《Punching the Gang leader》Chapter Fourteen


We've been in England for two weeks and so far there has been no sign of the boys. It took a while for us to venture out into the world further than Novah's front porch. We were worried that the boys would be waiting around the corner, and we didn't have any more energy to escape them again. Escaping kidnappers is draining oh my god, definitely never want to do that again.

We're still slightly paranoid but I'm used to paranoia. I don't think that will ever fade away.

"I've figured it out!" Sage gasps randomly, startling me and Novah. Sage sits up straight and I roll over on my side to stare at her. I yawn in boredom as I wait for her to elaborate.

"Damien and them must be gangsters! That's why they could afford that nice ass house, those beautiful cars, and our shopping spree. Ace is their leader... or at least a station above them which is why they always look to him for approval."

A look of realization covers Novah's face, "that explains who they found your apartment so fast."

I chew on my bottom lip as I recall all my memories of the so-called "gang members." The evidence was there. The secrecy, the submission, the blank stares, no hesitation when acting out the kidnapping, and why they were so rich.

"Okay, so they're gang members. But why did they kidnap me? In such an obvious place too?"

Sage and Novah exchange a hesitant glance and I felt myself go cold. My fingers start to twitch as Sage opens her mouth to speak.

"I was thinking about that too. Stell, you remember what... Jenna said to you? When you cornered her?" She was hesitant as she said her name, speaking softly and cautiously.

Novah reached over to me and gently pulled my hands into her hold. Her fingers rub soothing patterns onto the back of my hand that helps calm down my twitching.


Memories start to resurface and I shiver when the fear I felt during that time also comes back.

My last year spent in England I had gotten a stalker. She was a follower from TikTok. I was relevant on there for a little while, not famous but I was known. I was a cute girl that had a British accent and was good at transitions. Apparently that's all you need to gain a following.

She had been a big fan, and she followed me from the beginning. And because of that, I had connected with her. I collaborated with her on a few of her videos, followed her back, and always liked her videos.

Soon I started receiving anonymous letters. At first, they were just love letters expressing how much the writer loved me and how they dreamed of us being together. I found it eerie how someone knew where I lived but I continued to post, like an idiot.

Then photos of me sleeping were sent along with photos of me hanging out with the girls in public. The letters had grown more obsessive and the writer started sending marriage proposals and plans for our make-believe wedding.

Novah's voice brings me out of my memories and I look at her wide-eyed.

"Sorry I got sidetracked remembering the letters" I confess, my voice almost silent.

Sage's eyes flash with sympathy and she also reaches out to me. I crash into her chest as she rubs her hands awkwardly on my back. Sage wasn't good with physical contact or comforting people, but it was nice when she tried. And she always tried when I needed it.

"I know remembering her scares you, Stell, it scares us too. But what if she's the reason you were kidnapped? There might be something in those letters." Sage says, her normal deadpan tone abandoned and in its place was left a soft and comforting voice.


"You don't have to read them again if you don't want to. You don't even have to touch or look at them." Novah assures me and I turn my head against Sage's collarbones to look at her.

I see the strain seeing me like this puts on her and Sage so I decide to shove my fear down. For them. It'll always be there, but it'll be locked deep down where it can't touch me. I'm strong, I'm mentally stable, sometimes, and I've healed from that traumatic experience. If there's even the slightest chance my stalker has something to do with my kidnapping I have to find out the truth.

"No, I'm okay with seeing them. But we can all read through them, there's a lot so it'll go faster. They're all back at my parent's house." I say, my voice still scratchy but I sound better.

"Let's go," Sage says and I pull myself away from her hold. She shivers slightly and I roll my eyes with a small smile on my lips.

"Ugh does that mean we have to see your parents" Novah groans, throwing herself back on the bed to lay down. I understood how she felt, I too didn't want to see those creatures. But we need those letters and there's this wonderful thing called: ignoring all your problems!

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't really know we might. But I doubt it, they're probably out of the country."

"Let's hope" Sage spits, a look of disgust crossing her expression when she thinks about my parents.

Yeah, the 'parents' label doesn't fit them, at all. They were more like abusive flatmates that I hated with a fiery passion. Verbal, mental, and physical abuse was basically all my home environment consisted of. However, I was blessed to be born into a luxurious life with parents who had no problems abandoning me to travel the world. Leaving me with unlimited credit cards and a gorgeous house.

Don't worry I used the money wisely; for the most part. Hehehe.

We didn't bother to take our bags with us, there was no way in Hell I'd stay in that house again. We left Novah's flat feeling anxious and slightly giddy with the hope we'll find answers. The stale and polluted air of England filters through my nose and I grimace. I didn't miss this air, but America wasn't much better.

"Who's driving?" I ask the girls, looking at the singular car left behind by Novah's mother. I swing the keys around by the silver ring that held all the keys together. I look over at my two best friends nonchalantly and find them trying to bodyslam each other onto the pavement.

"Fuck you I'm driving!" Sage yells, slapping Novah's hands as soon as Novah tries to hit her.

"Hell no! You're going to kill us!"

"Who cares? We're all suicidal ANYWAYS!" Sage screams, slamming her body into Novah's.

Novah doesn't buckle though and instead throws Sage off her and onto the grass lawn in front of her flat.

"You bloody git!" Novah yells, sounding like an absolute British stereotype. I don't mind though, because the only reason I say "bloody" anything is because I just love that word so much. It's funny to use even though it fuels a stereotype that isn't all correct.

I toss the keys to Novah since she's the last one standing and climb into the back seat. Since I know Sage would want the front seat so she could annoy Novah.

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