《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》Facing the Truth


Even after everyone goes home...Jeongguk sits on the bench, lost in thought.

Seeing him lost in thought, gave (Y/N) the opportunity to pull something funny. She sneaks over to him and presses a cold drink to his cheek.

Jeongguk jumps up and out of his thoughts by the chilly feeling on his skin, "Ahhhh! That's cold!!!"

A small smile lights up Jeongguk's face when he sees that it's (Y/N).

"What was that? You scared me!"

She hands him the drink and plops down on the bench next to him. "What are you thinking about? You didn't even respond when I called your name."

He shakes his head, "...It's nothing."

"Really? C'mon, you can tell me." (Y/N) nudges his shoulder, "I mean, if you really don't want to talk about it..."

"It's Cheon Muho." He answers bluntly.

(Y/N) furrows her eyebrows, "What?"

"You know, right? I was injured during a match with Cheon Muho..."

(Y/N) thinks back, 'I remember reading about that in an article.'

"To be honest, I hated him for a while after my injury forced me to quit Taekwondo." He looks down the ground with an abashed expression, "He was my friend, I knew that he couldn't have done it on purpose, and yet...I resented him. So I stopped talking to him and did my best to avoid him."

'It turns out that he has a deep, storied past with Cheon Muho.' (Y/N) looks his way, sympathetically.

"But now, I don't know...When I think about going up against him in an official match..." His eyes show a pang of unease. "It makes me wonder if all these feelings I have about him will get in the way of doing well. It feels like I'm discovering an ugly part of me..."

"Why do you think that's an ugly part of you?" (Y/N) says, turning her body his way and places her hands ontop his shoulders. "Whether or not it was intentional on his part, the fact is that you quit Taekwondo after being injured fighting him. You had reason to hate him. I would hate him, too."


Jeongguk still looks uneasy, "Still..."

"What's important now is that you're coming up to those feelings and want to work it out." She looks to him, understanding his intentions. "You want to reconcile with Cheon Muho, right?"

Jeongguk looked alarmed, as if she really read his thoughts. "I'm not sure I'd say 'reconcile,' but..."

"You should do it." (Y/N) nods her head, "Work things out with him before the match, and face off against him fair and square."

"...Do you think you think it'll be okay?" He says, scratching the side of his head.

"Of course! He might be waiting for you to reach out to him."


Jeongguk jumps up from his seat. "I've gotta go! Now, before I forget!"

"That's the Jeon Jeongguk I know! I hope it works out! Fighting!!!" (Y/N) balls up her fists in excitement.

"Yep! I'll be back!"

(Y/N) can't help but worry as she watches Jeongguk stride away. 'I just hope it all works out...'


After setting up a meet-up by call, Jeongguk and Muho stand facing each other in the nearly empty park.

"What'd you call me out here for?" Muho asks, looking down at the maknae with an annoyed look.

Jeongguk doesn't say a word.

"I heard that you started Taekwondo again." Muho continues, "But challenging my school to a match...Are you sure you're ready for that? Haha!"

Jeongguk stays silent for a moment before speaking, "I came to...apologize."

Muho seemed very dumbfounded, "Huh?"

"Honestly, I resented you." Jeongguk says. "Even though you didn't do it on purpose...I had to quit Taekwondo because of you...Just seeing your face made me angry."


"Not anymore." Jeongguk looks Muho squarely in the face. "I don't want to resent or blame anyone anymore. I was the one to blame then."

Muho looked really surprised by Jeongguk's maturity and seemed even more confused.

"I want to stop resenting you and go into this match with a clear conscience. Just like things were back then."


Muho silently takes in all the serious things Jeongguk he just said.

"...I'll see you on the day of the match, then." Jeongguk smiles awkwardly and turns away.

"Ha..." Muho glares at the back of Jeongguk's head, stumped. But the expression on his face soon turns into a smirk. "You're a lot more naive than I thought."

At Muho's comment, Jeongguk stops short. "What?"

"Have you ever considered that it was a misdiagnosis?" Muho speaks slyly, his arms crossed.

Jeongguk tilted his head, his eyebrows furrowed as he was questioning in his head what he meant.

"Those are pretty easy to pull off, you know. Did you forget that my father's the hospital director?" Muho says, hinting what he meant.

Jeongguk puts two and two together and his eyes widen in disbelief and betrayal, "You...! You're not...You don't mean..."

"That was my birthday present three years ago."

Jeongguk stands frozen in place by the truth revealed.

"So, how about it? Do you still want to forgive me now?" Muho asks sarcastically. "If you do, I've gotta say, you're a real saint." He laughs a weird, vile laugh.

Jeongguk trembles slightly from shock, "Why?! Why would you do something like that? That match was already yours..."

"You needed to disappear for me to become the best."

Jeongguk, shaking from shock and rage, suddenly grabs Muho by the collar. "How could you? How could you, you bastard?!" His arm's pulled back instinctively, hand curled into a fist.

"Ah...and the saintly demeanor disappears..." Muho speaks mischievously, trying to get under his skin. "You know, a few of my buddies who were keeping watch of your club told me a little about that Manager of yours."

Jeongguk's eyes widen by the mention of (Y/N).

"They said you two were close. Good thing you two aren't together. Hell, one of them was lucky enough to actually catch a picture of the girl. I have to say, she's really cute...And definitely my type. Don't mind me having a little 'match' with her, if you know what I mean..." Muho licks his lips as they curl up into an evil smirk.

Jeongguk's blood boils even more as he clenches his fist harder, "There's. No. Way. You will NOT so much as look, talk, or even go near her. She is an amazing, kind, and beautiful girl who deserves so much more better than for her to end up with someone as dirty, foul, and cruel like you. If you so much as do something to her, I swear..."

Muho chuckles at his rage, knowing he hit a nerve. "Oh no, is the poor Jeon Jeongguk scared that I'll take away his pretty, little girlfriend? Trust me, it'll be easy to take her into my arms. Don't throw a fit when she chooses me over you, right in front of your eyes."

Jeongguk maintains his deathly stare, but lets go of Muho's collar. "Nah, I'd rather not get dirty my hands right now."

"Huh?" Muho asks.

"Let's have a proper fight during the match." Jeongguk says with a straight, serious face. "I'll knock you down to size."

Muho grins. "Be sure to practice. I'd hate to do something permanent to you. It won't be good for my reputation if I win too easily." Muho brings back the evil smirk, "And after I pummel you down and win..."

He walks over to Jeongguk's shaking raged figure and leans over to the side of his ear and whispers, "...I'm stealing that (Y/N) (L/N) girl from you, and make her all mine." Muho steps back and coolly walks away.

Jeongguk is standing in his spot, full of rage and sadness that he is barely holding himself together.

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