《-Eight People. One House-》The Halloween Special


Hercules beams as he stares into the mirror, happy with what he saw. He was dressed up as Patton from the Sander Sides. He quickly adjusts his real glasses. He needs to wear them, but he hates them because it makes him look less manly, y'know.

He was about to strike a pose when he heard a knock at the door and he went nyooming out of his room and to the door.


"Ok sweetie!"

Hercules swiftly opens the door, revealing his friends. Lafayette was dressed up as Roman. Alexander as Logan, and John as Virgil. Thomas was dressed up as Jake from Be More Chill, a long with James who was Rich. Which was weird, because they had kids at their school named Rich and Jake.

And Aaron was dressed up as a bear. Well it was against his own will.

And their costumes where pretty well done if he did say so himself, since he did design them himself.

"Yo! Where are we going again?"

John asks, stepping inside and hugging Hercules who smirked. Which made the whole group nervous.

"You're not going to take us to some field and murder us right-?"

"What? No! My moms are taking us to a haunted house!"

Hercules replies with a laugh as his moms stroll from their room.

Sarah, the younger of the two was dressed as Princes Bubble Gum and Jenna, the older was dressed as Marceline.

"Yup! A haunted house!"

Sarah hums before being pulled into a hug with Jenna by James.

"Hi Aunties!"

"Why hello James! How are you?"

Jenna smiles, ruffling his hair.

James giggles and beams.

"G-Good! This is my boyfriend T-Thomas!"

He points to Thomas, who shyly waved.

Sarah walks over to him and shakes his hand.


"Nice to meet you! Also if you ever do anything wrong to my nephew I will kill you and have Jenna bury the body and no body will know where you went."

Thomas gulps and nods.

Sarah smiled and walks back to Jenna.

"You guys ready?"


The group stood in line for the haunted house, some more excited than others.

One of those, who where not exited, was Thomas.

He wouldn't admit it, but he was petrified of haunted houses. Well, Lafayette knew but knew that he would die is he told anyone.

But James picked up on Thomas' nervousness, tapping him in on the shoulder. Thomas basically jumped out of his skin, turning to James with a frightened look on his face before calming down.


"What's wrong? Y-You seem on edge."

"What? No! I'm fine! I swear!"



"Are you scared?"

"What no!"

Thomas denies, his cheeks heating up.

God damn it.

"H-Huh. Ok."

James replies, though he was skeptical.

The other one who wasn't exactly excited about this was Aaron.

He was shaking a lot and his eyes where darting around.

Alexander lightly poked him, for which Aaron only flinched at and continued to stare.

This concerned Alexander so he gently took the small boy's face in his hands and stared into his eyes, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

In this instant Aaron snapped out of it and looked at the other with a confused look.

"Can you let go of my face?"

Alexander quickly did so, chuckling.

"Sorry! You where kinda just staring? Are you ok?"

Aaron hesitantly nods, adjusting his bear ears and looking down.

"What ever you say, Burr cub."

And with that Alexander got a punch to the ribs.


The group was walking through the haunted house, and everything was going well. Partly.

Thomas was quite literally clinging to James, who didn't seemed phased by any of the jump scares.

Lafayette and Hercules where laughing and chatting, but would always jump at the jump scares but never scream.

Aaron would indeed scream, but not loudly. Just a quiet high pitched noise that Alexander teased him about.

So everything was going well, until they came to a grave yard area.

Hands started shoot up from the ground and grabbing peoples ankles.

And for once, Hercules borderline screamed. It was the most horrifying noise ever and the group booked it out of there.


"A hand!"


Aaron suddenly screeches as a figure comes out of the shadows and grabs John by his shoulders and pulls him backwards quickly.

He let out the most inhuman scream ever as he tried to fight the person and Alexander was trying to pull him back.

Eventually the person let him go.

"Oh my god I just imagined death so much I felt just like a memory.."

John breathes out, his eyes wide.

They basically run through the rest of the haunted house, people one by one getting separated.

Until it was just Hercules and Alexander.


"Yes Herc-?"

"I-If their dead-"


Alexander grabs the frightened Hercules' shoulders, trying to calm him down.

"Ok. This is good. Everyone is ok."

Hercules mutters as they finally made their way out of the haunted house, breathing heavily and soon found the group standing there, chatting and smiling.

The first to notice their appearance was Lafayette.

"You guys! That was amazing right? It scared the shit out of me when I was grabbed though! How come you guys 'survived'?"

"I don't know! Luck I guess!"

Hercules laughs nervously before embracing Lafayette in a hug.

"Never let me talk you guys into going to a haunted house again, ok?"


The group was cuddled up in pile, under a shitton of blankets watching the classic Halloween movie, Nightmare before Christmas because their nerds and they love it.

Hercules was laid across Lafayette, who was sitting upright.

John had his head on Hercules' stomach, who was super against it until he was finally convinced to let John lay there.

Alexander was sitting it between John's legs, his head set on the others shoulder.

Aaron was curled up next to Alexander, asleep.

Everyone had to internalize their awe's because holy shit he's just too cute.

Thomas was sitting upright next to Aaron with James sitting in his lap, smiling. Thomas had his arms wrapped around James protectively, which James chuckles at.

And for once. Everything was calm and quiet. And everyone was happy and at peace.

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