《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》Performance of a United Club


The performance day has finally arrived.

"Wow, so this is what the auditorium looks like!" (Y/N)'s eyes widened in astonishment by how huge it was. "It's finally hitting me. Isn't it guys?...Huh?"

She turns around and the rigid expressions on all the club members faces betray exactly how nervous they are.


Seungmin's forehead show signs of sweatdrops "Manager...Are we really performing today?"

"I think I need a calming herb pill..." Junseon tries to catch his breath.

'Oh no, preforming's going to be hard if they're this stiff. I wonder how Jeongguk feels?'

Jeongguk looks pretty calm where he's standing.

'Just as expected! Even here, Jeongguk's meant for the stage.'

"Ah...Sunbaes...Why are you so nervous about something like...this? I'm not even s-shaking." Jeongguk's face looks calm but the tone in his voice tells a different story.

His disconnected speech shows that he is in fact nervous, more so than anyone else.

"Hey...Forget about me, he's the one who needs the chill pill..." Seungmin comments.

Junseon looks even more nervous, "Are you okay? Can you perform?"

"O-Of course! This isn't...anything crazy...Ahahahah!" Jeongguk forces out a laugh, but his lips tremble.

"J-Jeongguk..." (Y/N) places her hand on his shoulder for comfort. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"Manager, are you worrying about me, too?" He forces a smile again, "Oh, jeez...Ha...Haha!"

'Meant for the stage or not, it's Jeongguk's first performance. Nerves are inevitable. I knew this would happen, so I came prepared.' (Y/N) opens the shopping bag she brought along with her.

The bag was full of posters and light sticks- all sorts of gear to help cheer them on.

Jeongguk's face reads surprised all over. "Manager...What is all this?"


"Hehe, you'll see." She replies with a dimple grin from her squish cheeks. 'I'll show them the power of a true fan!'

Moments later.

The members' faces look grim as they watch their manager.

"Dancing angel Jeon Jeongguk! Golden Maknae Jeon Jeongguk! L O V E Jeon Jeongguk! Always! Forever! Jeon Jeongguk! Make some noise!" (Y/N) cheers releasing all the inner ARMY she has stored inside herself, letting all her euphoric emotions out.

Jeongguk and the other club members look embarrassed, but their energetic manager ignores them.

'I'm doing my job!' She cheers even more louder and lively. "Cool and handsome Jeon Jeongguk! Superstar Jeon Jeongguk!"

The whole group is unresponsive...until someone begins to laugh.

"Pffft...Hahahahaha! What was that..." Jeongguk finally starts to laugh, which meant that his nervousness is fading.

Seungmin laughs along, "Wow, Manager, you're killing me here. Seriously..."

"Hahaha! We should have recorded that." Junseon holds his stomach from all the laughter.

"Ah...My sides hurt, Manager. Hahaha!" Jeongguk is still laughing, his nervousness dripping away.

'That's a relief, hehe.' (Y/N) feels her nerves mellow out.

"Ah, but I'm disappointed in you." Seungmin frowns at her, "Why did you only cheer for Jeon Jeongguk?!"

Junseon looks disappointed as well, "Right? You never said any of our names!"

As she hears their unexpected complaints, (Y/N) suddenly realizes her mistake. "Ah, that's..."

Jeongguk walks over beside her and causally places his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him. "That's because I'm the most likeable! Right?"

"Huh? Oh!" (Y/N) plays along and gives the members a teasing look. "I-If you guys are jealous, work harder! You never know when my favorite may change! Yeah?!"

"Wow, not even trying to hide your bias...Forget it, I'm not gonna play that game!" Seungmin pouts.


"Now...Should we start the warm-up?" Jeongguk asks, feeling prepared.

"Yeah! We're all too stiff right now." Junseon nods his head in agreement.

(Y/N) feels pleased that everyone's feeling better, 'Fighting! Just do it just like we practiced!'


Chisoo, Jeongguk and the members were all gathered around in a circle. Looking at each other with ready and determined expressions.

"Today is the day to show just how tough we Taekwondo club members are!" Chisoo states proudly. "Let's do our best and keep our energy up all the way until the end!"

Jeongguk chuckles at his sunbae's high spirit, "Why are you so enthusiastic?"

"Right. You're not even going to perform." One of the club members comments.

Chisoo raises his hand as if he was threatening to hit him, causing a few members to back up. "Hey! We need to show the true essence of what this joint performance is about! Let's do well!"

Chisoo brings his hand out to the middle, bringing the rest of the members to put their own hands together and yell out a 'Fighting!' chant and break apart to their positions.

The dance starts off with the members showing off some quick, solid flip moves and jumps over to their separate spots. Jeongguk coming into the center.

They start off showing some smooth martial arts like dance moves that they've been practicing non-stop.

Two flipping backwards and proceeding to show their own Taekwondo skills and moves such as roundhouse kicks, straight punches, with the mixture of art and dance.

More and more students and bystanders gather around and watch the performance with awe.

The members continue their dance performance and end that part with a roundhouse kick with a high jump to it.

The audience applauds to the warm-up and just as things were going good, it gets better as the dance team that came to help the club, comes out with the Taekwondo dance outifts and gather around.

The club along with the dance team, strike out smooth, flowing moves that still show off the dominant and tough nature of Taekwondo.

As it gets to the middle of the performance, the dance team gather around into to big groups, one carrying a member who's keeping a board in hand and ready, and another group who's positioning theirselves as a ramp.

As the member who was holding the board seemed ready, Jeongguk signals the other member, causing him to run up the human ramp and take a huge leap off. His jump flies him up high and does a swift high kick to the board, breaking it clean.

The teams get back into their positions and continue the rest of the dance routine, showing off their stylish and fun dance moves, working together in perfect sync.

Feeling the connection of each member and who put their all into saving this club, Jeongguk ends off the performance with a jump mixed with a roundhouse kick.

The audience roars with cheers and hands clapping, white confetti falls steadily everywhere in the area.

Jeongguk takes off his mask and hoodie, his forehead showing bead of sweat from the hard work and dedication he and the club put into the performance.

He looks around at the sights around him. From the audience, his members, Chisoo, including the blue sky decorated with the flying white confetti...




And lastly, he looks towards (Y/N)'s way with a satisfied smile and a proud nature in those doe eyes of his.

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