《New Life-Choni [Book 2]》Chapter 10
"is everyone ready?" Toni asked all the bandmates who were currently backstage. She grabbed bottles of water off the side and handed one to each member "drink up, keep a clear head" she told them all and they did as she asked.
"alright, don't forget guys, do not stand on any of the x marked panels. Fire will be coming out and it will hurt you" Veronica added before giving each of the members a light hug. "go get em tiger" she sent Toni a wink and she laughed a little before running up onto the stage with the rest of the bandmates.
Roars erupted from the huge crowd and Toni grinned a little to herself as she grabbed the mic and the other bandmates got to their instruments.
"are you ready Rome?!" Toni shouted out and more shouts called back at them, rock symbols being formed with people's hands as they rose. "I said are you fucking ready Rome?!" she shouted again and the shouts were even louder.
"that's what I fucking thought" Toni pushed her hair out her face and waited for music to start up.
Her lips came closer to the mic and she waited for the right moment to come in
"if you feel so empty, so used up, so left out, if you feel so angry, so ripped off, so stamped on, Youre not the, only one,refusing to back down, your not the, only one, so get up!"
Toni waited until the first word of the chorus spat out and her head swung.
"let's start a riot, a riot! Let's start a riot! Let's start a riot, a riot! Let's start a riot!"
Everyone jumped at the first word and went crazy around each other. As the chorus finished toni walked over to jade as she played the guitar in between.
"if you feel, so filthy, so dirty, so fucked up, if you feel, so walked on, so pissed off, you're not the, only one, refusing, to go down, you're not the, only one, so get up!"
Again all the fans went crazy as the chorus hit and they were all jumping like crazy along with Toni. When the song came to an end they did a few more and already Toni could feel the heat getting to her. She sipped her drink and looked to her band mates. They were about to start another number but Toni noticed something at the front of the crowd. One woman seemed to be half collapsing and lensing into the barrier.
"hold on guys hold on" she called out to her band and jumped off the stage to go to the barrier.
Hands tried grabbing at her and shrouding the woman.
"hey keep your hands fucking off me im trying to get to this woman!" she snapped at them and placed her hands on the girl's cheeks.
"can you hear me miss?" the girl looked about 18 to Toni, she must of been getting crushed. She looked to the security guards to the side.
"you got some water?" she called out and they looked to each other and hsook their heads a little.
"well go fucking find some you idiots, you're telling me there's no water being offered to these people in this 35° weather?" Toni shouted and helped the girl through the barrier and picked her up bridal style in her arms and carried her up to the stage to the side where the lights weren't blaring so much. She grabbed her own water and poured some into the girls mouth.
" come on love, wakey wakey" she whispered, running her hand over her forehead gently. Her eyes opened and she just stared at Toni.
"am I dead? Is this heaven?" she mumbled and Toni chuckled.
"no love, you just passed out at the show don't worry" she sat up and the crowd cheered.
"wait I'm on your stage, you're real, you're Toni Topaz?" she asked and brought her hand To Tonis cheek.
"real as it can get" Toni helped up the dazed girl and was embraced in a tight overwhelming hug.
"I love you so much!" Toni just held her in her arms until she finally let go.
"look we gotta continue the show, take my water and stay on this side of the stand so you can get some air, if you feel faint again just call for help" Toni spoke quietly to the girl and she nodded, reluctantly moving from her to go stand on this side of the stand.
"alright here we go!"
Toni started the concert back up again. They got a few more songs, they were onto their 6th one and Toni was going for it, jumping in the air to the beat.
Only as she made a final jump the panel beneath her foot gave way, just about big enough to get her foot through and some of her leg because of the sudden force it went at.
Toni let out a groan as it happened but continued singing the song. Security ran over but she pushed them off. She sang as best as she could as she shuffled back and pulled the bottom half of her leg out. She knew it was bad but didn't think much of it. Walk it off.
