《The Bookworm {Jasper X Reader}》The Discovery


It was a bright sunny day and the two of you had nothing particular to do. It was too hot to go train with the others, too hot to go to the funland, too hot to do anything. Not like you wanted to go anywhere anyway in the first place.

You just sat in your living room, talking. You of course sat on her lap, as lately you didn't sit anywhere else. Not that she minded though.

You were just talking about various stuff that happened, occasionaly sharing a quick kiss.

Well, it slowly begun to get a little bit steamy in there, you both were whispering sweet words of admiration to each other while kissing and it would probably escalate pretty quickly, if it wasn't for the sudden voice of a certain small boy behind you.

"Oh. My. Gooooosh!" you heard Steven squeal.

You quickly turned around and stood up, your face redder than a Ruby's gem. And you didn't even have to look at your gem lover to know her face was in a similiar state.

"S-Steven! We didn't hear you enter!" you stated what was blatantly obvious while a fake, guilty smile stretched across your face.

"What... are you doing here, Ros- I mean Steven?" Jasper chimed in with a similiar smile you were wearing.

"Aaaare you two dating?" he just plainly asked in an enthusiastic voice, a large grin spread across his face.


"Kinda...?" you finished the sentence.

Steven started jumping up and down while clapping his hands "Ooooh, you will be so cute together! Wait until Garnet hears this! And Pearl! And Amethyst, though she will probably just laugh... And Peridot and Lapis and Conn-"

"Wait, wait, hold on, little Quartz boy! We... don't exactly want everyone to know... not yet anyway" your girlfriend slowly said.


"Awwwww, but why?" Steven pouted. You could bet he had already planned how to tell everybody in the whole Beach City. Ronaldo would then probably ramble about how aliens are stealing brides and what not.

"We want to wait for a bit... we don't even know how to tell them. It's pretty complicated, even for us. You see, these human/gems relationships aren't so easy as Greg made them seem to be..."

"Oh... I see..." he seemed disappointed for a moment, before he beamed up again "So will you come to the beach with us?"

"Sure. We have nothing better to do anyway" Besides sexing it up, if it wasn't for you interrupting us.

Steven nodded, muttered a quick 'great!' and ran from the house. You were about to pack up your things, but yet another person came in. This time, you both actually heard the door, which was now pretty useless, as you weren't smashing your lips together anymore.

You turned around after you put your sunscreen in the bag, your eyes meeting with a visorless tall gem.

Garnet? What is she doing here?

"Jasper, (Y/n)! We need to talk."

"About what exactly?" Jasper leaned on the counter behind her, although you were sure she knew exactly what she was talking about.

Goddamn future vision. Not even simple secrets are kept safe from this gem.

"You two of course. Some tips, from both of my sides." she raised her palms up facing us, so we could see both Ruby and Sapphire's gems.

You heard Jasper sigh. This is going to be long.


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