《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》A Rekindled Rivalry


(Y/N) picks up the wallet that was left behind and opened it- Jeongguk's student ID card is the first thing she sees.

(Y/N) looks at Jeongguk's student profile picture cooing at the young high schooler. 'Jeongguk looks so neat...he's so cute!' The female snaps out of her daydreaming, 'Wait, this isn't the time to be starstruck! He must be freaking out over his missing wallet. I'll take it to him first thing tomorrow.' An unfamiliar business card catches her eye as she folds the wallet. 'A clinic?'

It's not just one card in there. There are a number of business cards for the same type of clinic.

'Is he hurt?'

(Y/N) mind flashes back to the moment she was saved by Jeongguk by the two guys who harrassed her and nearly beat her up. The words Kwontae said rings back to her mind, "So you've turned into a punk since you quitting Taekwondo, huh?"

'Does it have something to do with why he quit Taekwondo?' She pulls out her cellphone and searches up for 'Jeon Jeongguk.' There were many results and articles that came up- more than she expected.

'Jeon Jeongguk, Ace of the Middle School Division'

'Taekwondo Prodigy Jeon Jeongguk Has a Bright Future Ahead'

"All the articles are praising Jeongguk...Hm?" (Y/N) catches an article that shocks her.

'Taekwondo Hopeful Jeon Jeongguk Announces Retirement After Match with Cheon Muho'

"Cheon Muho. Was he injured after facing off against him...? But..." (Y/N) remembers Jeongguk's spin kick that saved them both. And it was an extremely impressive kick. 'He looked perfectly fine after giving it his all dancing too...This is something that I'll have to look into.'

*The Next Day*

(Y/N) waits for Jeongguk at the school gates, looking natural so she doesn't look suspicious. "He should be out soon..." She spots Jeongguk a short distance away. He's rummaging through his pockets.

"Ah...where'd it go? This is driving me nuts..." Jeongguk looks desperate looking for what (Y/N) thinks is for his wallet. She goes up to him.

"Excuse me...Hi." Jeongguk's looks momentarily startled by her sudden appearance, but then he begins to recognize her.

"Oh, hello. What brings you..."

(Y/N) takes out the wallet from her for pocket, left there for safekeeping, "Ah, I found your wallet? I found this on the alleyway where you helped me and I checked your student ID to find you. This is yours, right?"


Jeongguk's face relaxes visibly. "Ah, so that's where I dropped it. Thank you. Phew...that's a relief."

'He seems a lot less wary now. Time to be brave!' (Y/N) decides that this is her chance to get to know him. "So, I know this is sudden but do you want to grab something to eat with me?"


"I'm just really thankful for yesterday... when people do nice things for me, I like to make it up to them. It's been bothering me all night..."

Jeongguk looks at the girl, flushing by the sudden request, "N-No, I'm alrigh-"

"I brought you your wallet! You're not going to just leave, are you?"

"Ah..." Jeongguk gives an awkward smile as she thrusts the wallet towards him. "Okay, then. Let's go."



"Thanks for the meal." Jeongguk says to (Y/N) even though he's a bit awkward, he must have been hungry as he starts to gorging his food.

(Y/N) tries to start conversation, "Um, I actually saw you at the sports complex yesterday. You must really like Taekwondo?"

Jeongguk suddenly stops, a piece of tteokbokki halfway into his mouth.

"You were watching the match so seriously..."

Jeongguk stays silent. The silence itself was suffocating.

'What do I do? I've touched a nerve. The question must be more sensitive than I thought. I'm anxious, but I guess I'll ask anyway!'

"Do you not do Taekwondo anymore?"

"...yes." Jeongguk finally answers.

"You seemed like you were really good at it from what I saw yesterday."

Jeongguk sets down his chopsticks.

'Ah, this is my cue to stop asking.' (Y/N) changes the topic to stop anymore discomfort, "The spicy rice cakes here are so good. Do you come here often?"

"Yeah, from time to time. With friends."

"I wanted to buy you something tastier."

"This is good, too." Jeongguk looks more at ease once she changed the subject. His phone suddenly begins to ring.

"Huh? I don't know this number..."

"Take the call! Don't worry about me."

