《Love sting's》Chapter10:The warning


Authors note: Im finally able to write yay sorry for no updates in a while

"What about a....a movie?" Sting asked

"Where have I seen this kinda thing before"sting thought with a sarcastic tone

"Sure but what movie.....?" Natsu asked

"Hmm maybe a-" sting was cut off

"Horror movie?" rouge smirked as he leaned on the doorway

"I see your habit of spying on people is still apparent..." Sting mumbled

"And I see your mumbling skills haven't improved either" rouge replied pointing at one of his ears indicating he heard sting mumble

"Shut it!" Sting replied to rouge with a pissed off tone

"Ladies your both pretty now stop arguing.." Natsu jumped into the conversation as he crossed his arms

Rouge laughed a bit as sting just sighed as he locked a arm with Natsu and started to walk out the room

"Have fun you two" rouge waved from the room as the two walked out and walked passed wendy

"Where are you two going?" Wendy raised a brow

"To see a movie" Natsu replied

"What kind?" Wendy asked

"Horror maybe" sting jumped in

"We'll have fun and don't do anything stupid.." Wendy smiled

"We won't" sting and Natsu said in unison

Rouge walked out there room

"And I better not get a bill from the theater saying you destroyed it..." He added

"You really don't trust us do you?" Sting asked

"Not one bit" rouge replied with a smirk as he went towards the kitchen

"Wow...no hesitation" Wendy laughed

Sting rolled his eyes while Natsu nervously laughed then the two headed to the theater

On the way the ran into a few friends from school then continued to walk as they entered the theater they looked at the movies


"So what do you wanna see?" Natsu said looking at the list of movies

"Hmm.." Sting looked at the list

"What about nightmare on elm street?" Natsu pointed at the list

"Sure what time does it start?" Sting asked looking at Natsu

"Hmm.....damn it 4:40....it's only 2:15...." Natsu sighed

"Hmm what about paranormal activity?" Sting pointed out the movie

"It starts at 2:20!" Natsu smiled and grabbed stings wrist

"GAH! Don't just grab people Geez!" Sting chuckled as he was walking right behind Natsu

"But it's 2:17!" Natsu spoke

"Oh shit let's hurry!" Sting walked after Natsu as they grabbed a few snacks and drinks and headed to the movie

They sat near the front and the movie just started as they watched the first part Natsu whispered

"It does not look scary"Natsu whispered

"It will get better..." Sting whispered back

After a few hours the exited the theater

"Well I'm not getting to sleep tonight....." Natsu chuckled a bit

Sting just chuckled with him

"It's getting late let's head home alright?" Sting smiled at Natsu

"Yeah.."Natsu smiled back as the two walked sting reached for Natsu's hand

Natsu walked and smiled he really enjoyed this kinda thing,his thought where interrupted by something grabbing his hand as he looked it was stings hand,Natsu chuckled lightly and held stings hand as the two walked home

"So Natsu...." Sting tried to break the silence

"Yeah?" Natsu replied

"Did you have fun?" Sting asked

"Yeah I did" Natsu replied as they saw the house in the distance

"Wanna race?" Natsu smirked

"Sure" sting smirked back

"Alright let's go" Natsu the took off with sting following

The first to make it was Natsu and he jumped up and chuckled as sting jut rolled his eyes and opened the door to see wendy on the phone


"Hey wendy who are you talking to?" Natsu asked as wendy smiled and handed the phone to Natsu

"It's for you~" Wendy giggled as Natsu raised a brow then placed the phone by his ear

"Hello?" Natsu said

"Natsu how Ya been?" The person replied

"Oh igneel it's you! And Ive been doing great!" Natsu smiled

"Well Natsu I need to warn you about something..." Igneel's voice had grown serious as Natsu seemed a little worried

"Warn me about what?" Natsu asked which earned a strange look from sting and wendy

"Acnolgia..." (Don't know how to spell it whoops😓)igneel replied

"W-what?what about him!?" Natsu seemed more worried as sting went closer to hear the conversation

"He is on his way to you......just be careful.....and don't let him see you...." Igneel sounded more worried then Natsu

Natsu could not believe this igneel warned him that acnolgia was coming after him so many questions filled Natsu's mind

"Natsu?" Igneel spoke

"S-sorry I got it...." Natsu replied

"Please be careful Natsu I am on my way to the town...." Igneel smiled a bit

"Alright love ya and be safe" Natsu spoke

"You as well..." Igneel then hung up

"Natsu who is acnolgia?" Sting asked as wendy seemed frightened by the name itself

Natsu looked at sting with a hint of fear as he explained

"So what your saying is a two dragons are coming to this town!? And one wants to find you and the other which is your father wants to stop him!?" Sting seemed to understand somewhat

"Yes..." Wendy spoke for Natsu

"Pretty much.." Natsu seemed a bit more worried

"Your a magnet of disaster Geez" sting sighed with a soft smile and hugged Natsu who hugged back

"You could say that..."Natsu smiled some

"You two should eat something rouge went out for a bit but left food for us" Wendy smiled

"Good let's eat" sting entered the kitchen his arm around Natsu's waist as they walked

"Igneel is gonna have a surprise when he gets here" Wendy smiled and followed the two


Rize: that's the end of this chapter sorry if it seems short hope you enjoyed

Wendy:I know I did

Rize:hehe we are the shippers of these two!

Natsu and sting:.........

Rize:hehe see Ya next swim time

Wendy: wrong line!


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