《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》Let Me Give You Luck!


Time flies by. It's the day before the match.



Loud, powerful shouts are followed by the snap of breaking wood. The floor is covered with bits of boards broken by both Jeongguk and Chisoo. The Taekwondo club members snap out of their shocked silence and begin to clap.

"W-Wow..." Seungmin stares at them with pure admiration.

"How can two guys break so many boards...?" Junseon comments with the same look.

"I can understand Chisoo, but Jeon Jeongguk... What are you?! You're a total Taekwon-monster!!!"

"Hey...at this rate, we might even win!"

"What are you talking about?!" Jeongguk says. The members look at him in confused silence. "Of course we'll win. What do you mean, 'we might even win?' " He says confidently.


"He's right. We're going to win." Chisoo nods in approval. "I'm going to make sure that we do."


The club members jump to their feet in excitement and circle Jeongguk and Chisoo, yelling.

"Cha Chisoo! Jeon Jeongguk! Cha Chisoo! Jeon Jeongguk!"

Jeongguk seems to be enjoying it, as he gestures for them to continue.

"Wow, they're really getting pumped up..." (Y/N) smiles cheekily as she sees everyone have fun. "Anyway, I brought drinks! Come get them while they're cold!"

"Drinks! Drinks!"

(Y/N) pulls out the drinks and is about to take a sip of her own, when...Jeongguk steals the bottle from her and drinks it.

"Hey! Give it back!"

"Yum, so refreshing-" Jeongguk drinks the rest, taunting her.

(Y/N)'s jaw drops, "What the...You drank it all?!" She puffs up her cheeks.

Jeongguk mentally coos at her cute face.

"They're all the same...Why'd you have to steal mine?"

Jeongguk plants his index finger ontop his lips, "Ha...it looked cold?" He smiles and hands her a new one. "Here. This one's colder."


'He's cheeky, but it's impossible to hold it against him. That's why I love this bunny boy!'

The door cracks a bit- could there be someone there?

(Y/N) feels skeptical about the door, "Huh...?"

"What's wrong?" Jeongguk asks, as he sees her troubled state.

"Did you hear someone?"

"You can check! I'll hold your drink..."

"Wait, wait!" The (H/C) female defends her drink from Jeongguk, who attempts to snatch it from her hands. She never thought that her brief moment of doubt would cause such a serious problem.

Outside the doors...

Kwontae suddenly makes a call after watching the training session. "Yeah, Muho? They're going pretty hard. Cha Chisoo especially...He's practically flying. And Jeongguk with that (Y/N) girl, they seem pretty inseparable. It'll be hard to win her attention with just moves...Muho, are you listening?"


The large lettering in the shop window catches (Y/N)'s eye.

"Lucky bracelets, huh?" (Y/N) stares at the variety of creative charms and accessories. 'I can't seem to walk away from it. Maybe because the match is almost here. Luck might be what Jeongguk needs right now!'

She buys a small gift from the accessory shop and calls Jeongguk out to the park in front of his house.

She looks down at the gift, "I hope Jeongguk like it."

"Likes what?" Jeongguk sneaks up behind her and suddenly whispers into her ear.

"Auuuuuuuughhhh!!!" (Y/N) jumps up, startled.

Jeongguk's eyes grow even wider at her response.

"Hey! Jeez, you scared me." She grabs ahold of her heart, "Why did you sneak up on me like that?!"

"You're adorable when you get scared." Jeongguk smiles as he sits down next to her. "Why'd you call me here?"

"Ah, yeah. So...Uh..."



'Now that I'm trying to give it to him, it's so embarrassing.' (Y/N)'s ears heat up.

"So...what?" Jeongguk questions her state.

"Mm...Uh...Oh, uh...Fighting! For tomorrow's match!"

An equally nervous Jeongguk relaxes and smiles. "Don't worry, I will!!"

"Yeah! I know you will! Ha...Ha! Ha!" (Y/N) tries to hide her flustered state.

"But...Did you really come all this way just to say that?" Jeongguk says, knowing that she has something on her mind.

(Y/N) breathes in through her nose and relaxes, "Actually, I wanted to give you something." She shoves the gift box toward Jeongguk. "Here. I found it on my way here."

"A present?" Jeongguk looks down at the wrapped gift.

"I told you, I found it on my way here..."

Jeongguk's doe eyes glitter up, "Can I open it?"

'Seeing how excited he is makes me feel really embarrassed.'

Jeongguk carefully opens the giftwrap...and finds the lucky bracelet. It was a beautifully woven accessory with bands of white, red and blue intertwined together with a silver piece in the middle.

"A bracelet...?" Jeongguk stares at it with awe.

"It's a lucky bracelet." (Y/N) assures, "That match is tomorrow. So...I got it for you...for luck in the match."

Jeongguk smiles and puts the bracelet on. "How is it? Does it suit me?"

"Mhm...Yeah, it's alright." (Y/N) calms down as she sees he likes the gift. 'It looks great! I knew this gift would be worth it.'

Jeongguk pouts, "Hm...If anything, it looks like I have to win now...because of this. That's a lot of pressure!"

The female felt flabbergasted, "No, I didn't mean to pressure you!"

Jeongguk smiles at her and brings himself closer to her. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and brings her in for a soft but firm hug, whispering in her ear, "Thank you."

(Y/N) felt a little shocked by the sudden hug.

He pulls back and looks at her earnestly. "I'll make sure to win no matter what...so that your efforts weren't in vain."

She nods her head vigorously in response to how determined Jeongguk is. "...Yeah! Fighting!!!"

After the two head home, Jeongguk lies down on his bed and stares at the bracelet on his wrist. He immediately thinks of (Y/N), how kind of her that she thought about him to give a compassionate gift. His thoughts immediately go to the hug he just gave her a while ago. His whole face flushes red and he brings his arm over his face to cover his eyes.

'Ugh...Why am I thinking of this? I was confident when we hugged, why do I feel so flustered now? Why her? Why do I always feel my face get heated everytime she's by my side?' Jeongguk then thinks of her smile, the first time they met, when they became close friends, her showing off her dedication, her moments when she acted silly, times she got scared by his sneak attacks, and how comforting her warmth was when they hugged. "Do I...Love her?" He immediately snaps out of it, "No! She's just my friend! Come on! I can't think about this right now!" He moves to lay on his side and takes one last look at the bracelet before trying to fall asleep,




"(Y/N), I promise I'll win this match for you."

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