you shake that depressive chip off your shoulder" Nik said, making the younger vampire laugh as he continued "That's why you're keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?"

"You'll know why I'm keeping you around when I've decided that I want you to know... that's if my little 'she devil', as you called her, doesn't kill you first"

Ray, the first werewolf to get transformed, started to cough up blood, getting their attention as they got closer to have a better look at the supposedly new hybrid, but after seeing the blood running down his eyes and his body convulsing with pain, Aphrodite looked at her brother-in-law and said quietly "Do you think he's like this because of Ares' torture?"


Stefan decided to add another useless comment and said "Huh. That shouldn't be happening, should it?" Making Klaus look at him annoyed as he answered "Well, obviously" while Aphrodite sighed saying "If I were you I'd be quiet, handsome, all this talking is making you less attractive"

The other werewolves started to wake up and Ray run away, so Klaus got Stefan to follow him while he stood with the others to see if they would start bleeding too.

The 'hybrids' seemed much more like zombies, well, at least on Aphrodite's mind, making her get closer to her brother-in-law when she saw that they started to circle him.

"Nik? I'm feeling someone's love near here, but it's not suppose to have anyone out there with Stefan and Ray, right? And I'm pretty sure they didn't start a relationship since they met" she whispered while looking at the direction that she could feel the feelings coming from, before she looked at a girl that was coming straight to them.

"Dite, we can figure this later, I don't think this girl knows who's the alpha here" Klaus muttered as he looked down at the new hybrid, muttering a quiet "Bloody hell" as he put his sister-in-law behind him, making sure that she wouldn't get hurt.

The zombies started to attack them, making Aphrodite curse as she looked at the sky saying "Anytime, sister!" Making Klaus look at her from the corner of his eyes as he pulled out one of the hybrid's heart.

Not long after, a huge black wolf appeared in front of the goddess, biting an hybrid's head off when he got too close to the blue eyed beauty, making the goddess sigh in relief as she wrapped her arms around Harmonia, her closest child.

"I though I was the danger magnet, but you clearly can't stay out of trouble when I'm gone, little wolf" a female's raspy voice could be heard, making them all look at her, a spear forming in her hands as she looked down at it, two bigger white wolves by her side, growling at the hybrids as they followed their mother's careful yet powerful steps.


"Let's play a little, twins" she muttered, making the wolves' growls get louder as they jumped on the hybrids, some were frozen in fear as the bloodlust emitting from the trio was too strong, the ones that had snapped out of the illusions and went to attack them had their heads ripped out of their bodies because of the spear that Ares was carrying.

A wide smirk on her face as her emerald green eyes went completely red, making Aphrodite bit her lip as she looked away while Niklaus smiled softly at his wife, joining them and ripping some hybrids' hearts out as Ares laughed, making him forget the disappointment he was feeling after his experiment went wrong.

When Stefan got back, all the hybrids were dead, Aphrodite was laying down on Harmonia and the twins had their heads on Ares' lap as she leaned against Klaus' embrace as he played with her red hair, planting soft kisses down on her neck.

"Hello, bunny eater, I heard that you missed me" said Ares as she smirked at the vampire's annoyed face. He decided to ignore her, looking around at the corpses as Nik explained "They went rabid. Some of them I killed, some Ares did, the others turned fresh meat to the wolves as you can see" pointing down at the twins' bloody snouts.

"In the end, they're all dead" Klaus got up, leaving Ares' side as he got closer to his friend, the goddesses could see that he was loosing his tempter as he clenched his fists tightly.

"I did everything I was told! I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse, I killed the werewolf, I killed the vampire, I killed the doppelgänger" Klaus shouted and Ares got up, slowly walking behind her husband as she wrapped her arms around him, making him relax a little, wrapping his arms around her waist as he put his head on her neck, inhaling her scent deeply while she observed carefully the vampire, seeing him get rigid when Klaus mentioned killing the doppelgänger.

Aphrodite decided to break the tension, seeing her sister glaring at the young vampire, and said "You look like hell" pointing at Stefan.

"Last I checked, I'm dying. You don't wanna heal me" Stefan said while looking at Klaus, he saw the hybrid looking down at Ray's body and continued "I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice, I failed you, I'm sorry. Do what you have to do"

Ares tilted her head, some of her red hair covering her face as she said "Let him die, he's completely useless, Nik" making the hybrid chuckled a little as he tugged her closer, putting his head on hers as he said "it should have worked" before he took a bottle from the ground and but his wrist, letting some blood drop on it before he gave it to Stefan.

"Bottoms up! We're leaving" Niklaus said and started to walk away, before looking at Stefan and saying "It appears you're the only comrade I have left" he heard the wolves growling, a smirk appearing on his face as he looked down at them, patting their heads as he completed "and my family, of course" Before he took Ares, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her with their family following and Stefan a little behind.

"So, sister, care to explain why you had to leave me with these two? I almost died from boredom!"

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