《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》He's Just Out Of Reach


'What the... is he going to the Taekwondo club next?'

(Y/N) watches as Jeongguk hesitates in front of the Taekwondo club's room.

"Hey, hurry up! We're really going to be late." Euisoo yells after Jeongguk waving for him to come over.

"Yeah, alright." Jeongguk reluctantly tears his eyes away. He bumps into someone as he turns around. "Ah! I'm sorr-"

The Taekwondo club's captain, Chisoo, towers immediately over Jeongguk, his stature being very different and large aside from Jeongguk's small one. To him he was a giant. "...Why are you loitering around a club you don't belong to?"

"I was just...taking a quick look around. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble." Jeongguk bows politely as he runs after Euisoo. Chisoo just stands put where he is, silently still watching him until he disappears completely from his sight.

(Y/N) can only stare at Chisoo with silent fear, 'What's his deal? He's scary... Never mind that- I'm going to lose Jeongguk.'


(Y/N) can see Jeongguk and Euisoo amongst the other students spilling out of the building.

"You're really not coming to the internet cafe?" Euisoo asks turning over to Jeongguk.

"I have something I have to do!"

"What is it?"

"It's something. Sorry, I gotta get going!" Jeongguk starts running off, not giving Euisoo time to say something back.

"Hey, Jeon Jeongguk!"

(Y/N) can only look at Jeongguk's figure in confusion, 'Where is he rushing off to? I guess I'll follow him!' She barely manages to catch up to Jeongguk and follows him onto the bus.


She rushes out of the bus following Jeongguk, bringing herself at a sports campaign hosting a Taekwondo tournament.

'He skipped out on the internet cafe to come here?' (Y/N) looks up at the poster up on the wall beside her.

She spots Jeongguk sitting in the corner of the bleachers. 'It's just like earlier...He must really like Taekwondo. Why does he bother with the other clubs, then? Why not join the Taekwondo club? Maybe it's because I'm asking this question, but...' (Y/N) realizes how serious Jeongguk looks as he watches the match. He looks somewhat uneasy, but it's not because he's focused on the fight. Jeongguk even closes his eyes. 'I can't wait any longer. Is he alright...? He looks like he's having a really difficult time...'


(Y/N) just keeps looking at Jeongguk's face scrunching as he looks like he's going through some stuff. 'This won't do. I'm going to talk to him.' She slowly approaches Jeongguk, tapping his shoulder lightly, "Excuse me..."

Jeongguk snaps out of his thoughts, looking up at the unfamiliar female in front of him.

"Are you alright? You don't look so well." She slightly tilts her head, concerned for the maknae.

Jeongguk replies without moving his head. "...Yes, I'm okay."

"But, if you're not feeling very well..."

Suddenly, Jeongguk presses his hands to his knees and rises from his seat.

"Oh!" (Y/N) freezes at the unexpected development and watches as Jeongguk leaves the stands. 'What just happened...?'


After leaving the gymnasium, (Y/N) quickly follows after Jeongguk, only to see that he's disappeared. 'Alright, this is a dead end. I'll try to break the ice tomorrow at school. How do I approach him naturally?'

(Y/N) gives up looking for Jeongguk and turns to leave, but bad luck HAD to come at a time and place like this. She runs into a group of people coming out of an alley and winds up sprawled on the ground.


Some random boy, named Kwontae looks down at the girl with an annoyed expression on his face, "What the- Watch where you're going!"

Sungjin, who seems to be his friend, speaks up as well, "You alright Kwontae? Geez, just when I thought today couldn't get more aggravating...ugh."

(Y/N) can only look up at them with disbelief, 'What are they talking about? I didn't run into them on purpose.' She begins to defend for herself, "Excuse me? You're the ones who came out of nowhere! I didn't bump into you on purpose, you guys are getting worked up when you should be apologizing for your rude manner."

"Ha...what's that annoying noise?" The guy with named Kwontae says.

"You're being rude. I'd like an apology."

"Make me."


"If you want an apology, fight me for one."

The two males smirk as they walk towards her. (Y/N) steps backwards getting into her defense stance, trying to keep some distance between them...only to back herself into a wall.

'What?! Oh, no...Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut...?'

