《Queen of Poetry: Trials of Pain》True Lies


Have you ever been lied to so much they've became true?

You believe what you hear, there's nothing you can do

Every word murmured just floats throughout your body like there's nothing better

Than to just listen to every lie

Blinding yourself with your own complexion

Lies can be true if you tell them very well

They can be true if your heart can't tell

We can only see the truth when our emotions fail

Our eyes can be blind to little imperfections

Everytime you open your eyes you are taught a new lesson

It's a shame that a blind man can see more than the ones who aren't

Just a disgrace that you run through a forest

when the sun was helping brighten up your path,

but you only offered ignorance

If only you would've woken up at the right moment

Maybe now you wouldn't be so hurt, feeling lonely

But, instead you chose to lay down and wait until the next morning.

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