《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》It's Showtime


The match starts without Chisoo. The score is 0 to 2 after back-to-back losses... and everyone's disheartened.

"Ah... What do we do?" Seungmin asks, distressed.

Junseon shares the same emotion as his friend, "What if the club really winds up disbanding?"

"Ha..." The members sigh in disappointment.

"Why are you so down already?" (Y/N) says aloud, upset at their sad state. "There are still 3 matches left. It's still anyone's fight!"

"But, Cheon Muho is up next..." Seungmin says, clearly scared of what's coming.

"Do you really think things will be okay?" Junseon asks.

Jeongguk is silent. He can see how worried everyone looks. It's hard to tell what he's thinking as he moves calmly through his warm up exercises.

'I wonder what Jeongguk's thinking...' (Y/N) looks at him worriedly as he stays silent. She then sets her eyes on the door, 'I wonder if Chisoo's okay...'

The sudden shrill shriek of the referee's whistle makes her heart sink.

'We have until the next break, if he's still not here by then, it'll be over.'

There's still no one at the door.

"Hey, hey! Big news! Circle up." Seungmin calls out as he holds up his phone and silently gestures everyone over.

"Why? What is it?" Junseon asks.

The members all gather around Seungmin. Seungmin checks to see if the athletes from Yangeun High School are watching before continuing in a hushed tone.

"Cheon Muho sprained his right leg during practice. When you're fighting him, if you feel like you're losing ground, go for his leg. Easy win."

Everyone talks at once- their mood's totally flipped.

Junseon whispers over to Jeongguk, "You gotta go for his leg. Don't you think so, Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk gets in his thoughts, "...I'll figure it out."


Seungmin looked dumbfounded by Jeongguk's response, "Huh? Why do you want to do things the hard way when there's an easy-"

(Y/N) quietly grabs Seungmin. "Just let him be. He'll do well."


The whistle rings through the room. Jeongguk and Muho stand facing each other.

"Were you really that insecure?" Jeongguk comments, "Playing dirty like that..."

"Ha..." Muho smirks, having expected Jeongguk's question. He answers, fixing Jeongguk with a cold stare. "Why are you trying to get back into Taekwondo? Do you want to see what playing dirty really means?"

"Are you gonna be like this until I shut you up..." Jeongguk gets fired up, agitated by Muho's comment.

Muho then stares from behind Jeongguk and his lips curve into a sly grin. "Such a great view to see your pretty little friend there. Can't wait to take you down a peg and then she'll be all mine."

Jeongguk shakes from anger.

"Jeongguk! Don't waver. That's what Cheon Muho wants." (Y/N) shouts, "You remember the real reason why you practice Taekwondo, right?"

Jeongguk's expression changes hearing her words. He turns his head to look at her, their eyes lock. An easy smile appears on his face, and he looks down at the lucky bracelet she gave him the other day.

"Of course. I'm certain of it."

"You can do it. Fighting!!!" (Y/N) calls out in support for Jeongguk.

Another shrill shriek of the whistle starts the match.


Jeongguk and Muho have a staredown as they are facing each other. They both get into their fighting positions as they are preparing for their battle.

Jeongguk starts the match with a series of front kicks, which Muho easily blocks and side kicks Jeongguk on his stomach. Jeongguk backs up and holds the area where he was kicked but holds his position again.


They remain their distance for a few seconds until Muho takes the chance to attempt a spin kick near Jeongguk's head, but misses. He attempts to drive Jeongguk off by doing more side kicks but Jeongguk remains to dodge them and performs a back kick, finally hitting him.

They each get back to battling by trying to hit at a certain spot but fail to until Muho uses the chance he has to kick Jeongguk in the leg. Jeongguk groans out but still manages to keep his guard. But Muho didn't have enough, he kept axe kicking until his put more hits on Jeongguk.

He finally does a high Roundhouse kick near Jeongguk's head, causing him to fall to the ground.

Just in time, Chisoo finally returns after the fight with the delinquents into the tournament. He had a bruise on the side of his face but he didn't look to harmed. He stared at the arena where Jeongguk and Muho were at and looked at his fallen comrade.

Jeongguk groans out as he is slowly getting up, and as his eyes finally look up. They get wider as he sees Chisoo finally back. They lock eyes for a moment, before Chisoo nods his head to the Maknae. Jeongguk gets his strength back and gets up off the floor, taking a deep breath as he gets into position again.

"Let's go! Jeon Jeongguk, Fighting!" The members shout out.

Jeongguk charges and kicks a fierce one to Muho's side, causing Muho to lose balance. Jeongguk then sees where the sprained area is and remembers what Seungmin said.

"Hey. Cheon Muho, he sprained his right leg during practice."

Jeongguk, who still had his guard up, thinks of a decision to make. Whether to take the easy win and aim for Muho's leg or not.

'Leg? His leg?'

Jeongguk comes to a final decision...


Muho attempts an axe kick as Jeongguk performs a flying kick. Both of them putting direct hits on each other's head, knocking them both down.

Muho was fumbling on the ground from his side. While on the other side, Jeongguk was gaining consciousness as he was opening his eyes. His doe eyes turn to Chisoo, showing his smile towards his Sunbae and then to (Y/N), before slowly closing his eyes from being tired out.




In the end, Jeongguk won by a proper match and fair victory.

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