《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》I'll Stay With You


"Congratulations on being voted 'Most Popular Club' at Typical High School!" (Y/N) announces as she raises her drink high. "Today's barbecue is courtesy of the principal and the meal fund he's provided, so dig in!"

"Ohhhhh!" The members' eyes sparkle as their mouths drool over the delicious meat cuisines spread around the table. "Meat, meat!!!"

"Wow... it seems like just yesterday we almost lost our club to the taekwon-dance club." Seungmin says, reminiscing the memory. "And now we're the most popular club in the school! I wonder if it's because of my final win in the tournament?"

"Hey, let's be clear..." Junseon starts, "We're popular because of the videos of Jeongguk and Chisoo's matches. Yours doesn't have a single comment!"

"What?!" Seungmin nudges to the maknae for some help. "Hey, Jeon Jeongguk. Tell him. Are you saying that I haven't contributed to the club's popularity at all?"

"No, that's not true." Jeongguk replies.

"Right? This kid knows what he's talking ab-"

Jeongguk places his index finger on his chin, "You've maybe added like 2%."

Seungmin looked offended, "W-What? Wow, what about you, then?"

"Me? 2%... maybe?" Jeongguk says, in a thinking position.

"Huh? What about the rest?"

"2% each for all the athletes... And the remaining 90% goes to our manager!" Jeongguk smiles cheekily as he gestures to the (H/C) girl.

"Huh?!" (Y/N) feels flustered by the credit Jeongguk is giving her.

Seungmin looks incredulously at her.

"I mean... Everyone helped!" Jeongguk says, "I guess you can say that it's a victory for teamwork."

'Pfft. Jeongguk's so chatty...' (Y/N) giggles to herself at the maknae's adorable nature.

"Do you go to some academy to learn quips like that? Captain, you should say something too!" Seungmin encourages the captain.

"Hey, Jeon Jeongguk. The meat's burning." Chisoo gives a heads up.

Jeongguk smells the sizzling meat, "Ah, yes! I'm on it!"

Jeongguk deftly flips all the pieces of meat on the grill as Chisoo looks on, arms crossed.

(Y/N) looks at the two's interaction, 'Pfft... They're both adorable.'

"Manager." Jeongguk speaks.


"Can I talk to you for a sec..." Jeongguk gestures to her and walks outside.

'What is it...?' (Y/N) questions herself.

She walks outside to find Jeongguk waiting with a smile on his face. "Jeongguk, what happened? Did you want to say something?"

Jeongguk looks shy before replying, "Here. A present." He holds out a beautifully-wrapped little box.

"Is this for... me?" (Y/N) asks. "What is it?"

"It's nothing special. Open it!"

She opens the box to see a tube of hand cream nestled in the packing foam.

"Your hands seem to get really dry." Jeongguk says.

"Jeongguk!" (Y/N) feels touched that he thought of her.

"Hey, don't get too emotional." Jeongguk snickers at her expression. "It's not anything big..."

"No, the hand cream's really nice! I mean it! I'll make sure to use it everyday! I promise!!!"

Jeongguk's lips curve into a smile. "...Thank you."

(Y/N) tilts her head, "Hmm? For what?"

Jeongguk looks to the side, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to start Taekwondo again. I'm sure that even now, and going forward... I would have carried that trauma with me."

(Y/N)'s heart breaks a little, 'Jeongguk...'


"When you told me you were my fan, and when you volunteered to be the manager of the club..." He looks up at her with the most bright smile on his face. "There really is a never-ending list of things I'm thankful for. I think my life's turned a 180 since meeting you! Thank you, truly. I really mean it."

(Y/N) felt overwhelmed by Jeongguk's sudden outpouring of sincerity. "Ah... I'm..." She honestly didn't know what to say, but smirks as she thought of something, "Be nice to me if you're really thankful! I don't do this for just anyone, you know."

Jeongguk clutches onto his hair, "I am nice! How am I supposed to be nicer than I'm being right now?"

"Hmph... You got me there."

Jeongguk chuckles at her teasing, "Seriously, I don't even know what to do with you. Haha."

(Y/N) smiles cheekily, "Hehe."

They look at each other and laugh for what seems like a long time.

Jeongguk felt this flutter of butterflies as he listened to her sweet laughter, he couldn't resist the urge to finally to her how he felt. This whole time he was too afraid to think about being in love over the fear of rejection. But he knew now that he needed to tell her his feelings or it was going to drive him crazy.

"(Y/N)..." Jeongguk utters out.

"Yeah?" (Y/N) asks.

"I really meant all that I said. I am so thankful that you came into my life. You've helped me through so much that I really do believe that us meeting is fate. I know there is, and that fate decided to give me a second chance at a better life because it led me to you." He takes her hands and looks deep into her eyes.

(Y/N) feels her ears heating up, "Y-You really don't have to t-thank me. I'm more thankful that I was able to help you so much."

"What?! Don't say that. I'm not that special." Jeongguk's face flushes by her words.

"What do you mean that you're not?! You're special! Totally! Tons! Extremely!" (Y/N) exclaims.

Jeongguk chuckles, "To be honest... I should be saying that to you. Because you're beyond special to me, (Y/N)."


Jeongguk brings his hand out and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. "You're honestly the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life. You've been by my side throughout this whole journey when I've been questioning what I really wanted to do with my life. I would've never been able to move on from my bad past or even stand up for what I love if you never came to me. Ever since you've been around me, I just could never stop smiling or feel joyful whenever you show up. Everytime I look at you, I feel this sensation throughout my whole system that is indescribable. You're so determined, smart, bold, and honestly... really beautiful inside and out."

He then takes her hand and intertwines it against his as he gets closer to her. His whole face turns red once he says these next words, "(Y/N), I love you!"