Jeongguk gives the female a nod and accepts the call. "Hello?" His expression and tone is tense- I can feel the nervousness pouring off him in waves. "Who...are you?...Alright. I'll be there soon." There's a grave expression on his face as he hangs up the phone and gets to his feet. "I'm really sorry, but there is somewhere that I have to be. There's still a lot left, so take your time eating. I'm sorry. Thank you for the food!" He bows down and starts going his way.


"Huh? Wait!" (Y/N) calls to Jeongguk, but he's already out of earshot. 'What could it be...'


Jeongguk's back on the school grounds, glancing around as if he's looking for someone.

"Jeon Jeongguk!" A familiar voice rings out.

Jeongguk turns around and a startled expression comes across his face as he sees Muho appear in front of Jeongguk with a light, casual wave. He has a easy smile on his face.

"It's been a while. How have you been?" Muho asks politely to the startled maknae in front of him.

"...Okay." Jeongguk answers back with caution.

"It's like you fell off the planet after you quit taekwando. How are you?"

"What is it that you want to say to me?"

"Oh, nothing much. You know these guys, right?"

Kwontae and his group step out from behind Muho. "I told you that you better watch out."

"You're toast now!" Sungjin steps in.

Muho speaks up, "You want to explain what you did to my friends?"

Jeongguk shakes his head. "This is what you wanted to talk to me about?"


"Don't waste my time like this. I'm going." Jeongguk's starts picking up his bag.

"This guy...!" Kwontae starts looking furious.

As soon as Jeongguk turns...Muho smirks. "You're not holding a grudge, are you?"

"What?" Jeongguk whips around at Muho's comment.

"Since you quit Taekwondo because of me. Are you taking out your anger on the people around me?" Muho continues speaking, even as Jeongguk's glare cuts into him. "I can't see any other reason for you to beat them up."

"...Be thankful that I gave up taekwondo. You wouldn't be where you are otherwise."

"Ha! I think you're the one mistaken here, because... Even if you had continued Taekwondo, you wouldn't be able to beat me. You see, I'm not who used to be."

Jeongguk responds to Muho's arrogance with a smile. "No. Even three years out of practice, I'd still win."

There's a tense energy between Muho and Jeongguk.

"Ah, is that so? Should we have a friendly round? For old time's sake." Muho immediately picks up on the embarrassment that flickers across Jeongguk's face. "Why? I thought you said you'd win. Are you scared? Let's call it off."

Kwontae and Sungjin have been rendered silently by the showdown taking place in front of them. Jeongguk finally opens his mouth to speak.

"...Fine. Let's do it. Make it an official match with sparring gear."

"Hahaha! Now that's more like you, Jeon Jeongguk. Hey, boys, you heard him. Get him some pads."

"Okay! Coming right up!" Kwontae starts to head out, along with Sungjin.

"You're done for!"

Jeongguk stares wordlessly at Muho.


Jeongguk and Muho are in the middle of the a match rink, with Kwontae's group sitting on the sidelines. They have their sparring gear, pads, and sparring helmets ready as they give off a starting stance.

Muho starts off by giving off a side kick to Jeongguk's left side of his waist, bring Jeongguk down to his knees as he groans in pain. Muho gives off a satisfied smirk looking Jeongguk down.

"Should we step in?" Someone from Kwontae's group asks.

Jeongguk brings himself back up. Preparing his fighting stance again.

"Hit him!"

Jeongguk starts sending a series of swift spin kicks and straight punches towards Muho, only for him to dodge them easily as he gives him another kick to the side, bringing him down again. Kwontae's group start cheering for Muho and take the joy of seeing Jeongguk get beaten.

Jeongguk tries brings himself back up again, 'Aish. He's a lot stronger than I expected.'

He gets up and throws another spin kick and starts a clinch technique with Muho, both struggling to grapple each other but Muho seems to be winning taking over his strength against Jeongguk.

"Pretty good." Muho utters out, still grappling Jeongguk.

They grapple each other for a couple more seconds, until Muho finally pushes Jeongguk off and sends a harsh axe kick on his head, knocking him down the floor. Muho finally takes off his helmet and looks down at his lying, beat down rival before him.

"You've lasted longer than I thought you would." Muho says as he starts to walk away, "Oh- don't take this the wrong way. I didn't beat you up. This was a taekwondo match."

Kwontae's group follows him and starts laughing and saying comments to Jeongguk like 'Serves you right.'

As they've already headed out, Jeongguk, frustrated and disappointed, still lays at his spot in defeat.

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