《New Life-Choni [Book 2]》Chapter 11


"noo don't take my bags I can do it, it's fine" Toni whined as Sweetpea and fangs started unloading her bags off the tour bus. They had reached their next stop on their tour and were moving into a hotel as they had a few concerts around the area.

"your ankle still isn't completely healed, we don't want you hurting yourself again" Sweetpea said as he pulled out her suitcase.

"it's been 5 days since the injury I'm fine" Toni protested and walked across to her best friend.

"Toni don't protest" he warned as fangs picked up her two large bags.

"but i-"

Sweetpea suddenly swipes her off her feet and carried her bridal style.

"sweetpea put me down this instant" she commanded but laughed, wrapping her arms lightly around his neck.

"shouldn't of complained Ms Topaz" he spoke, smug at his words as he carried her to the entrance and kicked it open. He took her across the room and acquired the keys before taking her to the lift.

"you know you're an asshole" she whispered and he looked down at her with a small smile.

"I know I'm such an asshole for looking after you" he rolled his eyes playfully. Toni smacked his arm lightly and rested her head on his shoulder. He walked out the elevator when they reached the right floor.

Toni noticed a familiar blonde a little down

"Kylie!" Toni called out. When she turned Toni quickly snapped a picture "gotcha"

"hey idiot" she laughed a little and walked over, an ice coffee in her hand "I got your favourite, didn't think you'd be able to walk and get it yourself" Toni took the drink and sipped it.

"my favourite thanks love, I should get injured more often. Everyone does everything for me now" she grinned.

"well if you need anything jsut give me a call, I'm only a couple doors down".

Sweetpea carried on and took Toni to the bed in her room.

"there you are your majesty" he teased.

"thanks sweetie" she teased back and fangs came just a few moments after with her bags.

"alright we will leave you be, see you later Toni" the boys left and Toni was now alone. She pulled out her phone and went on social media to flick through.

missing my baby girl 💕

cuties 😍

omg couple goals

Toni where you at, go get your girl

sorry for keeping her away xx

Toni smiled a little, but still sad missing her wife dearly. She quickly got on to type.

missing you and the kids so much ❤️

It wasn't long until replies were being sent by fans but only one mattered.

missing you and the kids so much ❤️

-We miss you more baby, come home soon 😘

Toni continued to scroll on

Toni Topaz being carried away by @ notsosweetpea 😂

I leave you guys for 10 minutes

these two are the cutest

stop sweeping my girl off her feet 😂

She rolled her eyes at the photo and sent a reply

thanks for helping me asshole 😊

This time Toni posted up quickly.

this sweetie got me my fav drink. @ KylieDanvers

Soon after the comments came in

Hottie alert. Send nudes ⚠️😜

-screw u jade 🙄❤️

-please do 😍

Hope you're doing OK babe

anything for you ❤️😘


-hmmm back offf

Toni saw a message pop up at the top of her phone and clicked it.

Need anything? ❤️

Toni was quick to respond

company, I'm already so boreddd

I'm on it 😜

Only a few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Toni forced herself to her feet and made her way to the hotel door and opened it to see her fellow bandmate there.


"come on in" Toni gestured to her room and Kylie walked on in.

"how come your room smells nicer than mine" Kylie huffed and Toni laughed a little. Toni flopped back onto the bed and Kylie climbed up onto it too to join her. Toni grabbed the TV controller and turned on the TV, slipping under the duvet, followed by Kylie.

"thanks.. By the way for the help with the song the other night" Toni was stoll trying to work out how she felt after doing the song. She had got a lot of worried texts from Cheryl about her injury but she never mentioned the song. Maybe that was for the best.

"of course, I'm gonna be here to help you however you need Toni"

Toni smiled a little and rested her head on Kylies shoulder, her eyes on the screen.

"you're the best" Toni mumbled and fell quiet as she just watched the movie that was playing.

A little later after a long silence Kylie spoke up.

"I miss you"

Toni looked up from the screen and Kylie was staring directly down at her.

