《Punching the Gang leader》Chapter Fifteen


"I found it!" Novah shouts triumphantly as her head emerges from the depths of my wardrobe. In her hands, she holds the purple velvet hatbox that held the letters my stalker sent me. All eyes go to the box and I suck in a deep breath. Keeping my fear down and tap my fingertips against my thighs.

"Alright then, let's read," I mumble, bringing everyone out of their silent staring.

Novah runs over to the bed and pauses for a few seconds and Novah and I share groans of annoyance.

"I swear if you jump on me I'll murder you" Sage warns, narrowing her eyes at a humming Novah.

"Tehehe" Novah giggles, throwing the box on the bed before lunging towards Sage who screams and quickly pushes Novah off of her.

"Oh, my cheese balls I hate you" Sage glares before snatching the hatbox. She pulls the lid off the box and anxiously we each reach in and pull out a letter.

I don't pause, if I pause the fear might break through the walls that entrap it within my mind. My eyes scan over the paper, searching for the date and I'm surprised to see it's the first letter that started to grow obsessive.

In true yandere fashion, her words were lovesick with blatant obsession. She begged me to love her back while at the same time switching to possessive tactics. The classic "if I can't have you no one can" line was thrown in there and I find myself cringing.

I quickly finished reading the letter and sighed in disappointment because there was nothing useful in there. I moved on and read a couple more short letters.

It was weird re-reading the letters that once terrified me. They no longer have that power over me, they no longer make my stomach churn until I throw up because of anxiety. But my body still shudders as it remembers what I felt during that terrible time.

"Stell how come you haven't read this one?" Novah asks sounding confused. I look up from the letter in my hand and look at the unopened letter she was holding up. I eye the unbroken seal before speaking.

"That one arrived a couple of days after I ran her off. It's dated a day before the confrontation so I figured it was another creepy letter and not an apology."

Novah nods, letting me know she heard what I said before viscously breaking the deal and opening the envelope. I watch her do so in amusement.

"Bloody hell," Sage laughs as she watches Novah tear open the letter, surprisingly not ripping it.

I watch her eyes take in the words with supersonic speed. There's no way she can even read what she's saying she going so fast! But I'm proven wrong when her eyes widen and her jaw drops with disbelief. I grow curious and sit up, trying to get a look at what the letter says.


"No fucking way it was this easy" Novah gasps, disbelief dripping off her expression and tone. I almost tell her to hurry up and hand it to me but before I can open my mouth the paper is being smashed into my face.

"Look at it!" Novah urges hurriedly.

I frown against the paper that's smushed against my lips and pull it away from my head. I look down at it and let out a snort when I see my lipgloss stain a few of the words written down.

I don't put off reading the letter any longer and read it carefully, not wanting to miss any detail in case it's important.

"There's no way this is real" I whisper in disbelief. What is the coincidence that she writes all that in the one letter I didn't fucking read? What the fuck? Anger boils deep down inside me and I grip the edges tighter. What fucking bullshit. How could I not have read this? Before I can become angry at myself Sage snatches the letter out from my hands. She ignores me and starts to read the letter for herself.

Novah and I make eye contact and her eyes are still wide and I can bet mine are too. "This shit just doesn't happen... this doesn't make any sense."

"I know! I mean who confesses to that in a letter!" I groan with irritation. It's silent for a few seconds before Sage finishes reading the letter.

We all exchange glances before breaking out into wide grins and loud giggles. The situation wasn't one to be laughed at but we're terrible at being serious. This happens every time. We try to be serious but one looks at each other and we're spluttering out jokes and giggling profusely.

"Oh god, I needed that laugh" I sigh, wiping the tears from the corners of my eyes. My cheeks are probably beet red from how hard I was laughing but I didn't care.

It's quiet for a few seconds and I throw myself back against my pillows. They've been recently fluffed, no doubt the doing of a maid. I let out a yawn and bring my hand up to cover my mouth as I do so.

"I think I have something here," Novah says, sounding confident. I move to lay on my side and rest my head on my folded hands. Our eyes meet and while her smile is still on her shining lips her eyes are serious.


"I think your stalker, Jenna, wasn't it? put out a reword for you. Her obsession lasted for months and I'm skeptical that it just went away after you confronted her. The boys took the job thinking it'd be easy. But when you were anything but easy to kidnap and somehow managed to pick up two extra girls they probably realized they were over their heads. They're probably stalling handing us over to that crazy bitch because they're negotiating to get more money." Novah sneers.