She did the rest of the song seated and when it finished Veronica ran over and helped her up with the assistance of Sweetpea.
"come on we have to pull you off and finish early" Veronica told her.
"no no I gotta continue" Toni shook her head and struggled to put pressure onto her bad leg.
"Toni you can't" Veronica protested but Toni didn't listen. Taking a few steps away form her to rest on the microphone stand.
And she continued on for a couple more songs until finally they reached the last one.
"alright guys so today we have something special for you, well...actuslly only me and Kylie know of this one. I wrote it on the tour bus you see. So be prepared guys, you're the first to hear this song, sorry its a little rusty I've never been the greatest of writers" Toni laughed a little and waited for the drum beat to start up. She knew she didn't have time to write up music for all the band so instead asked for Kylies help to get at least just the beat in with her.
Toni held the mic up and already knew this song was gonna hit hard.
"Have you ever loved someone so much
You'd give an arm for
Not the expression, no
Literally give an arm for
When they know they're your heart
And you know you are their armor
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm her
But what happens when karma
Turns right around and bites you
And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you
What happens when you become the main source of her pain
'mummy look what I made'
'Mum's gotta go catch a plane'
'Mum where's mommy?
I can't find mommy, where is she?'
'I don't know, go play, Amelia baby, your mummy's busy
Mummy' s writing a song, this song ain't gon' write itself'
I give you one underdog, and you gotta swing by yourself
Then turn right around in that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother who's the spittin' image of her
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby Slim Shady's crazy
Shady made me
But tonight, Shady's rock-a-bye baby"
Toni watched the captivated crowd, like they knew she was spilling her life story right before them.
"Have you ever loved someone so much
You'd give an arm for
Not the expression, no
Literally give an arm for
When they know they're your heart
And you know you are their armor
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm her
But what happens when karma
Turns right around and bites you
And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you
When I'm Gone
Song by Eminem
Yeah, it's my life
My own words, I guess
Have you ever loved someone so much
You'd give an arm for
Not the expression, no
Literally give an arm for
When they know they're your heart
And you know you are their armor
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm her
But what happens when karma
Turns right around and bites you
And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you
What happens when you become the main source of her pain
"Mummy look what I made"
"Mum's gotta go catch a plane"
"Mum where's mommy?
I can't find mommy, where is she?"
"I don't know, go play, Amelia baby, your Mum's busy
Mums writing a song, this song ain't gon' write itself"
I give you one underdog, and you gotta swing by yourself
Then turn right around in that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother who's the spittin' image of her
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby Slim Shady's crazy
Shady made me
But tonight, Shady's rock-a-bye baby"
The crowd all watched captivated as if they knew she was spilling her life story out to them.
"And when I'm gone just carry on don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice, just know that
I'm lookin' down on you smilin'
And I didn't feel a thing so baby, don't feel no pain, just smile back
And when I'm gone just carry on don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice, just know that
I'm lookin' down on you smilin'
And I didn't feel a thing so baby, don't feel no pain, just smile back
I keep havin' this dream
I'm pushin' Amelia on a swing, she keeps screamin', she don't want me to sing
"You're makin' mommy cry, why, why is mommy cryin'"
"Baby, Mum ain't leavin' no more, Mum you're lyin'
You always say that, you always say this is the last time
But you ain't leavin' no more Mum, you're mine"
She's pilin' boxes in front of the door tryin' to block it
"Mummy please, Mummy, don't leave, Mummy, no, stop it"
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
It's got a picture, "This will keep you safe Mummy, take it with ya"
I look up, it's just me standin' in the mirror
These fuckin' walls must be talkin', 'cause man I can hear 'em
They're sayin', "you got one more chance to do right
And it's tonight, now go out and show 'em that you love 'em before it's too late"
And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door
It turns to a stage, they're gone and the spotlight is on and I'm singin'"
She can feel her heart clenching now, struggling to keep herself together.
