《school 2015 (Gong tae kwang x reader)》Passer-by


You had joined the school two weeks earlier. You and Tae kwang had become great friends but still your situation was the same. You were still living at the store. You had asked for two more weeks from your owner and she gave you the permission. You woke up in the broom closet and got dressed in your school uniform. You rode your cycle to school. As soon as you were about to go into the school you got pulled back. At first you panicked." Hey! Who are you?" You turned your head around and saw Tae Gwang with a monotone expression on his face."Missed me?" He asked with a goofy smile. You just rolled your eyes and laughed it off but you realized that you had actually missed him a lot. You got off your cycle and followed him towards the class. You walked into your class and saw everybody busy in their own work. You sat your bag down on your seat. Tae kwang did the same and put his head down."ooooooo.......the son of manager himself. How does it feel to be his son.....you know he is in jail so-"" Kwon ki tae said as he came towards Tae kwang. "Tsk...tsk your mother doesn't care about you......your father is in jail....and you......."He grabbed tae kwang's hair. He was trying to call himself down by laughing but you couldn't take it. You got up and went towards kwon ki tae and pulled his hand away from tae kwang. You glared at him. Tae kwang looked at you with a shocked expression."stay away from him." You said in a low voice and went to your seat. You took out your book and notebook and got ready for class. Mr. Kim came and started teaching math. You took notes and Tae kwang as usual had his head down but he was still stealing glances at you. You turned your head towards him and saw him looking at you. You looked away but he still continued to look at you. You took notes and soon the bell rung. You went towards the lunch room. You grabbed a tray and put food in it and sat on the bench. You were really sad about your parents, your situation was worse than before, you were only surviving on ramen and school food. You didn't enjoy weekends. You just wanted them to over already because you couldn't even get one meal on weekends. You slightly pushed your tray and rested you're head on the table. The tears came out one by one. You felt someone sit beside you. You quickly wiped your tears and took a deep breath. As soon as you were about to rise your head tae Kwang lowered his head and looked at you. You moved your head to his side." Are you crying?""no....I......i'm Not." You tried to avoid eye contact with Tae kwang. "Don't you want to eat?" He said while he looked at you with his head still lowered. Your heard you stomach grumble. Tae kwang smiled warmly at you. I have something better for you than.........this" he made a disgusting face. "Really?" He got up and grabbed your hand." Hey! Where are you taking me?" You asked. "He didn't answer. You guys went in the foot ball ground. He let go of your hand and made you sit on the stairs. Soon a delivery man came. You looked at Tae kwang with a confused expression. "Delivery for the most handsome man?" The delivery guy said."that's me." Tae kwang pointed towards himself. You chuckled. The delivery guy went away and Tae kwang gave you an enormous plate of noodles. Your eyes went wide and both of you dug in. "You are really hungry." He said with chopsticks in his mouth. You smirked at him. "One can't say no to food." He laughed. He scooted closer to you and without warning took a big bite of noodles from your plate. "Hey!" You moved your plate away from him. He just laughed with noodles coming out from his mouth. You made a disgusted face. You scooted away from him but he slid towards you. "Eat from your own plate." You said as you ate your noodles. "I didn't even eat now." You laughed a bit."geez." He said and continued to eat noodles." Class!" You shouted in realisation. " we could skip it for a day." Tae kwang said." No, no, no"you said as you put your empty plate in the bin and headed towards the restroom to wash your face. "Come on." You said to Tae kwang. "Coming." He said and groaned.


You didn't want to leave school. You actually loved it there, amazing friend,amazing teacher. It was better than the store you lived in. After another night of eating ramen,you went into the closet to sleep. You were told that another person would come for her duty. You made your bed and slept. It was not even actually a bed, just a blanket and a pillow. When you were fast asleep someone came in the shop and it was someone from your school. It was kwon ki tae. He was looking around when he saw you sleeping. He snickered and took a picture. He was about to send it when he got an idea. He would send it in the morning which would make you embarrassed. He needed to take revenge. He sneakily went out of the store.

The next day you woke up and went to school. As you entered the class you saw Tae kwang with his head down. As you were going towards your seat you heard snickering behind you, you turned your head and saw kwon ki tae laughing. You gave him a confused glare and went to your seat. You waited for the teacher to come. You got up from your seat and slapped Tae kwang's head. You laughed."who- what (y/n)!""get up....you are literally sleeping in every class.""that's what school's for." You just chuckled. "Seriously...how do you even pass the exams?""luck." He said and moved his head towards you. He pretended to close his eyes, actually he was looking at you. You shook your head and opened your notebook for the class. "There is an announcement." Mr. Kim entered the class." There is an important meeting so your first few classes are going to be free. Don't leave the class." "Okayyyyyyy." Some student said while others groaned. Everyone was in the class. Suddenly everyone got a notification. They pulled out their phones. You did as well. You gasped as you saw kwon ki tae's post. Tears swell up in your eyes. Everyone snickered. There were sounds of (y/n) here and there. You couldn't take it anymore. You had tears in your eyes. You got up from your seat. "What do you want from me?" Tae kwang furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at his phone and his eyes went wide. He got up and pulled you back and came in front of you. "Did you take this picture?" He yelled at kwong ki tae. He chuckled lightly and stepped towards Tae kwang." What are you going to do?" Tae kwang looked at his right side and sighed. "Delete it." He said plainly." Ohhhh and what if I don't."" I will make you." He punched him in the face. You gasped and as soon as kwon ki tae was about to punch Tae kwang, you came in between them and you got punched in the face by kwon ki tae. He was shocked. Your head moved to the side. Someone went to call the teacher but you were in pain. You sat on the floor."(y/n)! Are you okay?" Tae kwang asked. He bent down next to you and looked at you with worried eyes. Your cheek was badly bruised. It was all blue and red. He pushed the hair out of your face and gasped. He suddenly got up and kicked kwon ki tae but before he could react the teacher came and looked at the state you were in. He took you to the infirmary and kwon ki tae and Tae kwang to the office. Your cheek was treated but it still hurt.


After half an hour, the door opened. You were lying on the bed. You didn't know who was it. You were fast asleep. It was Tae kwang. He lied down on the other bed but faced you and looked at you. He felt a tear on his cheek. "What?" He whispered to himself." Why am I crying?..........stupid tears." But he still couldn't forgive himself. If he had not punched kwon ki tae then probably you would be alright. He stared at your face and mentally slapped himself....making a mental note that he would slap himself when he got home but wouldn't ever hurt you or let anyone hurt you.

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