《Dear MinYoongi || myg [COMPLETED]》


we were in class, discussing about our project. Year end project anything about science.

"So, science..." you started our disscussion.

"You know science?" you asked me, pointing at my face

"Well, yes.." i said putting your hands down.

"Then you do it" you hand me the notebook and fell a sleep on your desk.

"Wait wHA?" i shook your body trying to wake you up.

You got annoyed and spoke

"Just talk about your period or anything like that. Dont bother me" you said and went back to sleep.

"yAH MIN YOONGI!" I shouted and the whole class eyed me.

"eheh" i fake laughed at them and they went back to their own business.

I knew i had no choice but to do our project my self.

And that is how we did our 'what part of penis is this?' project.

-Goo Hyun Ae

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