《Punching the Gang leader》Chapter Thirteen


We were in the middle of watching Aladdin when a knock on the door brings me back to the real world.

Disappointed I had to get up and miss one of my favorite movies I frowned slightly as I pull the blanket off of me.

"I'll get it," I whisper to the girls, pushing myself off the couch. They ignore me, their concentration only on the movie playing on my TV. We took watching Disney movies very seriously and always got caught up in the animations whenever we watched them.

I don't bother to look through the peephole and just unlock the door. I pull the grey painted door open and come face to face with an impassive Luca, a mischievous Damien, and an impatient looking Ace.

"Heeeyyy" Damien chirps, eyes scanning the visible apartment behind me. "How y'all doing?"

My reply is slamming the door in their faces and quickly using the deadbolts. Pressing my back against the door I turn wide-eyed to the girls.

"They fucking found us!" I whisper yell.

Someone starts rapidly banging on the door which causes me to jump away like it burned me.

"Holy cheese," Sage says, jumping off the couch her eyes wide like mine.

"Out the window" I mouth, pointing to the fire escape. We grab our car keys and phones quickly before running to the window. Novah gets out first and wastes no time in jumping down the stairs. I follow after her, only pausing when I hear Ace yell through the door.


I scoff as I fly down the fire escapes stairs. By the time I reached the bottom, I hear a loud crash come from my apartment. I see Sage gracefully tumbling down after me and sigh in relief. Her feet hit the concrete just as Damien pokes his head out the window.


He spots us and yells something but I was too busy grabbing onto Sage and running away.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" I whisper to myself as I run with no shoes and only socks. Gravel dug itself into my partially protected feet making me hiss softly.

We run to the parking garage, making it inside before the boys spotted us. I can hear fast footfalls coming towards us and know they weren't far behind us.

I don't hesitate to let go of Sage's arm and take off to my Lamborghini. I wonder if that's how the boys found us... Shit!

I jump into the driver's seat and instantly lock the doors. Panicking I shove the keys in the ignition and listen to the car come to life.

My phone buzzes and I look down and see the girls are FaceTiming me. I quickly accept the call, my eyes glued on the garage entrance as I fumbled plugging in the AUX cord.

"What do we do?" I ask, my panic seeping into my voice. My nerves are lit up with anxiety as I clenched my hands around the steering wheel. I need a fucking coke from McDonald's this whole situation has me fucked up.

"Maybe we should go back to London? Mum is somewhere in Fiji so we'll have the flat to ourselves." Novah suggests before adding, "we're going to be okay."

"I'm down," Sage says, sounding calm and nonchalant.

"London it is then" I roll my head trying to ease the tension in my neck. Suddenly three figures come into the parking garage and my eyes instantly go to Ace.

I could feel my stomach flutter with butterflies... very angry butterflies.

I smirk as I rev my engine to mock the three boys. "Ten points for the one in the green shirt." What a coincidence, Ace just so happens to be wearing a dark green shirt today.


"Extra ten points for the one in black" Novah adds.

"He isn't worth any points," Sage says, dismissing Damien completely. "I'LL RUN YOUR BITCHASS OVER GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Sage screams out her, rolled down, window.

The boys don't move, instead, they flash us cocky smirks as they cross their arms pridefully.

They were blocking a clear shot to the exit, our only roadblock was them...

"Fuck it." I curse, angrily hanging up the phone and pressing play on my music.

I step on the gas and fly forwards. I see Ace's face pale with the realization that I won't hesitate to run him over. He pushes Luca and Damien out of my way as I scream, "FUCKING DICKHEADS!"

I look back using my rearview mirror and see Novah and Sage trailing behind me. The boys were just standing in the middle of the parking garage, watching us drive away.


I don't hate England. I just hate my parents, which caused me to hate my surroundings as well. Don't get the wrong idea I have my reasons for hating the people that 'created' me. To put it in the simplest terms my parents are rich. They've put their wealth and flamboyant lifestyle above me ever since I was born.

I grew up in the hands of nannies, lots, and lots of nannies.

It's safe to say we never had a strong bond. They never tried and I never tried to get them to try. Our relationship was like flatmates. Except I never paid rent and they never came home. They'd give me money in place of affection.

I spent holidays alone. I always made sure the maids and house staff were excused for Christmas, they had families to spend it with. I never knew what I was missing until I met Sage and Novah. They gave me the family I never knew I wanted.

I didn't mind the arrangement my parents and I had, pretending the other didn't exist. Until I didn't exist for them... Not a word of acknowledgment was given to me on my birthday, not even a text from an assistant.

So a week later when they came home I blatantly and drunkenly told them to "suck on a bag of cocks" and left the country. I don't regret a word.

"Bloody hell are you gonna move?" Sage shouts, waving her hand in front of my face.

I snap out of my memories and push myself forward.

Sage rushes into Novah's living room, abandoning her suitcase in the middle of it and throwing herself down in the couch.

"I'm so tired" she groans, her face pressed into a plush throw pillow.

Novah and I exchange a look before lunging silently towards the couch. I land on Sage's legs while Novah hands on her back. Sage helps and thrashes around like a mechanical bull as she tries to throw us off. I laugh like a maniac as I hold on. It takes a few more minutes for her to calm down from drowsiness and I get comfortable.

Soon we all pass out, exhaustion finally catching up with us.

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