"what do you mean? I'm right here"

"not like you used to be, we were closer before the whole news thing. Before you went back to Cheryl" she mumbled a little.

She really didn't want to have this conversation now but Toni knew she couldn't escape it nor would that be a good idea at this time. This conversation had to be done.

"what happened with us was.. It felt amazing, it was different, it was a new fire that started to flicker but it also wasn't right Kylie. I shouldn't of done it"

She frowned a little and looked down at Toni.

"you and Cheryl split off for awhile. You weren't technically with Cheryl Toni. We did nothing wrong. We just allowed ourselves to do what we had wanted to for so long but couldn't" Kylies countered back.

"i still was married to Cheryl even though-"

"even though she left you! Cheryl left you and you opened your heart to me Toni. But she's twisted the story to make you seem like the bad guy. When she was the one who did wrong. She was the one who left because-"

"I know why she left. I know it was bad but it didn't give me a right to have sex with another woman" Toni tried to jeep herself thinking straight but she couldn't. She knew things Kylie said were true.

"sex? Toni it wasn't just a one time sex thing. You don't have to lie when we aren't in public. We fell in love. We basically dated over that month Cheryl was gone. When she left you alone with the kids" Kylie ran her hand over Tonis cheek softly.

"It was an affair.." Toni tried to look anywhere by Kylies face.

"it was you moving on after a break up. You just tried to hide it from the news. Not wanting it to get out and your kids work out what had happened. Only it did get out. We were caught. But we weren't doing anything wrong" she spoke softly, gentle with her words.

Toni knew deep down there was some truth there thought she wouldn't like to admit it.

"Cheryl only came back for you after she realised you had gone with someone else, because she was jealous and she realised what she was missing. So she came back, twisted the story to make you look and and slithered back into your life. Our life"

Toni closed her eyes, the pain hitting her hard.


"I'm sorry Kylie but I'm with Cheryl, and I've got the kids so it's not so easy like that. She's the other mother of my kids. I love her"

"and I love you" Kylie whispered before leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Tonis lips. It was short and sweet but Toni pulled back.

"I did love you, but I am with Cheryl again. I am so thankful for you for helping me through and being there in that part of my life but I can't fuck this up again. I'm on thin ice. I hope you understand that" Toni asked and Kylie nodded a little. She was about to climb out the bed but Toni grabbed her wrist.

"stay please" she begged. Kylie laid back down and Toni rested her head on Kylies shoulder again and closed her eyes. She was so worn out and tried she fell asleep pretty quickly.

"I'm sorry Toni...and please be safe around her" Kylie whispered once she was asleep. Kylie knew a lot about Cheryl and Toni's relationship. She knew the good, but she knew a lot about the bad. Toni often came to her for help in situations. Just like she did when cheryl left her and the kids behind one night and didn't come back. Kylie had helped out Toni with the kids the best she could which is when their relationship had blossomed. They had got close and it had all gone well until the press got a sniff of the new found relationship. Toni had panicked and Cheryl returned. Getting angry at Toni for having sex with Kylie, well that's what she thought it only was. Toni had felt so guilty and Kylie hated it. Not because what they had was over though that did effect it. But because of the fact that Toni had felt like shit and it was unfair in Kylies eyes. Kylie didn't mind if she wasn't the one Toni fell for in the end but there was one thing certain. She didn't like Cheryl and Toni together.

She looked down at the sleeping girl and took a quick selfie before going to post it. The comments came in fast.

my sleeping beauty 😴💕 @ tonitopaz

she's so cute when she's not shouting

our Queen 👑

hope she's feeling OK 💕 I will pop in later

omg omg omg, it's official 💋❤️💋💞💋💖💖

this is actually kinda cute

what exactly happened here

lol they totally fucked

Kylie herself had fallen asleep next to Toni. Nothing more had happened that night. They simply slept side by side in the comfort of their company.