"Makes sense." Sage and I say at the same time and immediately narrow our eyes at each other.

don't take my words

don't say what I'm saying she replies with her eyes and I give her a sloppy grin.

The sound of the little mermaid doorbell echoes throughout the house and I scrunch my nose with confusion. I wasn't expecting anyone to come over.

"Were you expecting anyone?" Novah asks, also looking confused.

"No," I answer, quickly climbing out of my bed. My heart beats rapidly in my ears as I walk over to my window. I take a deep breath and pull back the curtains a bit. I peek out the window and find it's just the gardener and his wife here. I can see the sweet old man walking out to the rows of rose bushes out front carrying his tools. I guess his wife must've rung the bell.

"It's the gardener and his wife." I breathe out.

I don't bother to wait for their responses before I sprint out of the room. I slide down the grand staircase railing in true Stella fashion before jumping off before I reach the end. My sock covered feet hit the wooden ground with a gentle 'thumb' and I quickly slip n' slide my way to the front door.

When I open the huge wooden door the smiling face of Mrs. Williams greets me. Her eyes widen with recognition when she sees that it's me who stands before her. I can't help the wide smile that spreads across my face. I open the door wider and tears fill the sweet old women's eyes.

"Stella my dear is that really you?" Mrs. William whispers and I nod my head.

"Hi." I greet, waving softly before laughing. Mrs. Williams throws her arms open and I rush forwards and as gently as I can, throw myself in her arms. I blink back tears when she rubs my back, whispering words of disbelief into my hair.

"You've gotten so big! How've you been my dear? Got a boyfriend yet? Or a girlfriend even?" Mrs. Williams asks, pulling back slightly to scan her eyes over my face.

I blush bright red with embarrassment, "no I'm a single lady Mrs. Williams. You know me I hate to be tied down" I feign nonchalance.

"Bullshit you're too awkward to throw yourself into America's dating pool you sissy!" Mrs. William frowns with a sassy eye roll.

I gasp, pressing an offended hand to my heart. "You wound me."

Mrs. Williams let's put a sweet-sounding laugh and I cackle along with her.

"It's great to see you, Sophia. I'm sorry my last letter took so long to reach you. My life's been... hectic to say the least." I force myself to chuckle.

"Oh that's alright dear don't worry about me. Oliver is enough to keep my hands full. Can you believe he picked up another cat off the street? I swear he's trying to cover our whole house with its own sweater of cat hair!" Sophia growls, throwing her hands up in disbelief. But if I look into her eyes all I see is the fondness and love she has for her husband.

"He's turning your lovely home into a cat shelter" I shake my head, faking the disbelief.

Sophia's smile widens and she gives me one last look, her smile doesn't falter.

"I'm so proud of you for getting away from here," She tells me, pride shining through her eyes and words.

I smile back at her, feeling proud of myself also and giddy that she's proud of me. She was the grandmother I always wanted and luckily got to have.

"Thank you, it means a lot. I miss you and Oliver though. Maybe I should come to visit you two sometime, see how much of a cat shelter your home really is. Or perhaps I can arrange for you to come to the states? I know a few lovely hotels in my area." I suggest.

"A trip to America sounds amazing Stella, we'll plan it soon! I should get back to Oliver though he's probably found another stray that he must have." Sophia rolls her eyes dramatically before giving me another warm and firm hug.

I watch her walk to her husband and don't shut the door once I see them together. I shut the door with a sigh and lock it. I don't waste time scurrying up the steps, scared the demons might get me if I'm not quick enough. I throw myself in my room and lock the door behind me.

The girls look startled at my sudden appearance before going back to scrolling through TikTok. I smirk to myself mischievously before running and jumping on top of Novah.

"Ello' love whatcha' up too?" I giggle, tilting my head at her.

Her cheeks puff up as she gasps but she laughs as she responds "oh you know nothin' important pumpkin." She emphasizes the nickname and I roll my eyes.

Her and that stupid nickname.

I don't bother to roll off Novah and get comfortable laying on top of her. I grab the throw blanket that I always keep on my bed and pull it over me. I snuggle into the warmth and shut my eyes.

I'm so fucking exhausted I fall asleep immediately.

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