《Punching the Gang leader》Chapter One


I bob my head along to the song that was currently playing, the beat, and the gummy bears I just ate giving me more energy than I needed. "In the kitchen wrist twistin' like it's stir fry" I sing along, jumping side to side as I walked down the sidewalk. If people looked over at me they'd probably think I was having a seizure while trying to dance.

The song changes to the next and I stop dancing disappointed. I notice how the sidewalk was way to close to the street. Is that even safe? Did the city want people to be taken out by a car? An image of a random person being wiped out by a car plays inside my head and I snicker aloud. Ten points for people in green shirts.

The annoying sound of my ring tone starts to play and I groan. I know this ring tone, I set it up for both of my parent's numbers. I take my phone out of my back pocket and press 'accept' grudgingly. I unplug my earbuds and press my phone against my ear.

"It's Stella, what do you want?" I sing into the phone not bothering to hide my annoyance.

"Stella!" The harsh voice of my mother hisses in my ear "that is no way to speak to your mum." Does my accent still sound like that? I've been in America for a couple of months now I hope not.

I roll my eyes and look around at the empty park. 'Maybe if you acted like a mother I wouldn't talk to you like I do' I mentally snap.

But alas I didn't say my thoughts aloud, instead, I said; "And yet I did, but seriously what do you want?"

I swear I can physically feel her gritting her teeth.

"I wanted to know if you're coming home for your birthday." Her voice was meant to be impassive but I knew what she wanted me to say. I almost fucked with her and said yes, but even I wasn't that cruel.

"No" I inform her. I plan on spending the day in an oversized Nike hoodie and underwear. Watching my recordings of Loud House and stuffing my face with store-bought chocolate pie with Novah and Sage. Chocolate pie is so delicious and my mouth watered just by thinking about it.


"What a shame, we all miss you dearly" my mum chirps, sounding noticeably happier.

I scoff, "yeah I'm sure. Tell the brat I said hello." I pause as a wicked smile tugs my lips upwards, "oh and tell my little sis' I said hello to her too."

I snicker when I hear a deep growl of disapproval from my father.

"Well as fun as this has been I gotta' go. Don't call again unless someone died." I quickly hang up and put my phone on do not disturb before shoving it in my bra. I put my earbuds in my back pocket and continue my journey back to my apartment in silence. Or what would have been silence if there wasn't a loud ass engine rumbling behind me

Annoyed I glance over my shoulder to glare at the car. I find that a black van that looks like it belongs to a kidnapper is the culprit and frown. I shrug and turn around, I'd rather not piss off whoever was driving that thing. I hear it get closer and closer and clench my fist. Jesus though was it annoying.

They should really buy something to fix that motor.

Before I can even register what's happening I'm being lifted up into the air and pulled backwards. My shoulders slam against something rock hard and I blink shell shocked as I watch the doors roll shut. The person holding me tightens their grip, expecting me to start fighting. My jaw is unhinged for a total of .3 seconds before I scream my lungs out.

"Ah fuck!" The person behind me hisses, stupidly releasing me to cover his ears. I shoot out of his lap and press myself against the locked door in front of him.

The van's light gets turned on and my eyes go wild trying to look everywhere at once.

My eyes find the driver first, and since I don't know his name I shall call him McHottie. His skin was dark against his white shirt and his brown hair is styled nicely. His sharp jawline added to his model status side profile. I couldn't see his eyes but I bet they're gorgeous like him. He kept his eyes focused on the road and didn't bother looking back at me.

My eyes went to the guy next to me, who was the one who shut the door. I'll call him... McUgly. He had neon blue hair styled in a quiff. His skin was pale and he had light blue eyes. His nose was straight and he had very high cheekbones. He wasn't that cute so I don't waste much time on him.


My eyes flutter to the next guy who was sitting against the back doors. I'll call him McSteamy because woah. He was shirtless so his 6 pack was on full display. He had brown hair and a sharp jawline. His cold brown eyes were staring back at me and on his lips, he wore an amused smirk. I gave him a wink before moving on.

The last guy was the one I assume grabbed me. His name is McDevil because he was a GOD. His jaw was clenched which defined his knife-sharp jawline even more. His black hair was ruffled like he ran his hands in it just minutes before. His dark eyes were dangerously narrowed at me and I felt my heart skip a beat.


"So why'd we kidnap her?" McHottie asks no one in particular. My thoughts exactly gorgeous human.

"Cause' I'm beautiful" I announce, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

McUgly scoffs and I snap my head towards him. Guess he has an ugly personality to go along with his unfortunate face.

"One moment please," I say, pointing my pointer finger at him. I dig my free hand in my front pocket and grab a handful of my surprise. I smile mischievously and bring my hand up to my mouth. McUgly eyes me warily as I lean closer to him. I open up my palm and blow before he can react.

Pink and gold glitter flies everywhere, landing all over McUgly and the floor around him.

"What the fuck!" He screeches, forcibly coughing to get the glitter out his mouth.

"Fucker!" I giggle, the sound of it slightly menacing.

"You bitch," he growls before lunging towards me. His hands were ready to wrap around my neck and strangle me.

Instead of being intimidated I roll my eyes and throw a right hook at his perfectly straight nose. "Don't mess up my hair" I warn, softly patting down my hair. McUgly glares as he clutches his bloody nose.

"Ace get your girl," McSteamy speaks up "before I do." He finishes his sentence with a wink and I flush bright red. Holy shit that was hot.

McDevil reaches out and scopes me into his arms. He pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arm protectively around my waist.

"Wait your name is Ace?" I ask, not bothering to hide my curiosity. I had to look over my shoulder to see his face but I didn't mind. He nods, too busy glaring at the two other boys to speak.

I should probably be worried that he confirmed his name was Ace. Since kidnappers only told their victims their names when they didn't plan to let them go. However I didn't dwell on it, I'll fight every one of these idiots to escape if I have to.

"I'd prefer to go with McSteamy over there," I point to him as I spoke. He flashes Ace a smug smile and puffs out his chest.

"Why? I'm much better" McDevil teases, twisting me around so I was fully facing him. He looked me straight in my eyes and I returned the attention as I spoke in a blunt manner.

"He has abs." I turn my head to look and soak it all in. I needed to stop because I was starting to feel creepy. But this man was just blessing my eyes.

My jaw gets firmly grabbed and I'm forced to look McDevil in the eyes.

"Too bad," he says, a wolffish smirk on his plump lips "you're mine."

I take a second to allow myself to melt. Forget about McSteamy, Ace was hot as hell. However, the second was over and I raised an eyebrow at him.

With a sweet smile, I say, "I'm my own bitch, bitch." The smirk is wiped clean off Ace's face when I slam my forehead into his. White pain grips my head as ours clash together but I ignore it and throw myself off his lap. I quickly roll to the door and unlock it swiftly. I push the metal door open and smirk smugly at the boys.

"Oopsie daisy!" I yell over the wind, giving the boy's a quick salute before jumping out of the speeding van.


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