(Y/N) gasps at his sudden confession, "W-What? Y-You... love me?"

"Yes! I do! I really do love you so much! I have since we became close, and ever since then I got to know you alot better and see so many more reasons of why I fell harder and harder for you each day!" Jeongguk shifts his head to the side, "And I know it's alot to take in right now since you probably don't feel the same. But I needed to tell you this before I regret it and to ask you... Will you be my girlfriend? And stay by my side, from now until the end?"


(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she tried to process what he just said, 'Jeongguk... loves me? He really loves me? Is this a dream? I must be dreaming...'

Jeongguk is still tightly intertwined with her hands as he is holding them in front of him while starting deep into her gleaming (H/C) orbs, desperately waiting for an answer.

(Y/N) snaps out of her daze and takes a deep breath. "Jeongguk... I feel the same way about you. I love you too."

Jeongguk's eyes watered once she said those words, his mouth agape. "Really? Y-You love me t-too?"

"Yes, I promise. You're honestly the most sweetest and adorable person I've ever met. You fun to be around and I love when I spend my day with you. Your innocence is the most unique thing about your personality, you have such a pure soul. Along with that bunny smile of yours, it brightens up my day. It really radiates your cute and pure personality with a hint of sexiness." (Y/N) giggles, making Jeongguk feel shy. "You have an amazing personality that makes you get along with everyone. Even though you won't stop teasing me or the club members, you own have an amazing bond with me and others. And you always love goofing around, it makes me smile. You're such a goof. There's a lot of things that make you the most amazing boy I've met in my life. And I love you so much, I would love to be yours forever as long as you stay mine forever."

Jeongguk feels himself about to cry as she says these next words.

"I'll stick by you and stay with you... always." (Y/N) grasps tighter to Jeongguk's hand.

Jeongguk lets out a shaky exhale as he pulls her in for a tight hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders while (Y/N) puts hers under his arms as her hands rest on his back. Jeongguk takes this opportunity to plant his hands on her hips and lifts her up.

"Aaahh!! Jeongguk, what are you doing?!" (Y/N) laughs out loud as Jeongguk is lifting her up while spinning her around.

Jeongguk just smiles so widely as he is beyond euphoric, "I love you so much, (Y/N)! I love youuuuu!!" He laughs out of pure joy while (Y/N) is giggles at his excitement.

He stops spinning as he is staring up at her while she looks down at him. They stare into each other's eyes for a moment until (Y/N) lowers her head down to Jeongguk's to where her face is inches away from his. She looks down at his lips with a begging look in her eyes.

Jeongguk feels her breath tickling his lips and whispers out, "Kiss me."

(Y/N) tilts her head and leans in to place her soft, lush lips on top of his while holding the sides of his face gently. Their lips moved in sync and take away each other's breath as he is still carrying her in his arms, never wanting to let her go. The females hands weaved through his soft, silky locks as he leans up closer to deepen the kiss and could feel his lips curl into a smile. The kiss made Jeongguk's heart soar through the heavens and feel utter bliss. They both immediately melted through the kiss, savoring every second of it before reluctantly parting. (Y/N) looks down at Jeongguk seeing a longing in his eyes that matched hers. They relish each other's presence for a long moment, until...

"Whoohoooo!!!" The members of the Taekwondo Club along with Chisoo appear outside and cheer for the two.

This startles Jeongguk and (Y/N), causing the maknae to put her back down while they look away from everyone as their faces were full on cherry red.

"It's about time!" Seungmin yells out at the two.

"Yeah, we were hoping you two would hurry up and get together." Junseon says. "You finally confessed didn't you, Jeongguk?"

"Hehe... Uhm, yeah." Jeongguk scratches the back of his head, while looking down nervously.

"This won't cause a problem in the club, will it?" (Y/N) asks, her heart rate speeding up as she was nervous that this would jeopardize her and Jeongguk's new relationship.

The members look at each other and then back at Chisoo for approval.

Chisoo looks at the two with sincerity, "I don't see a problem with it. Your happiness is important to me, as it is to everyone." But then changes his tone to a serious one, "Just one condition, you can act lovey-dovey outside of club practice. But once you're in the practice room, you need to behave like how you would normally act when you're a manager or club member."

Jeongguk and (Y/N) exchange looks and nod in agreement. "Sounds fair."

Chisoo nods as he turns coolly and starts heading back inside. "Alright, the meat isn't going to eat itself. Let's finish our food!"

"Yay!! Meat, meat, meat!" The members chant as they head inside the restaurant.

Jeongguk and (Y/N) laugh at what they just witnessed.

Jeongguk then smoothly takes (Y/N)'s hand and intertwines it with his. "Well, we can't let them eat the food themselves. Let's head inside... honey." He grins as he calls her the cute nickname.

(Y/N) leans closer to him and pecks his cheek, "Sure thing, bunny boy!"

"Ahhh! My nickname is bunny boy?" Jeongguk's ears turn red.

"Yeah, cause you look like a bunny! Unless you want me to call you, Jeongguk-ah." She teases him, nuzzling against his shoulder.

Jeongguk shyly giggles at her teasing and kisses her forehead, "I really don't know what I'm gonna do with you. But to be honest, any name you give me is cute. Now, let's head in and eat some meat! And maybe I can take you out on a real date?"

(Y/N) looks up at him lovingly, "I would love that."

The two find warmth in each other's affection and enjoy the rest of the meal. They laugh along and spend a great time with the club. While everyone is enjoying their time, (Y/N) takes a moment to stare at Jeongguk and is deep in her thoughts.

'This world's Jeongguk was unfamiliar at first... but the fact that he's the Jeongguk I know and love hasn't changed...




Whatever you do, I'll be cheering for you... Jeon Jeongguk. And I'll always love you, and stay by your side forever.'

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