《Broken Reality (BNHA / Undertale Crossover)》Chapter Four


A gentle breeze drifted over the bed as Classic slowly woke. His eyes struggled to open as he felt every joint stiffen at the sudden movement. Hissing out in pain, he gripped his head as the heat radiated from his head. His fever had stilled slightly, but was ever present. Sitting up slowly, he carefully tossed his legs over the side of the bed. Having skin left a chill racing through him as he pressed his soles to the cold marble below. Pushing off the bed, he stood as his body wobbled slightly. His vision still spun as he moved toward the wall and braced against it. Catching his hip off the stand, he listened as the lamp fell to the floor. Breaking glass filled the silence as footsteps approached rapidly. Fear and panic hit classic as he saw the door burst open. Instinctively he attacked, the child popping into view. The floor cracked slightly as bones shot upward, the new face dodging it before putting their hands in the air.

"Easy kid! I mean no harm, I'm only here to check on you." Classic inhaled a shaky breath as he relaxed.

"Where am I?" The figure sighed before gently closing the door. Black hair swayed with the breeze as bandages became visible. Classic recognized the figure as the injured adult from before. Giving a soft smile, Classic took a seat on the bed before the adult relaxed himself. "Sorry. I didn't mean to strike you, just bad memories reappeared... Names Sans, but most call me Classic."

"Nice to meet you. Thank you for aiding the students, I owe you greatly. Call me Aizawa-sensei or even by my hero name, Eraserhead. I'm a hero and teacher at this academy, along with a few others. I was personally asked to offer you entrance after the performance yesterday." There was confusion written on Classic's face as he chewed his lip.


"Please forgive me, but I still don't quite understand where exactly I am. I can see I am in a school and nowhere near home, but I don't entirely know anything else. To be honest, my memories are a bit scrambled after yesterday!" Aizawa watched the stranger for a moment before nodding calmly. Classic felt content knowing his lie had slipped past the random human before him.

"If I may ask, what do you remember?" There was a long pause before Classic shrugged. His brain picked out pieces and filled the gaps to create a perfect excuse.

"Well, I remember a dark void... When I came to, I was in the water being saved by Tsuyu. She was a rather sweet girl, so I owe her thanks. Even so, I remember there was a giant creature that I stopped and in turn the attackers fled. Anything before that time draws null and void. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. That's more than enough, especially with you still being partially injured. The fever was treated, but it will still be another day for it to fully vanish." Classic nodded slowly as he gazed out the window. His mind ran through images of Nightmare and his group, sadness washing over him. "What's bothering you Classic?"

"Nothing really... I just miss someone, ya know? I can't remember who they were, only that there was someone I once knew..." Aizawa frowned as a hand gently pressed to Classic's shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll remember. Sleep the rest of the day and tomorrow how about we sign you up for the academy. You'd be a great hero, especially with your ability. What do you think?" There was a long silence as Classic pondered his options. He had no where to live and this world was a complete mystery. Sighing, he faced Aizawa before nodding with a soft smile cresting his expression.


"I'll be looking forward to tomorrow. Thank you Sensei..." Aizawa gave a partial smile, his normal tired expression changing ever so slightly.

"Thank I will see you in the morning outside the room. Be ready by seven, no later." Classic nodded before laying on the bed. He faced away from the teacher as he listened to the door being closed. Sad eyes watched the sky as darkness slowly enveloped the city. He wished the others were here... He was once again alone, doomed to his original fate. How ironic!

"What The Hell Is Going On?" Shigaraki scowled as he peered to the new group. Nightmare was seated silently, a crooked grin spread wide. Killer was hovering over a body, Horror picking at the flesh. Horror's mouth was watering as he stared with an excited expression. The sight drew concern from most.

"Welcome back Shigaraki! We had a little argument, but nothing important..." Nightmare's tone was low, sending chills over Shigaraki.

"Argument about what? What made you kill him?"

"He was aggressive toward my friend, so I gave him the easy way out. He insulted me before the slaughter, which sent my men into a frenzy. You see, I am not one to be messed with. His downfall was opening his rotten mouth and speaking ill, especially toward me. Take this as a lesson, understood? If you will excuse me, I am going to call it for the night." Shigaraki remained silent as he watched Nightmare leave, the others following after. Nausea swept over him as the body was dragged behind Horror. Kurogiri remained silent as he slipped behind the bar, his hand placing a cup on the surface.

"I've befriended a cannibal... And a ton of psychopaths..." He slipped onto a seat before watching the dried pool of blood on the floor. Sighing, he chucked the drink before glancing toward one of the people gathered around. "Pick this up, would you? I want the floor spotless."

Nothing was said as they hurried to clean the room, Nightmare listening from the hall. A smile pressed deep to his expression as he turned and hurried into the room where everyone was gathered. His gaze met Error's a malicious grin drawing all gazes. Nightmare's tone was soft, avoiding being heard.

"It's about time we begin our search, is it not? It's simple... Find Classic and let this world burn!" Error chuckled as the others nodded. Laughter filled the silence as they chatted among themselves, Nightmare glancing out the window. 'We will find you Classic, I promise. Please remain safe...'

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