《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》Let's Taekwon-dance!


The club members' voices can be heard loud and clear from the school gates.

"Come join the Taekwondo club, the greatest club in the universe!" (Y/N) advertises with positivity, hoping this will gain people's attention. "Your body and mind will thank you if you sign up today!"

(Y/N) hands flyers that she designed herself to students passing by.

"The Taekwondo club? I heard their workouts are brutal." One student commented.

"Hey, you should join. You need some training." Another student replies to their friend.

"So I should sign myself up to suffer? You do it!" The first student replies. The two bicker on for a while.

'The Taekwondo club doesn't seem to have the greatest reputation...' (Y/N) pushes her hair back and pinches the bridge of her nose with her forefinger and thumb, a sign that she was clearly worried and stressed.

Jeongguk continues trying to pass out flyers, "Hello. The Taekwondo club is currently recruiting new members-"

"I'm not interested." The student answers bluntly and walks away.

Jeongguk just stands there gripping at his hair. The students don't even look twice at the flyers they prepared, they are just seen scattered all over the ground, just getting ignored or even stepped on.

"Ha...No luck today, either." (Y/N) sighs in defeat.

"Yeah..." Jeongguk replies in a very disappointed tone and gives her a worried look. "The club won't actually disband, will it? We've been passing out flyers and posting about it on all social networks, but no one has joined so far. Honestly, I'm a little nervous."

(Y/N) gives an undaunted expression, "Don't worry. I'm going to do everything I can to keep the club going. You know me- I'm true to my word."

Jeongguk stares at her admirably for a moment and smiles. "I know that very well."


Suddenly, a burst of loud music and cheering erupts nearby, nearly startling the two.

(Y/N) looks towards where the sound is, "What is it...?"

Jeongguk looks at where she's looking, "It seems like a performance of some sort?"

They walk, almost entranced, towards the music. Based on what they can see through the crowd, the dance team is giving a street performance.

The female's (E/C) colored eyes widen at the the scene before them, "Wow...They're really good!"

"They're no joke." Jeongguk watches, entranced by their awe-inspiring performance. "Though...it's hard to see through all the spectators."

(Y/N) curls her forefinger, placing it under her chin, "Would we get that kind of crowd if we danced?"

"Pfft, the Taekwondo club? Dancing?" Jeongguk says in way saying that it's much too ridiculous. "Maybe if it was a taekwon-dance..."




They turn to look at each other before speaking.

"That's it! A taekwon-dance!!" Jeongguk exclaims.


(Y/N) sits down with Jeongguk to look for a taekwon-dance video. The difficulty of a Taekwondo routine with dance moves added to it seems significantly higher.

"Wow...This is pretty intense." (Y/N) comments as she's looking at the brutal dedication and work put into a taekwon-dance. "This would be difficult to pick up even if you were good at Taekwondo."

Jeongguk rests his head on his fist, "Yeah, Taekwondo movements are one thing, but dancing is dancing..."

'Ah, then...!' (Y/N) thinks for a moment, "Why don't you come up with the choreography? Something the whole club can do."


"You showed off some pretty sweet moves at the dance club. I'm sure you're skilled enough to do it!"

"Hmm..." Jeongguk thinks for a moment.

(Y/N) puts her hands into a praying gesture, "It's to save the club, please?"


Jeongguk nods his head, a serious look on his face. "I'll try it."

*Timeskip to Taekwondo practice room*

"What?!" All the members blinked in astonishment, wondering if they've probably misheard something.

"You want to do a taekwon-dance performance? Dancing?!" Seungmin looks very perplexed by the idea.

"Yeah! Dancing!" (Y/N) states excitedly.

The members start to talk again at the word 'dance.'

Jeongguk steps in for a say, "People really like dance performances and stuff. Combining dance and Taekwondo and doing a street performance is a great way to promote our club."

"Yeah! It'll help us prevent the club from disbanding! It's perfect!!" (Y/N) balls her fists in an excited way.

"Wow..." Seungmin thinks to himself.

Junseon nods his head, "That sounds like a decent-"

"No." Chisoo answers emphatically, his rejection getting everyone's attention.

Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows, "Huh? Why?!"

"We're not going to promote Taekwondo club with a kind of weird dance." Chisoo says very sternly. "We need to keep passing out flyers."

Jeongguk speaks out, "How has that helped? Has anyone new joined the club?"

"No, but..."

"We need to face reality. Are we gonna let your pride get this club disbanded?!" Jeongguk raises his voice.

(Y/N) can only worry of the possibilities that could happen. '...If they keep going like this, there's going to be a fight.' She then speaks up, "Yeah, Chisoo. Don't take this the wrong way, but if we don't try this...we're doomed. The club will disband."

Silence fills the room. Everyone glances awkwardly at each other until Seungmin leaps to his feet.

"Alright! Let's try it! Like Jeongguk said, now's not the time to be picky." Seungmin blurts out, "It's not like it doesn't have anything to do with Taekwondo!"

Other club members start to voice their opinions, shaken from their silence by Seungmin's proclamation.

Junseon speaks up as well, "Right! It's better than just having to disband. It's not anything that weird. I vote yes."

Everyone turns to look at Chisoo.

Chisoo only looks to the side, "Hm...Even if we do this Taekwon-dance...who's going to choreograph it?"

"Ah, don't worry about that!" (Y/N) says and pushes Jeongguk towards the front. "Jeongguk will lead!"

Chisoo looks at Jeongguk with a puzzled expression, "You?"

Jeongguk feels nervous. "Um...Yes. I came up with a few moves yesterday..." He demonstrates a few simple choreographed moves. Even though he just came up with them in a day, they were clearly created with the club members in mind. "Something like this?"

"Wow...This dude can really do everything, huh..." Seungmin looks at Jeongguk with pure astonishment.

"We have someone who can choreograph the moves and everyone's on board to try! So...what do you say?" Jeongguk asks, very desperate for a positive answer.

Everyone nervously awaits Chisoo's response.

He answers, "I guess you can prepare something..."

The members all cheer at Chisoo's approval.

"I love you, Cha Chisoo!" Seungmin shouts out very ecstatically.

Junseon shoots a thumbs up, "A decisive man, as expected!"

Jeongguk nods towards (Y/N)'s way, satisfied.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A/N: Hey guys real sorry it seemed like it's been a while. Hope you guys like this chapter. Also Like, Comment, and share if you can to give this story more love. As always I purple all you beautiful ARMY and have a safe and happy day 🌸💜🦋

And here's a link to the discord if you guys wanna join👇


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