And when I'm gone just carry on don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice, just know that
I'm lookin' down on you smilin'
And I didn't feel a thing so baby, don't feel no pain, just smile back
Sixty thousand people all jumpin' out their seat
The curtain closes, they're throwin' roses at my feet
I take a bow, and thank you all for comin' out
They're screamin' so loud, I take one last look at the crowd
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seein'
"Mum, its me, help mommy, her wrists are bleedin'"
But baby we're in Sweden
How did you get to Sweden?
"I followed you Mummy
You told me that you weren't leavin'
You lied to me mum, and now you made mommy sad
And I bought you this Bracelet, cause that's all I have
That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this bracelet
"I get the point, fine, me and mommy are goin'"
"But baby wait, it's too late mum, you made your choice
Now go out there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us
That's what they want
They want you, Toni
They keep screamin' your name
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep
Just take another pill, yeah I bet you you will!
You rap about it, yeah word, kid keep it real"
I hear a applause, all this time I couldn't see
How could it be, that the curtain is closin' on me
I turn around, find a gun on the ground
Cock it, put it to my brain, scream "die Shady!" And pop it"
Now the tears came and her voice broke a little, it all coming down on her. All the stress and the pressures and feeling like she was failing the family. It all hit.
"The sky darkens, my life flashes
The plane that I was supposed to be on, crashes, and burns to ashes
That's when I wake up
Alarm clock's ringing, there's birds singin'
It's spring and Amelias outside swingin'
I walk right up to Cheryl and kiss her tell her I miss her
Thomas just smiles and winks at his little sister almost as if to say
And when I'm gone just carry on don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice, just know that
I'm lookin' down on you smilin'
And I didn't feel a thing so baby, don't feel no pain, just smile back
And when I'm gone just carry on don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice, just know that
I'm lookin' down on you smilin'
And I didn't feel a thing so baby, don't feel no pain, just smile back"
On the final word Tonis head dropped a little and the crowd roared in cheer. Toni composed herself and raised her mic back up to her lips.
"thanks everybody, goodnight" she dropped the mic and stumbled across to the side of the stage.
"Toni are you-" Toni raised her hand before Veronica could finish.
"don't.. Please" she stumbled on backstage and collapsed into a chair, the weight of the world slumping on her.
"Cheryl you need to look online right now!" Kevin spoke urgently down the phone once Cheryl answered the phone.
"jeeze alright alright" Cheryl opened up her laptop "what exactly am I searching" Cheryl sighed slightly too tired for this.
"Toni Topaz" Cheryls curiosity started to fill her and she quickly typed her name.
"what has she done this time" she scoffed and entered the search. She clicked on the newest news update.
'The Serpents concert, a night of chaos'
Cheryl clicks on the article and starts to read.
'it was one thing after the other a few hours earlier at The Serpents concert. Starting with a fan who passed out on stage only to be helped by the lead singer to wake her up. But that wasn't the end of the crazy night as later on in the show the stage had a malfunction as a panel fell through bringing the lead singer down with it. Reports have been said she has cuts up her leg and a sprained ankle from the fall though that didn't stop her from going on to finish the concert with a personal song she wrote wihh the help of band member the possible love affair drummer. The song spoke of what seemed to be Toni's life at the moment showing possibly rocky waters for the family as the emotional singer sung her heart out.
The highlights of the concert can be watched below'
"Toni is injured?" Cheryl asked worried, mind focused on that.
"Yeah but I think she got fixed up at the local hospital and is back out. But that's not what I rung you about, listen to the song. Publishers are all over this trying to create stories from it. Be careful, there's a lot of lies going around." Kevin informed.
"look Kevin I'm gonna go" Cheryl mumbled.
"wait Cheryl just-" she hung up and put the phone to the side. She took a deep breath and pressed play on the video.
The song broke her heart. Finally she had peeked under the wall Toni was putting up and she saw what really his behind. And it was so dark and lonely.
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