《Taekwondo Blackbelt (Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]》Something's Bothering Him


"This is Jeongguk's school- Typical High School."

(Y/N) eyes widen as she looks forward at what seems to be the highschool Jeon Jeongguk attends to.

'I've gained a week trying to find Jeongguk, and my hard work's finally paid off!'

"Who knew that he attended school early? He's already in high school, not junior high... Aww, my Golden Maknae's a big boy now. But that doesn't matter now! I'm finally going to meet Jeongguk."


Music and excited cheers drift through the air, entrancing (Y/N) to move closer to where the vibrant sound seems to be coming from. "What's going on?" Naturally, (Y/N) heads closer to the sound.


All the desks in the classroom have been pushed to the side. Someone is dancing in the makeshift arena.

'It's Jeongguk!!'

He's passionately hitting moves to the beat of the music. Moving his body so sharp and swiftly but also keeping it powerful and fluent. His lines showing lots of emotions, feelings, and strong details. Making the (E/C) eyed girl stare at him in admiration.

'Goodness, Jeongguk's so baby-faced...but he's still super strong!'

The song ends, and Jeongguk finally stops dancing. Breathing heavily and sweat dripping down his forehead.


Members around the class start cheering and applauding, the sounds ringing down the hallway.

A club member speaks out from the audience, "Wow, he really took center stage."

"Who is he?" Another club member asks still in awe of the performance.

Someone, who seems to be the dance club captain, claps and approaches Jeongguk, who smiles easily as he wipes sweat from his face. "Bravo, bravo! Bravo! This is your first time dancing? I can't believe it."

(Y/N) face changes from admiration to pure shock, 'Wait, what?! It's his first time dancing? Is this an audition of some sort...?'

"Come with us to the National Dance Contest. We'll sweep the competition and be the top group! Hahaha!"

Jeongguk looks down sheepishly, "Ah...I'm sorry. I don't think this is for me. Sorry, excuse me..."


The dance club captain just looks at his walking away figure in confuzzlement, "Huh?! Hey! Where are you going?!"

(Y/N) stares at Jeongguk's frame as he walks away discouragedly from the group. 'What's going on...? I'll follow Jeongguk for now.'


In a room full of paintings, canvases and other sorts of arts and crafts, Jeongguk looks around the room in wonder. "Wow, so this is what the art room looks like..."

"Yeah...so, about why you want to join our club...you said you wanted to learn something new?" The Art Club Captain asks the younger male, who seemed interested in the what the club can do. "I hate to break it to you, but not just anyone can join the art club. You have to pass our rigorous entrance exam first."

Jeongguk smiles roughishly as he picks up a palette of different shades of paint. Moments later, an easel is set up in the art room, and a canvas set on top of it. "...Done."

The members of the club nearly drop their jaws to the floor once they see the masterpiece that he has bestowed upon them, seeing the shades blend in with each other, the bold outlines, and the sharp angles that bring the whole painting together. The colors and the black ink together gave an endearing illusion.

"W-Wow...that's dope..." a club member mumbles out.

Another club member adds in to the astonishment, "Amazing...that might be better than the club captain's stuff."

Hearing the other member's comments made the club captain infuriated, "Hey, Jeon Jeongguk! You're lying about this being your first time painting, aren't you?!"

Jeongguk responds back coolly, "I'm really not."

"Come on! No one is this good without at least a little bit of training!"

Jeongguk doesn't say anything but gives off a small shrug. "I'm telling you the truth."

"Get out! We don't need a liar like you in the art club. I said, get out!"


"Oh...well thanks anyway. Bye." Jeongguk nods his head in a sort-of bow and walks out the art room.

"Who does he think he is?!" The club captain still infuriated by the maknae's amazing talents believing he's lying.

(Y/N) looks at the masterpiece Jeongguk created still in shock of the talent he's showing off. 'That's...Jeongguk?'


"Be our captain!" The Captain of the Photo Club says out of the blue.

"...What?" Jeongguk scratches his head in confusion. "I'm here for my photography club membership interview..."

The Photo Club Captain looks at the photo Jeongguk submitted in bewilderment, "This is beyond what a regular student is capable of. We're depending on you. Teach us all you know!" The captain starts bombarding Jeongguk with questions, "What camera do you use? When did you start? Did you take extra classes? Huh? Huhhh?"

"I've only taken a few photos as a hobby...this isn't for me, either. Goodbye." Jeongguk graps his hair tightly and begins to walk out of the room.

While this is happening, (Y/N) is pressed against the wall beneath the photography room's window. She definitely looks like she's spying.

'He's on his third club already. What are you doing, Jeongguk?'

A photo club member speaks up, "Wow, the rumors are true- Jeon Jeongguk really us good at everything he tries."

"So what? He comes in and leaves right away." Another club member states to the everyone else. "They don't call him the 'club killer' for nothing. I heard every club he applies to, a ton of students quit because they realize they'll never be as good as him."

The first club member's voice rings out, "Maybe this is a really mean hobby to him...?"

(Y/N) face scrunched in disbelief, 'A club killer? The Jeongguk I know wouldn't do that. How strange. The Jeongguk in this universe is a little...No, a lot different from the one I know.'


Jeongguk starts walking beside and laughing along with his friend, Euisoo, debating on which flavor bread was the best, red bean or chocolate. After some joking, they try to head straight to class before the bell rings. They soon pass along the Taekwondo Club Practice room.

Jungkook watches as they start practicing their usual routines such as their straight punches, low squares, and other techniques. But what mainly catches his attention was when they were practicing their side kicks, one student who seemed a little older from his age gave off this vibe of inhuman strength as he easily kicks away the student holding the bag. The other members getting scared by that sense of power.

But Jeongguk doesn't realize that the more he was watching and admiring, the more he was stepping inside the room.

"Hey what are you doing, let's go." Euisoo comes after him as he seems to be so entranced that was starting to enter inside the practice room.

"Hey. Who is that over there?" Jeongguk gestures at the older male showing off his skills.

"Oh, you don't know? That's Cha Chisoo."

"Cha Chisoo...?"

"Yeah, you know, the ace of the Taekwondo club. He's beaten Cheon Muho before. He's no joke."

They watch as he takes down 4 students with just one swift straight kick.

"Wow... Seriously, it's crazy." Euisoo continues. "He doesn't even look like a high school student."

Jeongguk looks so entranced by the Ace's spirit and charisma in his strength and skills, he doesn't notice his friend trying to pull him out.

"Hey, let's go." Euisoo leaves out of the room and tries to head straight to class.

"So there's a Taekwondo club, too..." Jeongguk mumbles to himself as he starts to head out the room as well, him and his friend heading straight to their class, still sipping on their juice boxes.

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