《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》It's a Success! Or Not?


"Good work, everyone!" (Y/N) starts off. "Now, let's toast to the Taekwondo club and today's successful performance!"

Glasses full of sodas clink together.

"Wow! We're done!" Seungmin shouts excitedly.

Junseon bumps his fist in the air with a bright smile, "It was a total success!"

"It was even better than when we practiced it, right? Don't you think I'm a born performer?"

"If anyone here's a born performer, it's Jeongguk!"

Seungmin nods his head in agreement, "Jeongguk is definitely meant for the stage. He was really good! Alright, I agree. You were practically flying!"

Jeongguk looks too embarrassed for words, "Haha...What do you mean, flying...?" He ruffles the back of his head, his face flushing pink from shyness. "...Did I really look okay?"

"You were! Totally! Amazing!" (Y/N) encourages loud and proudly.

Jeongguk's smile grows wide hearing her words. "Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah, really! Extremely! Totally!"

Jeongguk finally relaxes, a smile coming to his face. "Ah...That's a relief."

Chisoo is only sitting silently, sipping his drink.

'Come to think of it...Chisoo's pretty quiet.' (Y/N) gently nudges his side, "Chisoo, how was it? Tell him!"

Chisoo looks startled, "M-Me?"

Everyone turns to Chisoo.

"...Yeah, well. It wasn't bad."

"Ohhhhh! Captain!" The members get teary-eyed by his compliment.

"...Ahem. Eat up. I'm going to get some fresh air..." A flustered Chisoo quickly leaves the table.

"That's the highest compliment you can get. You know that, right?" (Y/N) says.

Jeongguk nods his head, "I do."

Seungmin and Junseon choose this moment to scoot closer to Jeongguk.

"Hey, Jeon Jeongguk. You worked hard. Make sure you eat." Seungmin pushes more plates of food toward the maknae's direction.

Jeongguk pats his shoulder. "You too, Sunbae."

"He's right, you know. Besides with that awesome performance you showed off, I bet you that you really impressed that girlfriend of yours." Junseon whispers to Jeongguk.


Jeongguk's face explodes a crimson red by his comment. "W-W-What?! W-What are you talking about? What girlfriend?!"

Seungmin whispers in his other ear. "Come on, don't try to act dumb around us. We know you and Manager (Y/N) have something going on."

Jeongguk shakes his head vigorously, "No! I already told you all in the beginning, we have nothing going on."

"You don't need to feel embarrassed. You too seem pretty close and she's really cute, so there's no doubt you feel something for her. Hey, you never know if she could feel the same for you." Junseon nudges his side, teasing him.

"Stop, I'm serious. We have nothing going on between us, we're just friends!" Jeongguk keeps persuading, hoping that the two won't see his flustered state. Welp, he failed that.

Seungmin only pats his back, "Alright, alright. We're just teasing you, okay? No need to whine about it. We just find it pretty funny when you're embarrassed."

Jeongguk calms himself, "Phew...Thank you."

"But on a serious note, I honestly thought you would quit early on." Junseon says with an honest tone. "But since you helped the Taekwondo club put this performance together...I've seen you in a new light. You've earned my respect, rookie!"

Jeongguk smiles, "Thank you."

"Hey, who are you to say you respect him? You're a clown." Seungmin comments slyly.

"What, I can't say I respect him?"

"Get on my level, man."

"And who are you?"

"Who are YOU?"

Jeongguk breaks out an even bigger smile as he watches Seungmin and Junseon argue.

(Y/N) thinks hardly to herself as she is nibbling on her meal, 'Did we get any recruits after the performance? Please let it have worked...'

*The next day*

The nervous-looking club members stand gathered by the door, unable to open it.


"I wonder how many people are here..." Jeongguk thinks to himself out loud.

Chisoo takes in a deep breath. "...Let's go inside."


Chisoo opens the door, determined.

(Y/N)'s hand clenches hard, the adrenaline boosts up inside her. 'Please...Please...'

Everyone comes inside, and what they see inside leaves with very bewildered. The scene inside the room makes them wonder if their eyes were playing tricks on them.

There are dozens of potential members here.

"Wow...Amazing..." (Y/N) whispers, still very surprised. "It's a success!"

Jeongguk and (Y/N) jump for joy, their hands firmly clasped.

"We did it!!!" (Y/N) shouts, her smile growing wide and joyfully.

Jeongguk smiles even wider as he brings her in for a tight hug, without thinking.


...That happy feeling doesn't last very long.


(Y/N) walks in the club, ready for another splendid day with Taekwondo. "I'm here, everyone!" But she halts to a stop, "...Huh?"

She walks into the room to only find Jeongguk and Chisoo there.

"You're here." Is all Jeongguk says.

Chisoo only stands there bot saying a word.

(Y/N) looks around the room, dumbfounded. "What? Where is everyone? Where are all the members? Seungmin? Junseon?"

Seungmin and Junseon enter the room, forcefully pushing open the door.

"We're done for. Doomed!" Seungmin calls out in despair.

"What is it?"

"They all left. All the new members. Every last one!" Junseon mumbles out, disappointed.

(Y/N)'s heart stops. "What?!"

"We went out to stop the last guy from leaving, but..." Seungmin looks down, a look of grief displays in his eyes.

Junseon explains, "He thought he would learn performance skills like taekwon-dance. He didn't think we would train so hard. He doesn't want to do it."


"Hah...What do we do now?" Seungmin asks, feeling very anxious.

The mood in the room grows dark until the door suddenly opens. It's all the new members who left!

"Huh? What the-?!" Jeongguk looks surprised from their return.

(Y/N) feels a little sense of hope. "G-Guys! You came back! Yeah...Even if the training's a little difficult, stick it out with us-"

"What the? Isn't it our turn in the room now?" Student 3 asks.

"No, it is...What's going on?" Another one, Student 4, says.

The members look at each with utter confusion.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean 'your turn?'"

Student 3 speaks, "I joined your club, but you were teaching Taekwondo instead of taekwon-dance, so I created a new one. The taekwon-dance club."

"What?!" The (H/C) haired girl raises her voice in disbelief.

Student 4 shows her a piece of paper, "See here? The school gave us permission, and our first practice in this room."

The paper the student holds out is indeed a permission form for a taekwon-dance club. It clearly states that their practice room is the one they're standing in now- the same one as the Taekwondo club's.

"See? You're going to have to share the room now." Student 4 states.

"Do you mind leaving? We need to practice." Student 3 asks.

"Ha..." Jeongguk's expression show nothing but pure disbelief and rage. "The school is basically telling us to disband! I can't take it anymore!" He gets up and runs out.

"Jeongguk! Where are you going?!"

"...Jeon Jeongguk!!" Chisoo runs out after Jeongguk.

"You guys stay here. I'll follow them!"

"Ye-Okay!" The members say.

(Y/N) sprints out of the room and follows after Chisoo and Jeongguk's tracks to catch up.




'I've never seen him that angry. Where is he headed?'

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