《War》I would kill for you. But then again, I like killing.


Niklaus Mikaelson, commonly known as Klaus, was ready to break the curse, he had his doppelgänger, werewolf, witch and vampire inside the circles of fire already, but he wanted just another person with him.

He knew that Ares had duties as a goddess, but it was an important moment to him and he wanted her to be there for him now that he would finally be an hybrid.

Some weeks ago she had told him that the doppelgänger was in Mystic Falls and helped him plan everything so that they wouldn't spend much time at the city, but two weeks ago she vanished.

They had met at the war of 1812, between the United States and the United Kingdom, and got to know each other. In fact, Klaus got to know her sister, Aphrodite, first. The goddess of war was hard to crack, but the goddess of love helped him with her and he would be forever grateful.

Years passed till she finally accepted him on her life and they became quite the trio. Aphrodite was like a little sister to him, even though she was a lot older, and Ares was his queen.

With his paranoid, he never told his family about the girls and they understood him, he wanted to break his curse first, so he could make sure that he could protect them, even if they didn't need it.

About Ares' family was another story, she only talked about Aphrodite and the goddess of love would only shrug her head and disappear. Klaus wasn't stupid, though, he would always read books about the greek gods and even though they had their contradictions, the hate for Ares appeared in all of them.

After he had gathered all the information, he waited for Ares to leave to another 'job' and started to question Aphrodite, the goddess did a good job at hiding her sister's secrets, but she did tell the truth about Zeus and Hera hating their child too.


After this, Klaus started to notice more and more things about the warrior and saw that she was as broken as he was, maybe even more. Aphrodite and Niklaus' friendship only got stronger after this and he got even more protective of her, after all, she was the only family Ares ever had.

That was the reason that there was a beautiful woman with brown hair and green eyes beside him, she had a confident yet gentle smile on her face and all of her characteristics were flawless, she carried herself with elegance, but when she casually talked to Niklaus, her composure would be more playful and hyperactive.

The other women there watched her carefully and they couldn't help but be jealous of the goddess. But they wondered what a woman like her, that seemed so sweet, was doing with someone as Klaus Mikaelson.

Elena Gilbert, not liking the fact of another person that didn't care about her life, started to whine to the unknown woman.

"Why are you helping him? He's a monster! Who even are you? He's going to kill me!"

Aphrodite didn't bother to turn to look at the doppelgänger and said "Who I am is none of your business, child, I'm here to support Nik and to see how the Salvatore's will react to help their damsel"

Klaus paused what he was doing and turned to the goddess, laughing loudly he exclaimed "You didn't!"

Aphrodite gave him a sheepish smile and said "Sissy was saying that just because I'm the goddess of love, i was too soft and couldn't be bad, so I showed her that when two people love the same person, it can end really, really bad"

When she finished her sentence, her face was a little flushed and she was biting back a smile, remembering how everything happened, and Klaus laugh was even louder, making the sacrifices look at each other confused, they didn't understand what they were talking about and seeing the big bad, almost, hybrid laughing like this, it was strange.


Elena hesitated, but gathered confidence enough and asked "Are you a... couple?"

This made everything go silent, as the goddess of love and the original vampire looked at each other with disgusted faces, hell no! They were siblings, not lovers.

Klaus looked at them moon and said "It's time", completely ignoring the doppelbitch's question, and with this the ritual began.

After all the sacrifices, Klaus started to feel the power, his bones started to break and he fell on the ground, laughing, as his eyes turned golden and his veins and fangs appeared, the curse was finally broken.

The wind had gotten stronger, putting Aphrodite on the edge, something bad was going to happen. It had been almost an hour since she had called Ares, she knew that Athena had thought about the possibility of Ares escaping, so they should have left an army of monsters outside.

Aphrodite groaned and went to stand near Klaus, but not before she made herself invisible. Not long after, Bonnie Bennett appeared from the woods, chanting, and Klaus' screams got louder, Aphrodite went right towards Bonnie, but as she got there, Elijah appeared in front of Klaus and put his hand inside the hybrid's chest, making the goddess of love gasp.

She turned towards Bonnie again and reappeared, using her charm to talk the witch out of the spell, making the spell stop momentarily. She was about to go where Niklaus was, but she felt her sister's presence getting closer, making her mutter "Oh, this is gonna be fun"

The vampires obviously heard her, but while Elijah had a confused face, Klaus started to smirk at his older brother, making the older one even angrier.

Elijah tightened his hand around Klaus' heart, but, suddenly, another figure appeared between the brothers and broke Elijah's wrist, making him loose the hold of Klaus' heart.

"Hm, now I understand why you never showed us your family" said a strong female voice.

Between the Mikaelson's brothers stood a red haired female drenched in blood, Ares had a deep glare fixed on her face and her hand was still around the original's wrist.

Elijah's eyes were widened from the strength she had and his mouth was slightly open, completely surprised with the new addiction. Before he could make any move, Ares had rotated her hip to the right, successfully kicking his ribs with an intense force that made the original vampire go straight towards the forest, breaking some trees on the way. The goddess of war didn't wait for a reaction, already summoning two guns, one in each hand, and pointing them towards the witch and vampire, ready to shoot if needed.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I won't like you brother, Nik" she said, her eyes still on the possible threat, a little smirk formed on her face as she continued "It's nothing personal, really, I don't like anybody"

Bonnie stood frozen on her place and Aphrodite had a big smile on her face as she looked at her big sister. Ares turned towards her sister and winked playfully before she looked from the corner of her eyes towards the new hybrid.

A smirk formed on her face as she said "Hello, hot stuff, missed me?" With this, both goddesses and the hybrid vanished from the place.

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