Kwontae starts speaking again, "That loss already has pissed me off...Who do you think you are, ruining my day even more?" He then starts changing his annoyed face expression to a creepy smirk, "Then again, this could be a silver lining. You are pretty cute. Maybe if you apologize to me first I can go a little easy on you." He starts putting his arm around (Y/N)'s waist, making her feel uncomfortable.


(Y/N) harshly grabs his wrist and twists it off her, earning an 'ouch' from him, "H-hey! This is unsportsmanlike..."

"Hey now, we just want to have a little contest- what's the big deal? You were sure talking big before. And you seem to know a few tricks up your sleeve from that stance you were doing." Sungjin says as he starts blocking her way, placing his hand on the wall, beside her head.

"Even if I can defend myself, you're saying that two against one is a fair fight?!"

The annoyed boy brings his unharmed hand up to her face and grabs it, his rough fingers squishing her cheeks, "Ah...you don't know when to shut up, do you?"

Thankful that she took some self-defense classes, (Y/N) swats Sungjin's arm away from beside her head with enough force and kicks him right on his shin, making him take a few steps back from the impact. She then brings her fist up at Kwontae's stomach, hitting him at the weak spot. He holds his stomach, groaning in pain.

"UGH!! You got real nerve..." He glares right up at her and charges straight at her grabbing both of her wrists and restraining them with one hand. He begins blocking her by putting one of his knees and locking it beside her hip while the other knee blocks the other side.

"Ah! I really didn't want things to end like this, but you really had to be such a pain." Kwontae raises his arm, winding up a punch.

She closes her eyes for the incoming impact, still attempting to struggle to free herself from his grip, 'What do I do, I'm trapped..!'

"Hey, why don't you knock it off!"

(Y/N) opens her eyes at the familiar that seems to have saved her. 'It's Jeongguk!!!'

"A real man doesn't treat a girl like that! You shouldn't force yourself on her. And two against one? That's a cheap move. What are you doing?"

Kwontae glares back, loosening his a little grip on the girl's wrists, "Oi, mind your own business. We're just settling a disagreement."

"And what if I don't want to?" Jeongguk glares at Kwontae, worrying for the frightened girl.

"Then try stopping me!" Kwontae starts raising his arm again.


(Y/N) braces herself for the painful hit that never comes.


The yell startles her. She reopens her eyes only to see Kwontae on the ground. Jeongguk's somehow places himself between them.

"Are you alright? They didn't do anything to you did they?"

"Ah y-yeah I'm okay... they didn't do anything."

Kwontae lifts himself from the ground, "Did you just hit me?"

"You're gonna regret butting in!" His friend, Sungjin, starts to support Kwontae up and both start charging at Jeongguk.


Jeongguk easily dodges them both and overpowers them with a single spin kick. They both fall to the ground...and seem to be having trouble getting back up.

'What the...He's really good at fighting! What on earth is your deal, Jeon Jeongguk?!'

"Ugh...Who are you...Where'd you come from...?" Kwontae, with great effort, looks up-finally glimpsing Jeongguk's face. "Jeon...Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk's eyes widen as he takes a close look at Kwontae. "You're..."

"Ha...what's this? So you've turned into a punk since quitting Taekwondo, huh? Going around throwing punches."

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow in confusion. 'Taekwondo?!'

Jeongguk's looks down glaring at the two, "...You guys are the punks. Don't go around telling people you do Taekwondo. It's embarrassing."

Sungjin raises his fist in frustration, "Why, you little...!"

"What, you jokes still want to fight? In that case...feel free. Come at me."

"Ugh! You...watch your back."

Jeongguk makes sure Kwontae and his goon squad leave before turning to face (Y/N).

"Hmm, you have a little bit of red in your cheeks. Other than that you look fine."

(Y/N) bows down in respect, "Thank you so much...you saved me!"

"Next time, you should just run." With that advice, Jeongguk starts to walk away.

'No, wait!' (Y/N) raises her hand in front of her chest. "E-Excuse me! Can I buy you a meal?! I want to thank you somehow..."

"It's alright. You're okay, and that's all that matters." Jeongguk bows politely and walks away.

'So...Jeongguk used to do Taekwondo. Knowing that makes things a lot clearer. Why'd he give it up?' (Y/N) suddenly stubs her toe against something. "Huh? What's this?" She picks it up, observing it




"It's a wallet."

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