Kylies eyes flickered open when she heard a buzz coming from Toni's side of the bed. She groaned a little when Toni didn't get up to answer it and leant over the smaller girl to grab the phone and answered with a yawn.

"hello? Toni's asleep right now" Kylie spoke groggily down the phone.

"get your filthy hands off my wife's phoje and put her on now you fucking asshole!" Kylie furrowed her brows as she heard the voice scream down the phone.

"jesus cheryl calm your tits... Toni is asleep, she's had a long day give her a break" Kylie rubbed her eyes a little trying to wake herself up.

"you shouldn't even be in her bedroom, I told you to stay away from my family. And now you're sleeping with her. What shit did you two do? Did you fuck again? Did you get bored and feel like shoving your fingers up each others vaginas" Cheryl snapped and Kylie was shocked by the outburst.

"Cheryl nothing happened, we just laid and talked and watched movies. She didn't do anything with me" Kylie fought back.

Now Toni's eyes were opening

"Kylie what's going on?" Toni asked quietly, turning over on the bed and looking up at her.

"your crazy wife is kn the phone screaming at me" Kylie handed the phone to Toni.

"sorry" Toni whispered to her "can you uh... Give some space?" Toni asked and Kylie understood. Getting up off the bed and walking around.

"text if you need me" Kylie walked out the hotel room and went to her own one.

"Baby?" Toni spoke, her voice a little hoarse as she had only just woken up.

"don't baby me you fucking-"

"Cheryl! Calm yourself jesus! You have the kids in the house" Toni felt very awake now andsat on the edge of her bed.

"I knew I couldnt trust you! You slept with that bitch didn't you, I saw her post! You're in bed with her!" Cheryl shouted down the phone, pure anger in every word.

"what post? Nothing happened Cheryl I swear on it!" Toni shouted back, her free hand covering her face.

"Kylie took a picture of you and her in bed and called you her sleeping beauty" Cheryl scoffed, at least she wasn't shouting.

"oh for god sake Cheryl I just asked her to come over and watch TV with me to keep me company because I was lonely. Nothing happened!"

"I know what you're like Toni, you slept with her before and I know you'd do it again! I should never had let you go on that stupid tour alone, why couldn't you just stay here with me!" Cheryl was once again raising her voice.

"you know what I'm like?! That's that exactly?! You want me to just give up my job and everything?! This is my life! And if you didn't want me to sleep with Kylie you shouldn't of left me and the kids alone and fucked off!"

There was silence on the phone for a moment.

"go fuck yourself, or better yet get one of your band to do it for you. I know you want them all to"

The phone hung up and Toni chucked it to the side let out the tears. The kept streaming down her cheeks. She cried so hard she hadn't realised someone had come into the room until an arm wrapped around her waist.

Toni looked up to see Veronica by her side, eyes saddened at the sight before her.

"Toni..." Toni collapsed into her and cried into her body. Veronica didn't mind as she just held her tight against herself.

"I just... I just..." Toni couldn't get the words out. Her whole body shaking.

"I know babe I know" Veronica whispered and pressed a light kiss to the top of her head.

"I didn't do anything with Kylie. I didn't. I promise" she kept her eyes on Veronicas.

"I know you didn't Toni" Veronica nodded a little.

"then why doesn't Cheryl? She believes I want the whole band to fuck me it seems. Maybe I should if she wants it so bad. Maybe I should just screw all of you, how does that sound, wanna fuck?" Toni asked leaning in close but Veronica raised her hand to stop Toni knowing she was in an emotional state where she wasn't thinking properly.

"Toni you just gotta keep being yourself, we know what you really are like and we love you for it. She needs to learn and she will eventually. And I'm here for you every step of the way" Veronica promised and laid back on Toni's bed with her arms out "now come here and forget about the rest of the world for awhile"

Toni did as she was told. Laying down next to Veronica with her head on her chest and arm around her waist. The last of her tears still falling.

"thank you" she whispered quietly against her chest.

Veronica traced gentle soft circles on her back, soothing the singer.

"you don't need to thank me, just rest easy.."

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