《Punching the Gang leader》Chapter Seventeen


We've been running down this long corridor for what seems like an eternity. Surrounded by nothing but dirty white walls that look like a light shade of yellow. The axe was still in my hands, I clenched my fingers around the handle and grin to myself. I finally have an axe and I didn't have to pay for it!

We finally come to a metal door at the end of the hallway. I eye the multiple long desperate scratches in the door wearily.

Novah sighs and Sage takes a glance at the two of us before tugging her bottom lip in her mouth.

"Be prepared for anything. We don't know what's on the other side of this door." Sage warns, and I watch as she steels herself up.

I clench my hold on the axe even tighter and bring it up, prepared to swing as anything that decides to try me. I take a deep breath and watch as Sage puts the only other key she stole from rock man in the lock. She turns it and we hear the loud "click" of the door unlocking. She hesitates a little before pushing open the door.

Since I had the weapon I walk out first, and my eyes take in every inch of my surroundings. Looking for another rock person, cameras, or a door to escape out of. Instead, I find an empty staircase landing with terrible eerily dark lighting. Must be for intimidation.

"They needa' change their lightbulbs" I mutter, motioning the girls to come out from the hallway. They do so quietly and Sage shuts the metal door and locks it from the outside.

"Okay, so this is just fucking extra. Not even a god damn window!" Sage quietly rages, careful not to be too loud that she draws attention.

I nod my head in agreement before slowly walking over to the stairs. These stairs were made of cement just like the floor and walls of that room. I can see dark stains splattered all over the steps and grimace. That has to be bloodstains.

"Well let's go find a window." I sigh, starting up the stairs. We scurry up the stairs as quickly as we could and reach another door in barely any time. We could thank the fact it was only one flight of stairs we needed to climb or our fantastic jogging skills. I choose the latter.

This door was made out of normal redwood and I take this choice of the door as a sign we've finally reached the main floor of the building we were in. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest and my palms start to sweat as I think about who's waiting for me outside this door.


My stalker, Jenna? And what if she's not the only one? What if Rock man called for reinforcements? What if there was a baseball bat-wielding serial killer behind this door!

Sick of making myself feel sick with all my worries and fears I twist the doorknob and push open the door. I stick my head out of the opening and look left and right plus up and find no one. Just empty space, almost like the calm before a storm.

Gently I push the door open even more and step into the hallway completely. Sage follows after me and Novah step out after her.

We take in the sight of what looks to be a mansion. The hallway seemed to be a back hallway hidden behind a grand staircase. Most likely because we were in a basement where people are most likely tortured. I suppress a shiver at the thought of us being tortured down there.

The theme must be white and white or something because these walls were bright, clean white with black decor. I stay light on my feet as I walk further down the corridor. It's a lot brighter up here, and cleaner. It smells like lemons. I inhale the scent deeply and I feel a soft smile start to form. I love the smell of lemons.

I reached the corner where the corridor we were in ended and the was only one way left to go. I look behind me and find the girls closer than I thought they were.

I lifted my eyebrows at them and motioned to the only direction we could go now. They hesitantly nod their heads and I step back so that I can walk with them instead of in front of them.

I grab Novah's hand out of nervousness, squeezing it as tightly as I can without hurting her. She squeezing my hand back reassuring me that she was scared too.

"This is the first time I felt like I was in danger," Novah whispers the question so quiet a mouse wouldn't be able to hear her.

"Me too," I whisper back, glad I wasn't alone in feeling that way.

With the boys, I never felt like they would've tortured or abused us. They didn't seem to mind our company and weird arguments. Plus I knew that we could put up a good fight if they ever tried anything to hurt us. I didn't mind their company, they were actually really funny when they weren't keeping secrets or acting like kidnappers... And I kind of miss their company, especially Ace's, even though he's an asshole sometimes.


But it was different here, it's unknown territory where the first person we saw had a fucking battle axe strapped to his back. We also woke up in FUCKING CHAINS. What kind of sicko puts people in chains? (unless both consenting parties are into that!)

Also, the gut feeling that something bad was about to happen won't leave me alone. Which is making it very hard for me to act not afraid. I seriously want to lay down in the middle of this hallway and cry.

We start walking further down and the feeling in my gut started getting worse and worse. I couldn't hear anything, not even our footsteps which we tried to keep as quiet as possible. Maybe no one was here? Maybe they left Rock Man to deal with us alone?

I felt Novah's fingers squeeze my hand again and I squeezed back. We clung to each other's hands like syrup to fingers: and it was comforting to know that I wasn't alone in this. Even though guilt was lurking in the shadows like a python waiting to strike when I wasn't paying attention.

We had made it halfway down the hallway when we heard stomping come from behind us. It sounds like someone was storming up the stairs. Panic flooded my senses and I looked franticly at the girls. Oh god who was coming? Was it Rock man? IS HE COMING TO TAKE HIS AXE BACK?

While my eyes flew from Sage to Novah I saw a door. The only door in this hallway, kind alr suspicious but we had no other options. Quickly run over to the door, knowing the girls would follow. I turn the knob and push the door open. I run inside and lock the door shut behind Sage who was the last one in.

I let out a sharp exhale and rested my forehead against the door. I'm so done with today. I'd rather go back to being the boy's captives. At least with them, we had food and hot guys to look at. They even had edibles that'll put you on your ass there. Ah, that was fun I definitely wanna eat more of those.

I heard the noise of shuffling come behind us and I immediately whip around. Hand tightening on my axe ready to knock a bitch out.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise, Stella," she says, setting down a stack of papers on her desk. She gives me a million-dollar smile and I almost pass out.

"Fucking weirdo" Novah sneers, unlocking the door and pulling me out of the room. I watch her smile widen before the door is slammed shut and I can no longer see her. It's like cold water was dumped on me and I gasp with realization.

"Oh my god."

Before I can even speak or breathe I come face to face with an angry-looking Rock man whose eyeing my axe.

My eyes widen and I look at the door and then back at him. I contemplate my choices but ultimately decide on going back into the room. I have an axe and two crazy best friends who are itching to beat Jenna's ass.

Out here, however, these an angry rock man who I stole an awesome axe from and stepped on his ball!

I give him a forced grin and chuckle before pushing the girls back inside the room and ducking into it. I quickly lock Rock man out of the room and stand protectively in front of the door.

"It's scarier out there" I announce, nodding my head to the door.

Rock man pounds his fists against the door and I scream and jump away. I throw a kick at the door but that only causes Rocky to get louder in his attempts to get in.

"Fucking hell!" I shout, grabbing Sage's arm as a shield.

"Bitch you literally have an axe!" She shrieks, pointing at the said axe. I grin cheekily before looking down at the beautiful thing.

"I don't know how to use it!" I squeal, waving the axe around as I spoke.

"You don't know what now?" Novah asks, jumping away from me with wide eyes.

Sage and I start to bicker over whether or not I should be allowed to keep the axe. But before the fight can get physical Jenna speaks up.

"As entertaining as this is, and trust me it's very entertaining to watch, me and Stella have a wedding to attend to." She announces, standing up from her desk chair.

Me and Sage stop fighting immediately and look at her like she's crazy.

Jenna was dressed in a white silk shirt that was tucked into her black silk dress pants. Her hair was down and straightened and she honestly looked good. Too bad she was fucking psycho.

"Who's wedding?" I ask, scrunching my nose up with confusion.

"Ours" she giggles, giving me that smile of hers that makes her look insane.

"Oh hell no."

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